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  1. #41
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    It is inconsiderate. But most 9-5's don't provide enough benefits to do otherwise.

  2. #42
    Why should you get paid for being sick? When you aren't at work you're not producing anything.

  3. #43
    From my experiences (I work in the healthcare field as an MRI technologist in a level 2 trauma center), people are encouraged to stay home to keep co-workers and patients from getting sick, but at the same time, we don't have alot of time off to use. And if we take off, it usually makes life alot more stressful for our co-workers cuz most hospitals are understaffed as is. So it's a doube-edged sword. They want you to take off, but at the same time, frown upon you when you do. Ahhh...the life of a healthcare worker :P.

  4. #44
    Obviously you did not know that the best way to get rid of a cold is to give it to someone else.

  5. #45
    Mechagnome Katt's Avatar
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    I hate that damn shit. Businesses lose MORE money due to this than if people take off of work. I understand losing income hurts but FFS , don't go to your work sick.

  6. #46
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanen View Post
    Obviously you did not know that the best way to get rid of a cold is to give it to someone else.
    Misery loves company.

  7. #47
    Definitely blame the system.

    I'm a nurse in an ICU. I do not get sick time because I am a weekend employee. I do not get paid if I call out, and I have to make up the time on another weekend. To be honest, the sick policy is pretty strict at every hospital I've ever worked at. We only get 3 instances of illness all year, and past that, we get written up and it affects raises.

    The thing that burns my butt the most is having to go in when I'm ill and take care of people immunodeficient because I may end up giving them my illness. I wash my hands and wear masks, but I always feel embarrassed to obviously sound like crap when I introduce myself to my sick patients, and their families.

  8. #48
    Ive gone to work sick to death so many times and I work in a Hospital is the thing with layoffs and the economy if a company starts to swing the chopping axe they look at attendance first unless im on my deathbed dying from Bubonic plague im going to work ...

  9. #49
    In Sweden (or atleast the places I worked at) you get the first day you call in sick as 0 payment, and the following days up to 7 days net you 80% of your income those days. After 7 days you need a receipt from a doctor stating you are sick, but still gets your 80%.

    I will go to work sick aslong as I can stand on my legs just cause I cant afford loosing out the money lost for the first day. Why? Cause im selfish and frankly, my economy is more important to me then others.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Irritation View Post
    As I'm an American citizen in a service industry, who gets absolutely zero paid days off for sick leave, I think I know plenty. It's really a simple comparison, based on what's mandated by a nation for their workers.

    For instance, America is the only developed nation in the world who doesn't mandate that employers give their employees ANY time off. For anything. So, that you get that from your employer is purely a luxury.

    Wow that is really sad I am from the US and that makes me kinda mad >.< ....

  11. #51
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    You all make it sound like your colleagues are carrying the Black Death.
    Which thankfully can be cured(if caught quickly) with penicillin!

    ...which many people are deathly allergic to!

    It's never a good idea to assume that when you're sick, everyone around you will be "just fine".

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by vrsick View Post
    I am at work right now and my manager just came into work and she is very sick. Coughing, sneezing, touching everything. Does anyone else see a problem with people doing this?
    If this behavior indicates that there is potential for a day off tomorrow.. you should be embracing it, not scolding.

  13. #53
    lol, "oh no she has a cold" like u will get sick from someone sneezing. i work with patients all day i never get sick.
    get over ur fobic about germs

  14. #54
    I have paid days off for when I'm sick. <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Speaknoevil View Post
    This is good, be a man about it.
    Have a cigar in your mouth and a shot of brandy in your hand and tell her to get out of the guild and get into a kitchen.
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  15. #55
    My dad is a manager at a bar-b-q restaurant and he will go into work sick if its not the flu or anything really bad, he stays away from the food if possible and will usually sit in his office and work on paperwork and scream at his servers but he can't afford to miss work...
    for an example as to why let me give this example of what happened a few weeks ago...

    I live just outside of Atlanta Georgia and we recently got severe(for Georgia) snow, the roads were completely iced over, the first day we managed to make our way to work(it was mostly still just snow) and the bosses called and said go home and not to open(we had enough people to open the store) so we went home, next day everything had thawed just enough to turn the roads to pure ice and if couldn't drive on them without risking your life going 5mph the bosses called and told us to open the store, we didn't...

    a few days later an email was sent out to all the salary managers telling them 'if you don't work an extra day to make up for the missed day that we told you to open your stores your pay will be docked.' they didn't care that the roads were too dangerous to drive on to get to work...

