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  1. #1

    What would your dream MMO have?

    I ask this because sadly as it is, i find myself not entirely happy with anything released these days. I obviously don't expect anything to meet my hopes entirely but i can still keep my hopes up. I'm creating this to find out what you all would want in your own dream MMO, this isn't meant to be a rift vs wow thread, or a bash on any mmo because they all have their goods and bads obviously, so please don't turn it into one of those. I may however highlight some of the bads in WoW to illustrate points, but for the record i do enjoy wow, i'm not complaining just hoping something amazing comes out soon. (go go swtor). A lot of it will seem highly WOW based, but i have more expeirence with this MMO than any other by far.

    In no particular order:

    Graphics: Graphics despite peoples' gripes about them are highly important to me. I don't enjoy looking at things that look extremely outdated (WoWs trees). Cutting edge graphics can be achieved while having a lower version of the graphics for people whose computers aren't the best. It makes a best of both worlds, and at the same time allows for some of the amazing graphics that computers today are capable of.

    Customization: Oh how i'd kill to have customization in any game. There are two views i see, the "eve view" and the "wow view" i absolutely despise looking like everyone else. There are millions of players that look the same in WoW, which makes me beyond sad especially when gear looks so similar. An idea that occured to me that we are able to choose our clothing what we like in the game, it can be bought with money in the game, but when we kill "bosses" or do things of great value, we get essentially gems. This allows you to customize your characters looks while maintaining the feel of getting better and stronger. However i'm not sure how well this would, i just know that far too often i have almost stopped playing some of my favorite characters because their current tier looks abysmal.

    Content: I know this is on a lot of people's minds and i may get some bad shit for this but i'm honestly kind of idk bored with the whole tank healer dps roles. It's a brilliant system don't get me wrong, it works amazingly but it is so unrealistic. and i say that in the confines of what makes these games realistic in themselves. Most of what WoW or other MMOs do is within their own set realism, throwing fireballs is okay in WoW because it's a magical world. However regardless of the situation i find it hard to believe that a 100 foot tall dragon will attack someone who's calling his name (a taunt) and saying mean things, over the guy who would most likely kill him (the dps), or the person keeping everyone alive (the healer). Furthermore, the whole idea of tanking is realistically confusing to me, so... your tank gets hit by fire breath, your healer does what, heal his charred skin? He doesn't look focus from nearly being burnt to a crisp? How does the healing even remotely work, does he get a cut and then the healer just like magically seals his wounds? Like i said it's a brilliant style of play but i honestly have no clue how tanking would work in RL (if that were possible), there is nothing in my mind to support it from a lore perspective in the least. I have no clue of any alternatives and this may honestly be the best way to do it all, i'd just be more than open to new suggestions.

    Flow: Oh how amazing it would be to see flow in combat again. Some games do it amazing, others not so much. When i play a character i want to feel like it's a person, not a robot. A nice flow from spell to spell, move to move, anything frankly would be nice. Furthermore i would love to feel like i could actually be good at this game. I used to play a mage in Wotlk, arcane even. Even with same gear i would manage a solid 2-6k dps more than any mage i ever saw in any raid, even those who outgeared me. I don't know why, it could have been that i perfected my gear down to the dps point, or i knew exactly what to do in every fight and when, but in the end it wasn't satisfying. I just felt like the difference was how hard i pushed the buttons : (. I don't like having a rotation, as odd as that sounds. In real life i don't keep punching every time you fight someone in the same way, i'd love for dynamic play styles (less arcane mage, more frost dk)

    Immersion: All 4 of those points lead into immersion. When i say immersion i say something like, caring about your character, identifying with your character and the storyline they live in, having real relationships (like friendships) community, and being invested in the storyline. When you add things in like the fact that tanking makes little to no sense (i mean if someone were to attack me, and i had to choose between the calling someone a name or the guy about to shoot me my main concern would be the guy with the gun), and character customization in some guys has made you an almost exact clone of everyone else it makes it hard to want to feel like youre someone special in the game. I want to want to read/listen to quest text again. I want to want to find out more about the main lore characters and see it represented in game, not just in a book that 90% of the community hasn't read.

