World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies RSS Feed

by Published on 2020-10-23 01:33 AM

WoW Patch 9.0.1 Hotfixes - October 22, 2020
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

  • Hunter
    • General
      • Fixed an issue that caused Feign Death to not cancel an enemy’s spell cast when used towards the end of the cast.

  • Paladin

Dungeons and Raids

  • Ny'alotha, the Waking City
    • N'Zoth the Corruptor
      • Fixed an issue where Basher Tentacles would cast Void Lash more frequently on all difficulties.

Items and Rewards


  • Sylvanas Windrunner should now be present in Grommash Hold if you have quests to turn in to her while you're also in the middle of the Vulpera Allied Race questline. Shhh... Don’t tell Tyrande.
by Published on 2020-10-23 12:25 AM

Naxxramas Raid Testing - October 23
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Friday, October 23, we will continue our raid tests in Naxxramas, with the Abomination Quarter.

NA - 2:00 p.m. PDT (5:00 p.m. EDT) to 6:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. EDT)
EU - 23:00 CEST to 03:00 CEST.

Bosses Available:

  • Patchwerk
  • Grobbulus
  • Gluth
  • Thaddius

This testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a test environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the bosses being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?
A: To facilitate and expedite testing, there is an NPC named Johnny McWeaksauce that has taken up temporary residence at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. He will provide players with Naxxramas attunement and instant teleportation into the Naxxramas raid. Johnny’s brother Jimmy, can be found within the raid and will provide access to consumables and reagents.

Q: Can I test with less than a full, content-ready raid group?
A: There will be a zone aura present within the raid that will provide players with a significant health and damage boost to help them overcome the challenges of Naxxramas. The intent of these raid tests is not to provide a challenge that perfectly matches what we expect players to experience when the raid goes live. The intent is to exercise boss mechanics and give us additional confidence that the raid encounters are behaving as expected. The hope is that even if you cannot muster a full 40-person raid to test with, or wish to form a pick-up-group on the PTR, you can still participate and make considerable progress within the dungeon if you so desire.

Please use the in-game bug reporter to send us any bug reports or issues that you encounter while playtesting on the PTR. We appreciate you taking the time to test this content, and we look forward to your feedback.
by Published on 2020-10-22 01:22 AM

Shadowlands Beta - Build 36294

WoW Patch 9.0.1 Hotfixes - October 21, 2020
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

  • The Character Transfer gold limit for characters level 40-49 has increased to 250,000 gold.


  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Fixed an issue that caused Armor to decrease when using Demon Spikes while there is an active Demon Spikes Armor buff.

  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Arcane Pummeling (Azerite Trait) damage per wave reduced by 40%.
        • Developers’ note: With the change to Arcane's Mastery and Clearcasted Arcane Missiles, the Arcane Pummeling Azerite Trait gained more power than intended.

  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Fixed an issue causing Atonement to heal for too little at low levels.
    • Shadow
      • Spiteful Apparitions (Azerite Trait) damage reduced by 34%.
      • Whispers of the Damned (Azerite Trait) Insanity generation reduced by 50%.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Utgarde Pinnacle
    • King Ymiron
      • Dark Slash now deals appropriate damage on Normal difficulty.


  • You’ll now be ported back onto the ship if you accidentally fall off during the Horde quest “Paint it Red!” and Alliance quest “Unleash Hell”.

WoW Classic

  • The Hallow’s End Tricked or Treated aura can no longer be pushed off by other auras when reaching the aura limit.
by Published on 2020-10-21 08:49 PM

Shadowlands Beta Build 36294 - Druid and Priest Class Changes

Shadowlands Beta - Build 36294
A new build is on the way!

