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lvl | Type | Spec | Slot | Item |
284 | Plate | Melee.DPS | Feet | Apocalypse's Advance |
284 | Plate | Spell | Feet | Foreshadow Steps |
284 | Plate | Tanking | Feet | Treads of Impending Resurrection |
284 | Phys.DPS | Feet | Returning Footfalls | |
284 | Spell | Waist | Split Shape Belt | |
284 | Leather | Phys.DPS | Wrist | Umbrage Armbands |
284 | Leather | Spell | Wrist | Phaseshifter's Bracers |
284 | Cloth | Spell | Wrist | Bracers of Fiery Night |
284 | Cloak | Spell | Back | Cloak of Burning Dusk |
284 | Neck | Melee.DPS | Neck | Penumbra Pendant |
284 | Finger | Phys.DPS | Finger | Signet of Twilight |
284 | Finger | Spell MP5 | Finger | Ring of Phased Regeneration |
284 | Trinket | Phys.DPS | Trinket | Sharpened Twilight Scale |
284 | Trinket | Tanking | Trinket | Petrified Twilight Scale |
284 | Trinket | Spell DPS | Trinket | Charred Twilight Scale |
284 | Trinket | Healing | Trinket | Glowing Twilight Scale |
lvl | Type | Spec | Slot | Item |
271 | Plate | Melee.DPS | Feet | Apocalypse's Advance |
271 | Plate | Spell | Feet | Foreshadow Steps |
271 | Plate | Tanking | Feet | Treads of Impending Resurrection |
271 | Phys.DPS | Feet | Returning Footfalls | |
271 | Spell | Waist | Split Shape Belt | |
271 | Leather | Phys.DPS | Wrist | Umbrage Armbands |
271 | Leather | Spell | Wrist | Phaseshifter's Bracers |
271 | Cloth | Spell | Wrist | Bracers of Fiery Night |
271 | Cloak | Spell | Back | Cloak of Burning Dusk |
271 | Neck | Melee.DPS | Neck | Penumbra Pendant |
271 | Finger | Phys.DPS | Finger | Signet of Twilight |
271 | Finger | Spell MP5 | Finger | Ring of Phased Regeneration |
271 | Trinket | Phys.DPS | Trinket | Sharpened Twilight Scale |
271 | Trinket | Tanking | Trinket | Petrified Twilight Scale |
271 | Trinket | Spell DPS | Trinket | Charred Twilight Scale |
271 | Trinket | Healing | Trinket | Glowing Twilight Scale |
lvl | Type | Spec | Slot | Item |
271 | Plate | Tanking | Feet | Scion's Treads |
271 | Plate | Spell | Waist | Surrogate Belt |
271 | Plate | Melee.DPS | Wrist | Bracers of the Heir |
271 | Spell | Feet | Boots of Divided Being | |
271 | Phys.DPS | Shoulder | Twilight Scale Shoulders | |
271 | Leather | Spell | Hands | Changeling Gloves |
271 | Leather | Melee.DPS | Chest | Gloaming Sark |
271 | Cloth | Spell | Waist | Misbegotten Belt |
271 | Cloak | Spell MP5 | Back | Abduction's Cover |
271 | Finger | Melee.DPS | Finger | Zarithrian's Offering |
271 | Finger | Spell Hit | Finger | Saviana's Tribute |
271 | Neck | Melee.DPS | Neck | Baltharus' Gift |
lvl | Type | Spec | Slot | Item |
258 | Plate | Melee.DPS | Wrist | Bracers of the Heir |
258 | Plate | Tanking | Feet | Scion's Treads |
258 | Plate | Spell | Waist | Surrogate Belt |
258 | Phys.DPS | Shoulder | Twilight Scale Shoulders | |
258 | Spell | Feet | Boots of Divided Being | |
258 | Leather | Phys.DPS | Chest | Gloaming Sark |
258 | Leather | Spell | Hands | Changeling Gloves |
258 | Cloth | Spell Hit | Waist | Misbegotten Belt |
258 | Cloak | Spell MP5 | Back | Abduction's Cover |
258 | Finger | Melee.DPS | Finger | Zarithrian's Offering |
258 | Finger | Spell Hit | Finger | Saviana's Tribute |
258 | Neck | Melee.DPS | Neck | Baltharus' Gift |
All Phases |
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Twilight Precision | Halion's insight into movement between phases allows him to deal unexpected strikes, increasing his chance to hit by 5% and reducing the enemies' chance to dodge his attacks by 20%. |
Phase 1 - Physical Realm |
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Meteor Strike | Deals 75000 to 85000 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards. The Meteor lands after a few seconds and shoots lines of fires throughout the area. In heroic mode, it also spawns a Living Inferno add. (Meteor Strike) |
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Flame Breath | Inflicts 39375 to 50625 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. 45 yd range. 2 sec cast. |
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Fiery Combustion | Engulfs an enemy target in flame, dealing 4000 Fire damage every 2 sec. Every time Fiery Combustion deals damage, it generates a Mark of Combustion charge on the target. When Combustion fades or is dispelled, it unleashes a patch of fire proportional in size to the number of charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. |
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Combustion | Deals 7000 to 9000 Fire damage and causes an additional 2000 Fire damage every 2 sec to targets that remain within the explosion area. 6 yards radius. |
Phase 2 (75% Health) - Twilight Realm |
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Dusk Shroud | An aura of twilight energy emanates from the caster, causing nearby enemies to suffer 6000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Affects all player in the Twilight Realm. |
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Twilight Cutter | Fires a beam of concentrated twilight energy, dealing massive Shadow damage to any enemies that make contact with it. The Twilight Cutter beam is created by the two spheres rotating around the area during the Twilight Realm Phase. The beam lasts 10 seconds and appears every 30 seconds. |
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Dark Breath | Inflicts 39375 to 50625 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. 45 yds. 2 sec cast |
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Soul Consumption | Engulfs an enemy target in dark energy, dealing 4000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Every time Soul Consumption deals damage, it generates a Mark of Consumption charge on the target. When Consumption fades or is dispelled, it unleashes a dark explosion proportional to the number of charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. |
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Consumption | Deals 8750 to 11250 Shadow damage every second to targets within 6 yards. |
Phase 3 (50% Health) - Corporeality |
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Corporeality | In the last phase of the fight, Halion opens portals to the Physical and Twilight realms and the raid has to split to fight him in both phases. He starts with 50% Corporeality, the % goes up and down depending on how much damage Halion takes in both realms, if you deal a lot of damage in the physical realm he will start dealing and taking less damage in the Twilight realm, and vice versa. The goal in this last phase of the fight is to balance the amount of DPS in both realms to make sure the Corporeality % stays between 40 and 60%. |