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by Published on 2021-08-21 01:09 AM

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New Flavors of Azeroth: The Official Cookbook
New Flavors of Azeroth is the newest cooking book for World of Warcraft, in which Nomi shares regional recipes and techniques from Pandaria, the Broken Isles, and Shadowlands. Easy-to-follow dishes are included in each chapter, as well as tips on how not to burn your food (unlike Nomi).

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Journey through Azeroth and prepare to feast on new culinary delights inspired by this officially-licensed World of Warcraft cookbook.

In World of Warcraft: The New Flavors of Azeroth: The Official Cookbook, Pandaren chef Nomi has collected the best recipes gathered during his travels and will instruct you in everything you need to know as you feast your way through Azeroth. As a young boy in Pandaria, Nomi answered the beckoning call of the Cooking School Bell and quickly grew into a promising chef. Through the years, this intrepid cook has traveled across Azeroth, learning countless regional recipes and techniques from Pandaria, the Broken Isles, and even the mysterious Shadowlands. Each chapter features easy-to-follow dishes, as well as numerous tips on how to not burn your food. Let culinary expert Nomi be your guide in World of Warcraft: New Flavors of Azeroth.

Troll Whip

Yaktail Stew

Bread of the Dead

Get your copy today from the Blizzard Gear Store, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine booksellers.
by Published on 2021-08-20 05:24 AM

Patch 9.1 Hotfixes - August 19, 2021
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

  • Mage
    • Fixed and issue with Harmonic Echo (Runecarving Power) not damaging nearby enemies on the 4th stack of Radiant Spark Vulnerability (Kyrian Ability).
    • Fire
      • Fixed an issue with Sun King's Blessing (Runecarving Power) triggering after consuming 9 Hot Streaks instead of the intended 8.
      • Fixed and issue with Sun King's Blessing (Runecarving Power) not granting the buff when Hot Streak is consumed by Flamestrike.
  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue with Call to Arms (Runecarving Power) not correctly tracking Xuen's empowered lightning damage when activated by Weapons of Order (Kyrian Ability).

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fleshwing should now always correctly fly to the ground, even if its initial flight down is interrupted by combat.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Eye of the Jailer
      • Fixed an issue where a debuff was not appearing on players targeted by Desolation Beam on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
    • Painsmith Raznal
      • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes be hit twice by the Physical damage of Shadowsteel Chains.
    • Guardian of the First Ones
      • Resolved an issue where several abilities could damage pets.
  • Halls of Atonement
    • Depraved Obliterator’s Wicked Bolt cast time has increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).


  • The mirrors in Revendreth related to the assault should now always be visible, regardless of any other quests that you have active in the area.
  • The clickable quest items for “Continued Efforts: Seeker's Quorum” now grant credit to party members.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Anima Powers
    • Death Knight
      • Engorged Limb should now trigger from all rune spending abilities.
by Published on 2021-08-19 09:19 PM

Patch 9.1.5 - Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, and more Customizations
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Greetings everyone

Our characters in game are a virtual representation of who we are in Azeroth and having more character customization options to design our characters helps us feel closer to them. Shadowlands brought a whole array of new customization options to the player races in World of Warcraft, but there were a few of the Allied Races that didn’t get as much attention as the rest.

Back at BlizzConline in February, we stated that we had no plans to add additional customization options until after Shadowlands, but after hearing the passionate feedback around the issue, we looked into whether we could implement more options sooner. We’re pleased to announce that 9.1.5 will introduce new character customization options for Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei which include: new hair styles, hair colors, facial hair, skin colors, accessories, horns, tail length, tattoos, and more!

In addition to new customization options for Lightforged Draenei and Nightborne, 9.1.5 will also introduce other cosmetics such as:
  • Ear Size options for Void Elves
  • New Travel Forms for Druids
  • New Soulshapes for Night Fae
    • New Crittershapes to unlock: Soulshape into an adorable squirrel or other small critters. Note: Due to their tiny appearances, they are only usable in rested areas.
    • Option to Soulshape and Crittershape into randomly collected appearances.
  • New Toys

We’ll be continuing to expand our character customization in the future, with our sights set on Highmountain Tauren next.

Stay tuned for more information.
by Published on 2021-08-19 06:46 PM

WoW Classic - Patch 1.14 PTR
Patch 1.14 PTR data is now available. While we don't know if any significant content changes come with it, there are some client changes that we do know about:

  • Patch 1.14 will likely be deployed to the Classic Era PTR soon.
  • The client is updated to the Patch 9.1 codebase, bringing it up to date with the features and bug fixes in Retail and TBC Classic.
  • This includes DirectX 12, Ray-traced shadows, and gamepad support.

by Published on 2021-08-18 02:19 AM

Patch 9.1 Hotfixes - August 17, 2021
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

  • Warlock
    • The Demonic Momentum conduit will now grant the correct amount of movement speed at item level 252.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Characters must now be level 60 to list Group Finder groups for Mythic+ dungeons or Shadowlands raids.
  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
      • Fixed an issue where players who have Forgeborne Reveries (Bonesmith Heirmir Soulbind) could be targeted for Grim Portent and Runic Affinity.
  • Sanguine Depths
    • Fixed an issue that unintentionally allowed players to leave the dungeon with the Sinfall Boon aura.

Items and Rewards

  • The Soultwining Crescent and Death-Bound Shard should now grant conduits by your current specialization instead of by your class.
    • Developers’ note: Players will need to switch their specialization to get conduits for the other specs, just changing your Loot Specialization will not work.
  • The Death-Bound Shard is more likely to appear on completion of the Adamant Vaults in Torghast, Tower of the Damned.
  • The Chronicle of Lost Memories item is now also available for 2000 Cataloged Research from Archivist Roh-Suir when you have Tier 3 Research with The Archivists' Codex.
    • Developers’ note: Thank you for all of your feedback on alts and how difficult it can be to acquire some legendary patterns, especially from Castle Nathria now that Sanctum of Domination is out. We hope that this change can give players a new way to acquire their last few legendaries by engaging with the newer Korthia content.
  • Increased the amount of Korthite Crystals rewarded in the Maw Assault box, Korthia weekly box, and Broker daily quests.
  • Shards of Domination
    • Shard of Zed is now affected by the caster's Versatility, rather than the target’s Versatility.
    • Fixed an issue where Shard of Zed could deal more damage than intended when applied to specific pets.


  • Resolved an issue with gromits during the “Think of the Critters” quest in Korthia. Hungry Gromits now anxiously await your delicious treats!

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