Experience Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
XP Required
  • Level 50-51 Per Kill - 265 300
  • Level 50-51 Total - 177190 194030
  • Level 51-52 Per Kill - 270 305
  • Level 51-52 Total - 194600 212870
  • Level 52-53 Per Kill - 275 310
  • Level 52-53 Total - 205465 225770
  • Level 53-54 Per Kill - 280 315
  • Level 53-54 Total - 216600 240255
  • Level 54-55 Per Kill - 285 320
  • Level 54-55 Total - 228005 255180
  • Level 55-56 Per Kill - 290 325
  • Level 55-56 Total - 239680 272795
  • Level 56-57 Per Kill - 295 330
  • Level 56-57 Total - 251625 291495
  • Level 57-58 Per Kill - 300 335
  • Level 57-58 Total - 263840 311490
  • Level 58-59 Per Kill - 305 340
  • Level 58-59 Total - 276325 332165
  • Level 59-60 Per Kill - 310 345
  • Level 59-60 Total - 289080 353410

Shadowlands Development Update Notes - October 21
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
This week’s Shadowlands Beta build includes several notable updates that are now ready for testing.

Renown User Interface
This UI has been revamped. It is no longer attached to your Reservoir UI NPC. It now has its own dedicated NPC in your Sanctum. It should be much clearer now what your past and upcoming rewards are, and some rewards on the Renown track have been put in more appropriate places.

Talents have also been reorganized, and players will find that in most cases, the talent that was previously the final ability is now the starter ability.
In cases where that didn’t happen, the existing talents have been tuned to match the a more-expected power level.

Ve’nari Torghast Items
Ve’nari in the Maw now sells several items that serve as meta-progression for Torghast. You can buy the items and use them, but they aren’t functional in this build. We expect to have all of this functioning as expected in next week’s build.
Thank you very much for your testing and feedback.

Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Battle for Azeroth


Covenant Sanctums
Expansion Features
  • Death Foursworn Defeat Thran'tiok in a Trial of Humility after destroying four phylacteries. 5 points. without damaging her before destroying all phylacteries. 5 points.
  • Disciple of Humility Defeat Defeat all ten Trials of Humility with Pelagos, Kleia, and Mikanikos.
  • Master of the Path Defeat Defeat all ten Trials of Humility without any charms or active braziers. 5 points.
  • To the Moon (New) Wave goodbye to Athanos after he waves to you.




World Events
  • Shake Your Bunny-Maker Use Spring Flowers to place rabbit ears upon players of at least 10th level. 10 points. who are level 20 or above. 10 points.

  • Exile's Reach Escape the isle of Exile's Reach and embark upon a greater adventure. 10 points.Account Wide.



Shadowlands Dungeon
Dungeons & Raids
  • Hooked On Hydroponics Defeat Ingra Maloch after defeating an Overgrown Hydra on in thie the Mists of Tirna Scithe on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.

Spell Changes
There were a lot of spell changes in this build! In the interest of keeping the front page usable, we've moved them to a separate post.

Garrison Talent Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Anima Diversion
  • Flowing Power Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to further locations for anima diversion in Ardenweald. Allows you to channel anima to Claw's Edge and Tirna Scithe, granting access to Night Fae enhancements and an elite foe.
  • Flowing Power Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to further locations for anima diversion in Maldraxxus. Allows you to channel anima to the House of Rituals and the Theatre of Pain, granting access to Necrolord enhancements and an elite foe.
  • Flowing Power Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to further locations for anima diversion in Revendreth. Allows you to channel anima to the Shrouded Asylum and Dominance Keep, granting access to Venthyr enhancements and an elite foe.
  • Flowing Power Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Allows you to channel anima to the Eonian Archives and the Citadel of Loyalty, granting access to Kyrian enhancements and a powerful enemy champion. an elite foe.
  • Flowing Tendrils Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to the Sanctum's first two anima diversion locations. Allows you to channel anima to the Crypt of the Forgotten and Wanecrypt Hill, granting access to a special treasure and an enemy champion.
  • Flowing Tendrils Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to the Sanctum's first two anima diversion locations. Allows you to channel anima to Glitterfall Basin and Dreamsong Fen, granting access to a special treasure and an enemy champion.
  • Flowing Tendrils Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to the Sanctum's first two anima diversion locations. Allows you to channel anima to the House of the Chosen and the House of Constructs, granting access to a special treasure and an enemy champion.
  • Streaming Threads Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to more locations for anima diversion in Ardenweald. Allows you to channel anima to Tirna Vaal and the Hibernal Hollow, granting access to a new World Quest and new Daily Quests.
  • Streaming Threads Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to more locations for anima diversion in Revendreth. Allows you to channel anima to the Court of Harvesters and Pridefall Hamlet, granting access to a new World Quest and new Daily Quests.
  • Streaming Threads Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks access to more locations for anima diversion in Maldraxxus. Allows you to channel anima to the House of Plagues and the House of Eyes, granting access to a new World Quest and new Daily Quests.