    Any thoughts? i know this would probably never happen but eh we can all hope.

  2. #2
    Star Wars MMO with story that matters, caring about your character, voice acting with different choices that give you billions of different possibilities.

  3. #3
    Scarab Lord Trollsbane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moaradin View Post
    Star Wars MMO with story that matters, caring about your character, voice acting with different choices that give you billions of different possibilities.
    ^This is precisely as I feel.

  4. #4
    Field Marshal
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    What is with all these would-be pvp champions that never actually participated in serious pvp, but like to think they know what they're talking about... case in point:
    Rated BGs lifted PVP out of the arena hellhole of mindless facesmashing deathmatches back into strategy and skill. It takes much more coordination and ability to win a WSG than it does to just spam focus macros and lol to a 2300+ rating as some FotM faceroll idiot friendly comp. No one could ever even contemplate denying that.

  5. #5
    cat women... i miss my mithra from xi...

  6. #6
    The Insane Kathandira's Avatar
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    lots and lots of boobs.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by moaradin View Post
    Star Wars MMO with story that matters, caring about your character, voice acting with different choices that give you billions of different possibilities.
    Exactly this, have massive hope for this. The graphics arent as 'realistic' as I'd want them but I think it's quite fitting. If this fails me (and all my friends) hype, gonna be real sad.
    If a game has a perfect feeling combat system that's what does it for me really aswell as immersion, why play an mmo where the combat is dodgy? I remember playing Unholy DK patch then having 4 come out, absolutely fell in love with that fast paced system and such..Guess it wouldnt work for ALL classes and such...
    ....going on a kind offtopic rant, need to stop.

  8. #8
    Something with blackjack and hookers... ifnact forget the whole mmo thing
    Once upon a midnight dreary
    While i pron surfed, weak and weary
    Over many a site of ' hot xxx galore'.
    "'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"
    Quoth the server, 404.

    killing a new raid boss is like having multiple orgasms only better.

  9. #9
    Housing... after playing a game with housing I keep missing it from any MMO without it.
    Because ten billion
    years' time is so fragile
    so ephemeral…
    it arouses such a
    almost heartbreaking fondness.

  10. #10
    I would absolutely love a balanced MMO.

  11. #11
    Rougly a Mix of Aion and WoW with Vitual-Reality interface. Although the worls needs more space

  12. #12
    naked women

  13. #13
    Society from Gamer

  14. #14

  15. #15
    The Patient Future's Avatar
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    Ultima Online back with a large playerbase.

    Nothing to this day beats Harrowers with 10+ different PvP guilds + the randoms duking it out for hours on end sometimes.

    Shadows are cruel.

  16. #16
    So your dream mmo has RNG dps... ?

  17. #17
    MMOFPS sandbox zombie survival.

    Teams of 5v5 face off to see who can survive waves of zombies longer. Each team starts with a set amount of cash to purchase weapons/traps/barricades/etc, you get exp for playing games, you get skill points to improve pretty much whatever you want, more ammo, more health, faster running, etc.

    That would be just perfect.

  18. #18
    Brewmaster Stixxz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    MMOFPS sandbox zombie survival.

    Teams of 5v5 face off to see who can survive waves of zombies longer. Each team starts with a set amount of cash to purchase weapons/traps/barricades/etc, you get exp for playing games, you get skill points to improve pretty much whatever you want, more ammo, more health, faster running, etc.

    That would be just perfect.

    So, Call of Duty.

  19. #19
    My dream-MMO is Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, just online. Screw balance, just massive hack and slash, community building, city sieging. The point would be to control as much land as possible, but guilds have limited slots, based on the size of the server and how big other guilds are. You can build guild halls, but only one guild hall in [insert fittingly sized area], which means that it would eventually be full, then you would have to attack guild halls in order to take their land. Build carefully. And this time again, screw balance, just bring one hell of a bunch of guys with big swords. Epic was received.
    Furthermore you can quest just like in the game, you can take your guilds to dungeon-like events, such as Oblivion Gates, and The Siege of Kvatch.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Stixxz View Post
    So, Call of Duty.
    Haha, indeed.

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