Raid Finder and Quest Chains
It is intentional that the quests “
In Nightmares” and “
Essence of Power” cannot be completed on Raid Finder difficulty. That quest chain is intended to provide a cosmetic reward for participating in organized, non-matchmade content. As such, we wanted to keep this step in line with the previous steps in the chain, which require completing Mythic Dungeons.
This restriction is specific to this quest chain, which has a cosmetic-only reward. Other quest chains, such as “The Stuff of Dreams” from the Suramar campaign, will be completable through Raid Finder. We’ll be making some additional changes in Patch 7.1 to more clearly communicate when and where these restrictions apply.
Thanks for confirming the inevitable. I'll be saving some money every month now, because I am done with this game. If this is intended and staying in the game, you just lost a customer. It is clear blizzard is clueless about their own game. I guess it's true, no King lives forever. Good luck everyone. Blizzard, you failed.
Again, a cosmetic reward we are reserving for those who participate in organized, non-matchmade content.
This is not something you, by any means, "need". And "needing" it on every alt, doubly so. If you desire it, then organize a raid or join a guild that will put you in their raiding ranks and dedicate the time to obtaining the items.
We simply disagree that these skins should be handed out without dedication and challenge.
I appreciate constructive feedback and discussion on this topic, and will discuss what's here with the developers once it's had time to settle, but anything that says "the world is ending" or "blizzard is killing their player-base" because not everyone will get a cosmetic skin is a bit of a fallacy. (
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)
Cross-Realm Zones
We've stated this numerous times, but this is not new. CRZ has existed in Broken Isle zones since launch, however you may not have seen it active due to the amount of players leveling the same zone on your server.
Cross-realm technology activates automatically. I suspect that you may be seeing people from other realms since LFR opened today, and many players are trying out that newly opened content (hence, less players in the "world"). It's also 3pm PST on a weekday, which isn't what I'd consider peak-time.
No. People are confused because CRZ has never before been active on current content. Pandaria wasn't CRZ'd until 6.0. Draenor wasn't CRZ'd until 7.0.
We've had a bit of a shift in philosophy here with this expansion; some of this shift was influenced by the implementation of World Quests across Legion content. This would explain why CRZ was turned on for Pandaria with 6.0, but is active in 7.0 content now.
A bit of a larger conversation, part of which doesn't really fit a forum post from myself.
Again, just to reiterate, CRZ is intentional, but it should be not be massively disrupting the world and/or day-to-day activities. Seeing players from other realms is normal, seeing thousands of them, not so much.
It makes more sense now why it's happening so much after server restarts. People start logging in, CRZ code says "woah there's hardly any people in this area, TO THE MERGEMOBILE", then goes and takes a nap for 8 hours before realizing "hey i just put too many people together, oopsie-doodle".
I can't say for sure, but in my head this makes sense.
People are working, at school, or otherwise offline after our maintenance and restarts (Tuesdays, amirite?) - which would, in turn, activate CRZ. (
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)