Travel Network
  • A Keep Above Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Second tier of the Maldraxxus Transport Network Unlock a portal connecting the Seat of the Primus to the necropolis, Zerekriss. This fully mobile necropolis provides an aerial advantage over all the houses of Maldraxxus. Use this to your advantage. Allows access across the entire zone.
  • Blossoming Network Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Third tier of the Ardenweald travel network The mushroom network rediscovers its full potential, restoring the connections to the Crumbled Ridge, Eventide Grove, and Tirna Scithe Allows you access to the mysterious islands that can be found at the very edges of the realm. Provides more opportunities to work towards gaining an exalted reputation with Marasmius to earn his rarest gifts! Adds a portal to Oribos within the Heart of the Forest.
  • Eternal Paths Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Allows travel to the Temple of Humility and the Eonian Archives Terrace of the Collectors. Unburden additionally reduces the radius at which enemies will detect you while active. Your steward's Elysian Beacon can now be used by party members.Establishes a portal to Oribos within Elysian Hold.
  • Flying Fortress Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Third tier of the Maldraxxus travel network Unlock a portal beneath the necropolis, Exoramas, deep within the House of Rituals. Access to this portal is as dangerous as it is potentially advantageous. Adds a portal to Oribos within your Sanctum.
  • Fun with Fungi Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Second tier of the Ardenweald travel network The tendrils of the wondrous mushroom network grow further, restoring access to the Banks of Life, the Elder Stand, and Gormhive. Discover the hidden underground caverns that can only be accessed through the network. Improve your reputation with Marasmius to earn unique rewards for your efforts aiding the growth of the network.
  • Looking Glass Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Activates additional locations for the Mirror Network across Revendreth. Restore additional power to the Mirror Network. Doing so opens up more locations to expand your influence across Revendreth. Diverting this additional anima to the network will restore mirrors in The Halls of Atonement and The Banewood.
  • Mirror, Mirror Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Activates locations for the Mirror Network across Revendreth. This mysterious network of ancient mirrors can allow the user to move between various points across Revendreth. By reactivating the network, you initially restore mirrors in The Eternal Terrace and Pridefall Hamlet.
  • Mirror's Edge Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Activates additional locations for the Mirror Network across Revendreth. Your mastery of Mirrors will be complete. This final restoration effort will restore the mirrors in The Feeders' Thicket and Dominance Keep. Now at full power the network provides you the ability to find and repair damaged mirrors across Revendreth. Venturing through these special mirrors can lead to new discoveries, and even unique rewards you can only access through these mirrors. Adds a portal to Oribos within Sinfall.
  • Nurtured Roots Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: First tier of the Ardenweald Travel Network Activates the mysterious mushroom network that connects sites across Ardenweald. You can travel between the Heart of the Forest, and Forest's Edge, The Stalks, or Stillglade.
  • Ziggurat Now Name changed from "Ziggaraut Now" to "Ziggurat Now". Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: First tier of the Maldraxxus Transport Network Begin to master knowledge of the massive Necropolis' that dominates the sky above Maldraxxus. Unlocks additional travel options through the Necropolis.