    The managers are supposed to work 20hour weeks, they already work around 9am-11pm sometimes more with only one off day a week if even that much...

    so yeah, think about the peoples bosses, what are the company's policy's on these things, do they have to come to work or will they lose alot of money if they don't?

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by vrsick View Post
    I am at work right now and my manager just came into work and she is very sick. Coughing, sneezing, touching everything. Does anyone else see a problem with people doing this?
    I personally find it inconsiderate. I used to manage a computer store and I always told employees if you're sick, go home, if you are already at home and sick, stay home. I'd rather have one employee home and sick, than have you here, get all of us sick, and in a couple days 4 or 5 people are home sick with only 1 or 2 people running everything. GTFO and get better. See you in a day or two. Reviews and Blogs to many games.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Adamson View Post
    Why should you get paid for being sick? When you aren't at work you're not producing anything.
    And by that logic no one would stay home if they were sick because they might not be able to afford to take the day off. Unfortunately, a lot of employers feel the same way you do, and thus people come in sick and infect everyone else thanks to uncaring management.

    I don't get paid to stay home sick, so I go to work sick because I can't afford to take the day off. Simple. As. That.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    seriously, most of you won't play that game anymore in 1 months.

    Boub has a time machine?!

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalroth View Post
    You're jumping to that conclusion very quickly, I have plenty to do outside of work, but I hate takig days off sick, because everyone else I know is still at work, so i'm just going to be sitting around hoping someone happens to have a day off, a manager who takes pride in their job may also feel a sense or responsibility to be in for her staff.
    Generally, if you're sick... you probably shouldn't be looking for friends to do stuff with. You should be at home resting. That's the whole point of taking a sick day.
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  19. #59
    Ok haters are going to hate but I really do not like people who willingly come to work ill and spread their illness to their work colleges. I hear reasons all the time why they came to work such as
    1. I can't afford to be sick
    2. I don't want the boss/company to think bad of me
    3. I'm worried that I won't get my promotion
    4.i'm not that sick I just can't stop sneezing and blowing my nose and coughing
    5.i'm not to worried I don't think others will get it
    and the list goes on and on well I have a bit of news for all you these people I can't afford to be sick I don't want the boss to think bad of me I don't want to be laid off but hey now you have brought your illness to work you are all too happy to place me a risk to the same problems and also there is a little law called "duty of care "and it clearly states

    "an obligation of all participants in the workplace to ensure the health and safety of all persons in the workplace"


    duty of care n. a requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence.

    so the next time your ill and feel you have to go to work just think it may cost you more than a day or two's pay
    Whenever I become ill with whatever is going around I stay I don't care I'm not going to work so I can snot over every one and give everyone whatever pox I caught from those around me and hear is something you should also think on
    a person feels they just have to go to work while they are feeling ill
    they pass it on to the work mates
    their workmate take it home to the families
    the children become ill they have to stay home they need to see a doctor
    one child needs to go to hospital sadly passing away from complications from the "common cold'
    others have arrange baby sitters for their children while they are working ect ect ect the impact from one person that is ill going to work and passing it on is huge. the day will come when a really nasty virus will break out it will be selfish people that put their own needs above the wellbeing of other that will aid in the spread of the nasty virus . For the record I am a contractor so I don't get paid for sick day or holidays but I will still stay home when I'm sick because I don't want to share it around. I use to work for a company that had it s operations based in a remote area and they were very serious on policing illness when you went home for leave it was your duty to inform the company it you had a family member ill with a communicable illness and if so they gave you other duties until you were cleared by a doctor due to the risk of something going wrong from the common cold and not being able to medi vac you out in time failure to disclose an illness at home while on leave could result in summery dismissal so yeah some places dont treat it like a joke while other companies dont see the true cost of workers coming to work ill.

    ---------- Post added 2011-02-17 at 08:06 AM ----------

    Oh i just had to add
    to all of those people and companies that have created a place where the people are so fearful that they come to work when ill enjoy what time you have left as a trading money making company because when the next real pandemic hits you will be closed down and the companies with effective plans/training/healthfunds and better treatment of their workers will take your market share

  20. #60
    Legendary! Collegeguy's Avatar
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    it makes me mad when someone is sick and comes to work sneezeing, coughing.


    it is also annoying being on the other side of that when it is something not contagious like a sore throat.

    i get a sore throat at least twice a year for several days and people always tell me I shouldnt come to work sick.
    Last edited by Collegeguy; 2011-02-16 at 10:56 PM.

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