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  1. #141
    Warchief Alayea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentsatellite View Post
    Honestly, if you want to gear your OS, that's fine, but you should be in there for the roll you want the gear for.
    As I commented earlier, off-spec doesn't really mean what it used to back when we didn't have the dual-spec system. So I suppose we agree to disagree on that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentsatellite View Post
    It just absolutely sucks when you're on your 39th run of H Deadmines, and when your helm finally drops for the first time, the tank Needs on it. And this was back at the start of Cata, when Deadmines could literally take 4 hours, and you could go through 10 people trying to pass it...
    Well hopefully the tank would be considerate of others' needs. If not, yes, I can understand the frustration it would cause on the DPS' end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentsatellite View Post
    Having to ask 24 random strangers in LFR if it's ok if you need on all the healing gear just isn't a good idea.
    That, I do agree on. I believe that was another one of my reasons for opposing the creation of the LFR tool because while meeting up with four other random players can work out most of the time, I was and still am very skeptical about that holding true for raids. Despite all what I just typed, though, I probably will end up utilizing the LFR simply out of necessity. :/

    Best of luck to us all.
    Alayea - Enhance/Resto (Main) Lithala - BM Gekkani - Holy/Shadow
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  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugz View Post
    Pathetic state of the game when people need to be told what gear fits them, at max level no less, in (supposedly) the endgame for casual players.
    That's not the main issue here, the issue is people (hardcore raiders included) will need stuff just because they can. If people only rolled on gear they need, we would only need one type of roll. The issue is people have no standards and no respect for other players.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by prankstar View Post
    NEWSFLASH ilevel of an item isnt everything there are many items wit lower ilevels that beat many hc pieces
    Swap the expertise with any of the two missing stats (crit/haste) and it will be BiS second ring over the valor one, who have haste/mastery. EOD !

    This expertise ring is nothing but a brainfart by Blizzard, no matter how people try to defend it.
    Last edited by Nelle; 2011-12-14 at 12:35 AM.

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

  4. #144
    had a paladin win caster staff... he couldnt even equip it but was able to get a +bonus roll... this is a good change.

  5. #145


    They should have just removed the rolebonus for the items, but no that would have been to much work. -.- I wanted the Stamina Mastery trinket for pvp for my shaman, this sucks!! I would have had no problem waiting for it forever, but not being able to use it at all...

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Bantokar View Post
    With the speed at which a Raid Finder group moves through a zone, we’ve found that it makes it challenging for players to evaluate loot decisions

    What a nice way to put it lol. Loot equipmentally challenged must the new pc way to say, fucking retards.
    I'll admit that was one of the things that stuck out the most in their news release for these changes.

    If people really don't know what they can and cannot get benefit from by now at level 85, I honestly don't have much patience for them. I've had Rogues rolling Need on tanking rings in heroics recently, (WoE 2nd boss ring; STR/STA/Dodge/Parry [ish]) and then had to explain why this was not a good item for Rogues. They then said they wouldnt take it, as they already had it. DPS warrior won it instead over me; the tank.

    While the mechanic is useful, for how LFR tends to go; people don't read tactics, DPS get impatient VERY fast and essentially become the "go guy" from WoWCrendor's vid, sometimes even ninja pulling (which I prompty let the boss eat before actually tanking, as in LFR missing 1 DPS isn't noticeable), all this despite some people not knowing the tactics, some not even knowing about the dungeon journal which gives you the information, (New BH boss came out, I looked at the 3 abilities and realised the tank/dps positions, stack/split timing and the ever present tank-taunt effect very quickly), yet earlier tonight tanking FoD: Ultraxion; the OT doesn't taunt off me when I get Fading Light, cue some DPS deaths, he then doesn't use HW when he gets FL; cue at least 4 deaths on his part in that fight alone (Wiped once, explained next). This habit of not taunting when needed got me killed at least 2 times in that run, once on Madness, once Lewtship, yet despite having been told he needed to taunt (both before - so they needed to be ready for it - and during the fight - so they knew when to taunt), they failed at this very easy role, resulting in at least 1 wipe on Ultraxion. Sadly, as I had already run the raid this week, (was helping some guildes by tanking for them), the aweful tank was rewarded with his bad playing with tanking boots, a trinket and some other items as I couldn't roll on them. Now given the faults by this tank were entirely playstyle and not based on the gear they had, getting those upgrades will do absolutely nothing to their survivability, or that of the raid.

    Raid ended as usual, everyone rolled on everything they could at Madness. Warrior gets the AGI dagger, Ti'tahk went to a lock which was fair enough - minus the several wipes they almost caused and I can't remember what happened to Souldrinker and the other item, given I had no chance at them.

    PS: I managed to come up with way too many words here and yet currently trying to write a thesis which has the complete opposite problem. >.<
    If you set a man a flame, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man aflame, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

    Water is Life

  7. #147
    I just lost the non-shield offhand from my paladin because of these changes. I feel like this change was implemented because the player base is stupid and selfish and I lose the best offhand for my holy paladin because of this.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelle View Post
    Blizzard is just SHIT at itemizing, obviously you do NOT put expertise on one of the TWO only agi rings that drop...

    I don't give a flying **** about LFR loot because there is other alternatives at same ilevel, but its a problem when we start talking BiS items. Then the hunters can ONLY get one ring from Heroic mode that is of any use and are forced to use the Valor one as second = 410+397 rings, where feral/enhance/rogue can use 2x410

    As if we weren't far enough behind already when it comes to BiS gear due to our terrible scaling, this just makes it even worse. GJ !
    Am pretty sure the HC expertise ring is still BIS for hunters and luckily the class restrictions only apply to LFR and NOT Normal or HC

  9. #149
    You know, this change wouldn't be needed if a huge majority of WoW players weren't utter assholes hiding behind their internet anonymity.