  • Deserved Feast Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Increases the rate at which adventurers companions naturally heal by 25%.. Ability: Increases the rate at which adventurers heal by 25%.
  • Enhanced Purification Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Increases the rate at which adventurers companions naturally heal by 25%.. Ability: Increases the rate at which adventurers heal by 25%.
  • Recuperative Treatments Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Increases the rate at which adventurers companions naturally heal by 25%.. Ability: Increases the rate at which adventurers heal by 25%.

  • A New Court Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Help Theotar open a Re-establish the Ember Court, and start on a journey to restore it to it's former glory. Help Theotar build this new court that will expand the influence of the Venthyr covenant.across Revendreth and beyond.
  • Best Fiends Forvever Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the fifth rank of Abominable Stitching. Grants you the final rank of prowess in Abominable Stitching. Welcome the Soulfused Construct to your ranks and create the awesome Bonesewn Fleshroc. Marshall your entire stable of constructs to earn the rarest prizes.
  • Bring them to Life Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the third rank of Abominable Stitching. Grants you the third rank of prowess in Abominable Stitching. Gain the ability to call in Emeni to aid you in combat. Allows you to build additional constructs to bolster your forces
  • Build a Buddy Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks Restoring anima to this area grants you the first rank of Abominable Stitching. Stitching.Allowing you to build your own constructs! Welcome Chordy and a variety of other useful constructs to aid you in gathering resources to build out the rest your construct forces.
  • Continued Training Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Empowers more of your captured memories, unlocking the rest of the Trials of Loyalty as well as the first of the Trials of Wisdom. Their training on the Path has strengthened your soulbinds, increasing their health and damage. The Brazier of Lessons Learned has been activated, increasing your soulbinds' health and damage in Ascension Coliseum.
  • Court Influencer Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: Increase the capacity for guests within the Ember Court. Now you can: Expand the guest list, allowing you to invite a third guest to each Ember Court.Increasing your options for earning unique rewards from your guests.
  • Crafting limbs Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the second rank of Abominable Stitching. Grants you the second rank of prowess in Abominable Stitching. Allows you to build additional constructs. Gain access to a new battle pet, a construct disguise and other useful consumables.
  • Discerning Taste Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: This infusion of anima continues to build upon the Ember Courts growing reputation: Attract the attention of even the most discerning guests, allowing you to invite a fourth guest to each Ember Court.This expands further your opportunities for earning the respect of your guests.
  • Final Forms Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Restore the Conservatory to it's former glory. This final infusion of anima to the Conservatory: Activates the final wildseed plot that has access to four possible catalyst links. Wildseed can benefit from four possible catalyst links. This allows you to maximize your opportunites for unique rewards.
  • First Planting Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Access to the Queen's Conservatory, where you will learn to restore the souls of lost gods to life. Restore the Queen's Conservatory, a sacred garden where you can nurture the wildseeds of powerful lost souls and prepare them for rebirth.
  • First Steps Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the sacred trial of the Path of Ascension, facilitating the capture of six Shadowlands memories for your soulbinds to train against.for unique rewards.
  • Flourishing Beds Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: Activates Grants you access to additional wildseed and catalyst plots. Opens access to a You can now use the wildseed that has three possible catalyst connections.Increasing your potential for earning unique rewards. Embark on a quest to find a rare spirit who can draw spirit animals to reside in your garden.
  • Forged Friends Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the fourth rank of Abominable Stitching. Grants you the fourth rank of prowess in Abominable Stitching. You can now create two dangerous high-end constructs, as well as a bag of treats to lure Twigin to your side. Use your constructs to access more unique rewards.
  • Homegrown Help Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Infuse more anima into the restoration of the Ember Court. You will now be able to: Create a dredger butler to assist you in hosting the Ember Court.
  • Initial Growth Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks Grants you access to catalyst plots, and activates an additional wildseed. Conservator Aoni will now offer daily catalyst quests.You can also seek out a powerful, rare, and unusual spirit that may be able to aid your efforts in the Conservatory.
  • Nurtured Souls Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: This additional infusion of anima: Activates additional wildseed and catalyst plots to expand your growing potential.Find another rare spirit who can lead you on a journey of enlightenment across Azeroth and beyond.
  • Sacred Trials Tier 2, Column 1. Spell: Allows the capture of four more Shadowlands memories for training in the Path of Ascension. Empowers some of your memories with accumulated anima, granting you access to their second trial.Unlocks access to weekly quests.
  • Teachings of Wisdom Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: Your collected anima strengthens the remaining memories, granting access to the remaining Trials of Wisdom.Unlocks access to a second weekly quest.
  • The Professionals Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: The Ember Court reaches it full potential, and it's weekly parties are now the talk of all the realms. You are now able to: Hire five specialist staff who will help you foster the perfect atmosphere in each Ember Court. and every Ember Court event. This gives you the best opportunity yet to earn the best rewards your guests have to offer!
  • Trials of Humility Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Unlocks the final trial for all of your captured memories, the Trial of Humility. Your soulbinds reflect on their past trials and take lessons learned into these final trials, further increasing their health and damage. The Brazier of Inward Reflection has been activated, increasing your soulbinds' health and damage in Ascension Coliseum.

