BlizzConline Bundles - The Celebration Collection
BlizzCon bundles have appeared on the Battle.Net shop! These packs will be available through September 15, 2021.

Essentials Pack - $20
  • World of Warcraft - Moon-touched Netherwhelp pet
  • Blizzard Gear Store - Coupon for 15% Off a purchase
  • Hearthstone - 10 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire card packs
  • Heroes of the Storm - Tracer’s OSV-03 Rogue mount With the Tracer Hero
  • Overwatch - 5 Loot Boxes and 30th Anniversary Player Icon and Spray
  • StarCraft II and StarCraft: Remastered - Set of 30th Anniversary Portraits
  • Diablo III - Pet and Portrait

Heroic Pack - $40
  • All of the Essentials Pack, plus:
  • World of Warcraft - Snowstorm mount
  • Hearthstone - Random Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Legendary Card
  • Overwatch - Raynhardt legendary skin
  • Diablo III - Wings

Epic Pack - $60
  • All of the Essentials and Heroic Packs, plus:
  • World of Warcraft - 30 days of game time ($15 value)
  • Hearthstone - 5 Golden Madness at the Darkmoon Faire card packs
  • Overwatch - 3 Golden Loot Boxes
  • Diablo III - Transmog Set

This article was originally published in forum thread: BlizzConline Bundles - The Celebration Collection started by chaud View original post
Comments 129 Comments
  1. Huntaer's Avatar
    Well i normally pay to watch blizzcon live anyway, might as well get that heroic pack
  1. Greyvax's Avatar
    No... No i don't think i will.
  1. Wishblade's Avatar
    Sure it's crazy to spend 40 euros on a mount (and other stuff I don't care about) but I'm a dumb nerd so whatever.

    Plus, as stated above, it's kinda like having bought the virtual ticket, so no biggie.
  1. Dystemper's Avatar
    Nah. Terrible incentives. Blizzard has gone down hill do much
  1. Soimu's Avatar
    Buy all this crap and then come back to forums to b...h how shit wow is and wonder why.
  1. GildedOssuary's Avatar
    Is the transmog set for D3 or Warcraft?
  1. Toybox's Avatar
    I've never bought a VT & I'm not going to start now, but god damn that mount is nice...
  1. Darkeon's Avatar
    Guess we are going to have a frost-themed patch or something down the line. Probably very unrewarding too, but something that could easily reward that mount instead.
  1. DrIvoRobotnik's Avatar
    Well, anything actually on the table of Blizzcon as far as hype or entertainment? Epic pack seems pretty lame, it's like they took the old virtual ticket and threw an extra 20 dollar tag on it.
  1. burek's Avatar
    Poor diablo, not even in the pictures
  1. Azerate's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Guess we are going to have a frost-themed patch or something down the line. Probably very unrewarding too, but something that could easily reward that mount instead.
    Probably a throwback to the original blizzard bear from back in the day
  1. LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
    There's no Tmog set? Maybe that's what the Fairy Dagon one was for, but they never used it because 2020's Blizzcon was cancelled?
  1. Toppy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkeon View Post
    Guess we are going to have a frost-themed patch or something down the line. Probably very unrewarding too, but something that could easily reward that mount instead.
    Winter Queens bear.
  1. Alayea's Avatar
    I'll be taking a pass on this again. I only play WoW and, with the one exception, don't buy from the Blizzard Gear Store. If only there were a way to get a discounted price for the stuff you actually may care about...
  1. stoffe's Avatar
    Got the epic box cool icebear mount tho!
  1. Kiivar86's Avatar
    Well still better than the last two Blizzcons, I think (2018 was the infamous Alliance/Horde cloaks and banners, 2019 was the yeti onesie).

    Still not gonna get it though. But am curious if the bear signifies anything. Whelp's most likely pointing to TBC coming back for classic.
  1. Pebrocks The Warlock's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dystemper View Post
    Nah. Terrible incentives. Blizzard has gone down hill do much
    How is this any different to past Blizzcon incentives?
  1. Kiivar86's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    There's no Tmog set? Maybe that's what the Fairy Dagon one was for, but they never used it because 2020's Blizzcon was cancelled?
    That's been the general assumption for the fae dragon outfit, yeah.
  1. Azerate's Avatar
    If the mount was available in the base pack I wouldn't think twice. 40 euro seems a bit too steep for a mount I would mostly be buying for the +1 count, especially when I'm far above all achievement requirements. Don't care about the other games, maybe D3, but that's basically going away soon so investing in items for it sounds pretty dumb
  1. Subrias's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Soimu View Post
    Buy all this crap and then come back to forums to b...h how shit wow is and wonder why.
    Wow is actually in a decent place. The people complaining about pvp are low rating. Most of the 2k plus 3s groups say it's in a great spot. The people who complain about the loot make me laugh. The loot chances are about 1 in 7 which actually makes it better chances than anything pre cata.. but this way you have a high chance to get an upgrade at the end of the week. If you run a whopping 4 m+10 you get a choice of 2 ilvl 220 items that are likely guaranteed upgrades unless you happen to be running mythic raids or are above 1800 pvp rating. Me and my guild are average heroic raiders and we love this expansion so far.

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