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by Elethiem View Post
    I just lost the non-shield offhand from my paladin because of these changes. I feel like this change was implemented because the player base is stupid and selfish and I lose the best offhand for my holy paladin because of this.
    The irony of this, is everyone still loses. Not just you.

    People cry because of Ninjas.

    Blizzard finally attempts to sort the situation.

    People cry because of lack of taking loot they SHOULDN'T BE TAKING. Cry me a damn river about offhand for a paladin. I had to level one up in god damn cloth, leather, mail and plate because blizzard couldn't be assed to itemize my plate right or give me options to get better. I was denied MH upgrades and shield upgrades. I hated running around with offhands. I didn't roll a Paladin to be a priest. If I wanted 1h with offhand, I'd have rolled a damn priest. Which by the way, were getting upgrades left and right from caster cloth to staves. STAVES that would have been useful for me! If I could use them.

    I rolled Holydin to carry a shield and a 1h. Not a weapon and [Deformed Eyeball clutched by Withered Claw on a Stick]/ >_>

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by GGashok View Post
    They should have just removed the rolebonus for the items, but no that would have been to much work. -.- I wanted the Stamina Mastery trinket for pvp for my shaman, this sucks!! I would have had no problem waiting for it forever, but not being able to use it at all...
    You can still get the trinket at normal level, this only applies to LFR. I expect the reason they didn't just adjust the rolebonus for the items is that it's more technically complex to do in their system and would require recoding, whereas the roll system already knows how to filter by class limitations on an item. I don't think it's ideal, but I understand why they went this route since they needed a quick fix.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Falled09 View Post
    Stupid that they didn't include Paladins on the off-hand.
    Paladins have shields... stop moaning

  13. #153
    Oh how lovely, few minutes ago hunter rolled on Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps only for the look of the weapon as he stated and even won it, good job there

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelle View Post
    Blizzard is just SHIT at itemizing, obviously you do NOT put expertise on one of the TWO only agi rings that drop...

    I don't give a flying **** about LFR loot because there is other alternatives at same ilevel, but its a problem when we start talking BiS items. Then the hunters can ONLY get one ring from Heroic mode that is of any use and are forced to use the Valor one as second = 410+397 rings, where feral/enhance/rogue can use 2x410

    As if we weren't far enough behind already when it comes to BiS gear due to our terrible scaling, this just makes it even worse. GJ !
    Stop moaning, look at priests, half of their gear is only ilvl 397 and cannot be upgraded. Annoying huntards, really, there can not be a more annoying class, come to think all the self-loving people pick a hunter.

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelle View Post
    Swap the expertise with any of the two missing stats (crit/haste) and it will be BiS second ring over the valor one, who have haste/mastery. EOD !

    This expertise ring is nothing but a brainfart by Blizzard, no matter how people try to defend it.
    Maybe you've been lucky so far but as an Ele Shaman in T12 my BiS belt was the 378 vendor one and BiS trinket was the 359 DMC:V which I've had equipped for about a year now. Other classes have had it far worse.

  16. #156
    I'm so glad SWTOR has loot bags so when I play that I wont have to put up with this retarded shit. 6 years I've had to put up with this shit random loot system. Jesus. I find it pretty ridiculous when a band of players fight and kill the boss that not all of them are rewarded for doing so.

  17. #157

  18. #158
    Not good enough. I ran LFR earlier on my enhance shaman and lost agi gear to a elemental shaman (who was doing 15k dps but that's another story) I hope Blizzard goes a step further with spec specific gear rolls.

  19. #159
    thats good change, but its just not enough, make your loot system to recognise specs and give loot based on that.

  20. #160
    Blademaster Bytecus's Avatar
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    Talk about not seeing the forest because of the trees. So many people don't see past their own opinion its crazy. We had to know this was going to be bad, because of the bad people and how bad people act towards one another. Blizzard is trying (which they should have put these things in at the start derp) to get this new system working, and by the time MoP comes around it should be in 5 mans and will detect spec. People will need stuff because of greed and stupidity just as much as people will need because its an up.

    I like how some people state, well pallies/shammy use shields get over it, with the offhand issue. This would be coming from either a priest or a mage that I bet if a mace or sword had dropped that had Int (without Hit etc) and a pally won it, would be rope-able if they were told get over it, you can use daggers. Its hit and miss guys. Loot is random, people take what they need, but just remember when you sign up for Looking For Retards, that's what you might get.

    For that most part, people have their 10/25mans and use LFR for fillers/Alts. If you don't like a random bunch of people get into an organised guild group and do 10 or 25's, hell, get 8/15 organised people into a LFR if you cant raid regular, and then if your not willing to do that, then you just have to deal with it (the loot issues that is) until a better system comes along.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ap0calypse View Post
    I'm so glad SWTOR has loot bags so when I play that I wont have to put up with this retarded shit. 6 years I've had to put up with this shit random loot system. Jesus. I find it pretty ridiculous when a band of players fight and kill the boss that not all of them are rewarded for doing so.
    Whats the VP / JP for again? And if you got everything you wanted from every kill, what would be the point of coming back next week?
    Last edited by Bytecus; 2011-12-14 at 03:57 AM.

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