  • Agent of Chaos Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Ascendant Phial Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Bone Spurs Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Built for War Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Care Package Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Cartilaginous Legs Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Cleansing Rites Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Combat Meditation Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Cycle of Seasons Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Dauntless Duelist Tier 6, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Elite Mixture Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Emeni's Ambulatory Flesh Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Emeni's Magnificent Skin Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 2, Column 2. Spell: Tier 6, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 2, Column 3. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 6, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 7, Column 2. Spell: Tier 6, Column 2. Spell:
  • Endurance Conduit Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: Tier 2, Column 1. Spell:
  • Enduring Gloom Tier 6, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Ever Forward Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Exacting Preparation Tier 6, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Expedition Leader Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Exquisite Ingredients Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Face Your Foes Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: Tier 8, Column 1. Spell:
  • Familiar Predicaments Tier 6, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Fancy Footwork Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Field of Poppies Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 2, Column 3. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 3. Spell:
  • Finesse Conduit Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: Tier 2, Column 3. Spell:
  • First Strike Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Forgeborne Reveries Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Forgelite Filter Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Forgelite Prime's Expertise Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Friends in Low Places Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Get In Formation Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Gnashing Chompers Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Gristled Toes Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Hammer of Genesis Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Hearth Kidneystone Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: Alacritous Boots Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: Ravenous Pendant Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Hold the Line Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Hold Your Ground Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Horn of the Wild Hunt Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Kyrian Grace Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Kyrian Insight Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Kyrian Perseverence Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Lead By Example Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Leisurely Gait Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Let Go of the Past Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Life of the Party Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Mentorship Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Move As One Tier 6, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Niya's Tools: Burrs Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Niya's Tools: Herbs Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Niya's Tools: Poison Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Podtender Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 4, Column 2. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: Tier 6, Column 2. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 2. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 5, Column 2. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Potency Conduit Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Refined Palate Tier 4, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Regenerating Materials Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Resourceful Fleshcrafting Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Run Without Tiring Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Serrated Shoulder Blades Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Service in Stone Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Smithing Expertise Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Soothing Shade Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Soulsteel Clamps Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Sparkling Driftglobe Core Tier 4, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Stay on the Move Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Steward's Resilience Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Sulfuric Emission Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Superior Tactics Tier 3, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Swift Patrol Tier 7, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Thrill Seeker Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Throughput Conduit Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: Tier 7, Column 1. Spell:
  • Token of Appreciation Tier 4, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 8, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Unbreakable Body Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Valiant Strikes Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Vorkai Sharpening Techniques Tier 7, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 5, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Watch the Shoes! Tier 1, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 1. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Wild Hunt Tactics Name changed from "Final Moments" to "Wild Hunt Tactics". Tier 8, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 1, Column 2. Spell: $@garrspelldesc
  • Wild Hunt's Charge Tier 1, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc Tier 3, Column 3. Spell: $@garrspelldesc

