About Sole-Warrior
Basic Information
- Biography:
- A friend in our guild gave me this MMO-Champion account earlier this month because I wasn't able to create an account for some weird reason. I will set up my own account later when I get the issues resolved. Anyways, I'm Alen Avesta and I live in Huston TX. I will be moving to Chicago when this fucking pandemic is over. Can't wait...
I'm libertarian with a slight tilt towards conservativism. I believe freedom of speech is absolutely important.
Political views:
Anti Death penalty, but let States decide, not the feds.
Extremely pro freedom of speech. I will never compromise on this.
Regulate major social media platforms like utility.
Anti Communist
Anti Conspiritard like QAnon, but they still have the freedom of speech to express their idiotic views.
Pro State's rights.
Anti regulations.
Pro SpaceX
Anti Political correctness
Anti SJW
fuck your feelings
Other things about me:
20 years old
5 ft 10 inches tall
Going to become an Electrical engineer
I might give back this account to her later... if she wants it back
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