Anima Diversion (Map)
  • Citadel of Loyalty Tier 1, Column 5. Spell: Channel Anima to the Citadel of Loyalty, allowing you to challenge a powerful foe. and your allies to challenge an elite foe.
  • Dominance Keep Tier 1, Column 5. Spell: Channel Anima to Dominance Keep, allowing you to challenge a powerful foe. and your allies to challenge an elite foe.
  • Theatre of Pain Tier 1, Column 5. Spell: Channel Anima to the Theatre of Pain, allowing you to challenge a powerful foe. and your allies to challenge an elite foe.
  • Tirna Scithe Tier 1, Column 5. Spell: Channel Anima to Tirna Scithe, allowing you to challenge a powerful foe. and your allies to challenge an elite foe.

Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Currency Types
  • The Avowed (New) - Grants reputation with the Avowed.

Flight Masters
The Shadowlands
  • Elysian Beacon, Bastion (New) - Neutral.
  • Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion - Name changed from "Eonian Archives, Bastion" to "Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion".
  • Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion - Name changed from "Eonian Archives, Bastion" to "Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion".

Game Tips
  • Tip #472 - Tip: Most factions have a Quartermaster who will offer a variety of items to players with a high enough reputation.

Group Finder Activities
  • Shadowlands > Ardenweald (New) - Area: Ardenweald.
  • Shadowlands > Bastion (New) - Area: Bastion.
  • Shadowlands > Maldraxxus (New) - Area: Maldraxxus.
  • Shadowlands > Revendreth (New) - Area: Jeff NW Quadrant > Revendreth.
  • Shadowlands > The Maw (New) - Area: Alther's Mill > The Maw.

Item Name Descriptions
  • Permanent Upgrade: The Maw (New) - Permanent Upgrade: The Maw
  • Permanent Upgrade: Torghast (New) - Permanent Upgrade: Torghast

LFG Dungeons
  • Atal'Dazar (New) - Alliance only. Map: Atal'Dazar. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.
  • Atal'Dazar - Horde only. Map: Atal'Dazar. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.
  • Freehold (New) - Horde only. Map: Freehold. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.
  • Freehold - Alliance only. Map: Freehold. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage.

Map Areas
  • Jeff NW Quadrant > Revendreth - Name changed from "Revendreth" to "Jeff NW Quadrant > Revendreth".
  • Terrace of the Collectors (New) - Music: ZONE_90_BA_Kyrian_Training_GardenWalk.
  • Wrath of the Jailer (New)

Ember Court Rehearsal
  • 03: The First Guest - Formally greet Await the Ember Court's first guest.

Hunt: Winged Soul Eaters
  • 01: Death From Above - Destroy Anima Devourers.
  • 02: Alpha Strike - Defeat the Alpha Anima Devourer.

Wrath of the Jailer
  • 01: His Watchful Eye - Defeat the Jailer's forces within The Tremaculum and Ruin's Cradle.
  • 02: Might of Torghast - Defeat the boss sent from Torghast executioner sent from Torghast

Strings Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_STRATEGY1 (New) - The Threatening Necromancer is protected by his minions. If you're not hitting him from range, you'll need to deal with them to hurt him.
  • COVENANT_MISSIONS_TUTORIAL_STRATEGY2 (New) - The Threatening Necromancer will hurl his Shadow magic here. Make sure your ally can absorb the blow.
  • COVENANT_PREVIEW_SOULBIND_SPELL_INTRO - This soulbind will provide access to the following ability once the proper Renown is reached. Members of this covenant can earn the right to Soulbind with this character, granting access to the following power:
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ADVENTURES_KYRIAN (New) - Lead and inspire our forces as we fight to deny the Foresworn and combat any threats to Bastion. Recruit companions and troops to send them out on a series of adventures across the Shadowlands.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ADVENTURES_NECROLORD (New) - Marshall our forces as we reclaim Maldraxxus from those who would oppose us. Recruit companions and troops to send them out on a series of adventures across the Shadowlands.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ADVENTURES_NIGHTFAE (New) - Help protect the realm, and maintain balance in Ardenweald. Recruit companions and troops to send them out on a series of adventures across the Shadowlands.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ADVENTURES_VENTHYR (New) - Restore pride in Revendreth among our forces as we continue to fight for all Venthyr. Recruit companions and troops to send them out on a series of adventures across the Shadowlands.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ANIMACONDUCTOR_KYRIAN (New) - Restore anima to this powerful and ancient device. Once operational it allows you to siphon anima to different parts of Bastion in order to activate new challenges and adventures.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ANIMACONDUCTOR_NECROLORD (New) - Restore anima to this powerful and ancient device. Once operational it allows you to siphon anima to different parts of Maldraxxus in order to activate new challenges and adventures.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ANIMACONDUCTOR_NIGHTFAE (New) - Restore anima to this powerful and ancient device. Once operational it allows you to siphon anima to different parts of Ardenweald in order to activate new challenges and adventures.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_ANIMACONDUCTOR_VENTHYR (New) - Restore anima to this powerful and ancient device. Once operational it allows you to siphon anima to different parts of Revendreth in order to activate new challenges and adventures.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_TRAVELNETWORK_KYRIAN (New) - Restore anima to the dormant transportation portals that once linked all of Bastion. Further empower the network to expand on your travel options. Develop and enhance your abilities tied to the network.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_TRAVELNETWORK_NECROLORD (New) - Reactivate the Sanctum's access to the massive Necropolis' that dominate the sky above Maldraxxus. Restore access to more travel options within the zone, and discover hidden secrets. Use that access to earn unique rewards.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_TRAVELNETWORK_NIGHTFAE (New) - Restore the mysterious Mushroom ring network that once brought all of Ardenweald together. Grants access to more travel options within the zone, and opens up new paths of discovery across Ardenweald with their own unique rewards.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_FEATURE_TRAVELNETWORK_VENTHYR (New) - Reactivate the mysterious network of mirrors that connect across Revendreth. Continue to restore the network to earn the ability to repair broken mirrors across Revendreth that can be used to access secret locations and unique rewards.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_RENOWN_LEVEL_LOCKED (New) - Renown %d Reward Preview
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL1 - The Renown tab displays upcoming rewards earned by increasing Renown with the Covenant This pane shows rewards earned by increasing your Renown with the Covenant
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_TUTORIAL6 - Increase your Renown with the Covenant for greater upgrade potential for greater upgrade potential
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_KYRIAN - An arena experience where you take on the role of some of the heroes of Bastion to test An ancient rite of combat in which you act as a tactical guide for champions of Bastion, testing their mettle against a series of different foes in gladiatorial combat powerful foes.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_NECROLORD - The ability to build your own abominations in Maldraxxus! Collect parts from across the shadowlands to build yourself new companions. This nexus of the Maldraxxian art of fleshcrafting allows you to construct new companions to join you on your adventures across the Shadowlands.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_NIGHTFAE - A special grove where you will learn how to nurture ancient spirits back to life using the Winter Queen's special garden of wildseeds A sacred garden where you can nurture the wildseeds of powerful lost souls and prepare them for rebirth.
  • COVENANT_SANCTUM_UNIQUE_VENTHYR - A special weekly event that tasks you with throwing a party to Impress your VIP guests. Collect the right ingredients Help rebuild Prince Renethal's influence through the most venerated of venthyr traditions: throwing amazing parties! Make proper preparations and recruit the right staff to impress each weeks guestlist! week's VIP guests.
  • FLIGHT_MAP_BASTION (New) - Teleport Network
  • GENERATE_LOOT_FOR_SPEC - Generating %s loot... Generating loot for %s
  • LEAVE (New) - Leave
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_NEITHER_IN_PARTY_SHARD - You can't see this player because they are in a different phase. To appear in the same phase, you must both visit any major city. a sanctuary such as Oribos.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_NOT_IN_PARTY_SHARD - You can't see this player because they are in a different phase. You can join their phase by visiting any major city. a sanctuary such as Oribos.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_SHARDED_TARGET_NOT_IN_PARTY_PHASE - You can't see this player because they are in a different phase. They can join your phase by visiting any major city. a sanctuary such as Oribos.
  • PARTY_SHARDED_MESSAGE - [PH] This player is in a different shard and phase. You can neither see nor interact with this player.
  • SCENARIO_TRACKER_ABILITY_HELPTIP (New) - This ability may prove helpful in your current situation.
  • SOULBIND_CURRENT_RENOWN (New) - (Currently %s)
  • SOULBIND_LEARN_CONDUIT_TUTORIAL (New) - Right click a Conduit to add it to the Forge of Bonds
  • SOULBIND_NODE_UNSELECTED - Return to the Forge of Bonds to activate this path You must be in a rest area to activate this path
  • SOULBIND_SELECT_PATH_TUTORIAL_TEXT (New) - Choose a path.\n\nYou'll be able to switch paths at any rest area.
  • SOULBIND_SLOT_CONDUIT_TUTORIAL_TEXT (New) - Click this Conduit and then click the matching slot to install it
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_312 - Requires either a Conjured Mana Pudding or Conjured Mana Fritter. You do not have any conjured refreshments.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_530 (New) - You already know that Conduit.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_531 (New) - Target must be weakened.
  • TOOLTIP_AZERITE_ITEM_DISABLED - Effects are inactive in area without abundant Azerite The Heart of Azeroth is dormant here, cut off from Azeroth's life force.
  • UNITNAME_SUMMON_TITLE48 (New) - Repaired by %s
by Published on 2020-10-21 07:18 PM

Shadowlands Beta - Druid Class Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Catching up here—I know you’ve seen some ongoing tuning to Covenant abilities on beta. One recent update that’s not as visible is that Convoke the Spirits will now try to use more consistent number of current-form abilities. There are exceptions–for example if no hostiles are in range, Convoke will use 12 friendly spells regardless of spec. But, on average, Convoke should much more consistently use 7-8 current-form spells.

Shadowlands Beta - Priest Class Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

As some of you know, we’ve made adjustments to Shadow Priests lately to balance their damage, as heavy iteration on the specialization led to some things getting out of alignment. In this week’s new Beta build, we’ve made more adjustments.

At the same time, we saw that some of the Insanity reductions from last week hurt the flow of the rotation, so we’ve reverted some of those. We also want to make sure that Mind Blast feels important to use over Mind Flay.

This week’s changes include:

  • Dark Thought duration increased to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds).
    • Developers’ notes: We’ve also decreased Dark Thought’s max stacks to 1, as 5 felt excessive. We are open to feedback about how this feels, as always.
  • Mind Blast generates 8 Insanity (was 7).
  • Mind Flay damage reduced by 15%.
    • Developers’ notes: Shadow was proving too powerful in single target situations. This helps address that while still allowing Mind Blast to feel impactful.
  • Mind Sear damage reduced by 15%.
  • Devouring Plague initial hit reduced by 15%, and periodic damage reduced by ~12%.
  • Auspicious Spirits generates 2 Insanity (was 1). Damage reduced to 15% (was 30%).
    • Developers’ notes: This to differentiate it more from Psychic Link. Auspicious Spirits should be about getting more Devouring Plagues, while Psychic Link is better at spread damage.
  • Searing Nightmare once again costs 30 Insanity (was 35).
    • Developers’ notes: There is some gameplay value in getting 3 Searing Nightmares in a row when pooling Insanity, so we decided to revert this change.

Thank you for all of your testing and feedback.

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