1. #1541
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    I must disagree with this.
    You are right on this one tho there are champions that you can consider as "neutral picks" which you can even pick as firstpick if you are good at them and know the matchups. Those would be the champs id pick as firstpick.

  2. #1542
    Fucking champ select trolls /rage.

    forced to dodge a game and wait 30 minutes because some scrub decides to trollpick support even though i'd locked in because "ur match history on lolking says your bad".

    ... really. Who gives a shit? looking at the same history, he would see that I have never played any role other than support, so forcing me into that role would be a guarenteed loss, whereas letting me play support at least gives us a good chance on winning >_>

  3. #1543
    Quote Originally Posted by derp singed View Post
    You are right on this one tho there are champions that you can consider as "neutral picks" which you can even pick as firstpick if you are good at them and know the matchups. Those would be the champs id pick as firstpick.
    I like to first pick Karthus and Katarina some times. Quite easy to counter, but if you know how to play the "counter your counter pick" game, then it shouldn't matter all that much.

    Unless it's a Vlad that counter picks you.. Fuck Vlad..

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-07 at 08:57 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Adt View Post
    Fucking champ select trolls /rage.

    forced to dodge a game and wait 30 minutes because some scrub decides to trollpick support even though i'd locked in because "ur match history on lolking says your bad".

    ... really. Who gives a shit? looking at the same history, he would see that I have never played any role other than support, so forcing me into that role would be a guarenteed loss, whereas letting me play support at least gives us a good chance on winning >_>
    You should try playing/learning more than one role. That makes it very easy to dodge those situations.

    He's a douche nonetheless.

  4. #1544
    Quote Originally Posted by Adt View Post
    Fucking champ select trolls /rage.

    forced to dodge a game and wait 30 minutes because some scrub decides to trollpick support even though i'd locked in because "ur match history on lolking says your bad".

    ... really. Who gives a shit? looking at the same history, he would see that I have never played any role other than support, so forcing me into that role would be a guarenteed loss, whereas letting me play support at least gives us a good chance on winning >_>
    It isnt good to specialize on one role for solo queue anyways. As much as good supports are appreciated there might always be some duo queue premade which will take the bottom lane thus leaving you with a role you are not good at. I try to play pretty much every role in soloqueue to the point where i know i cant get any further with that.

  5. #1545
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    I like to first pick Karthus and Katarina some times. Quite easy to counter, but if you know how to play the "counter your counter pick" game, then it shouldn't matter all that much.

    Unless it's a Vlad that counter picks you.. Fuck Vlad..

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-07 at 08:57 PM ----------

    You should try playing/learning more than one role. That makes it very easy to dodge those situations.

    He's a douche nonetheless.
    I don't know, I find Kat extremely easy to counter and Karthus extremely hard to counter, at least his insane lategame.

    The only thing that works against him, imho, is a really dominant laner like Leblanc and/or picking an assassin team with Irelia/Jax/Akali etc. top and a "jumpy" champ like Kassadin/Ahri mid and then always killing him in teamfights first, disengage, live through his ult and then kill the other guys 5v4, but even that can be really tricky.

    Displacement tools help a ton aswell, like Trist/Lee ult . . .

  6. #1546
    Oh, I know what you mean. But because my team was telling me to ulti at the wrong times, it never netted me any kills at all, so I wasn't able to snowball and reach any major items save for a Rod of Ages at 16/17 minutes because of how well I farmed. Also, my lane opponent was a Shen, and with no interrupt, I had no way of cancelling his ultimate. I wasn't getting kills for my items, so I had to farm for my items, and in doing so I wasn't at the stage where I was able to dive in the enemy team. Yes, I can easily farm out everything, but with just a RoA, I'm not doing as much dmg as i can with my Ultimate.

    One major factor was that my Riven Jungle also never gave me a single blue. Meaning I didn't have the mana sustain in team fights for a fairly long E. Normally, after my RoA, I build a Rabadons and then an Athene's Unholy Grail just because it is an amazing item, especially on Karthus that isn't receiving any blues at all.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-07 at 11:00 PM ----------

    I do run Teleport, but by the time I DO teleport to the fight it's already over because my team hasn't been pulling their own weight. Graves lost to Miss Fortune heavily, netting in MF being 5/0/3 at the 15 minute mark, with over 50 cs advantage over Graves. And in the end, it wasn't usually a big team fight, if ever. It was usually my team just being caught out of position, trying to push a bot with no ward coverage, even after calling out mias

  7. #1547
    Quote Originally Posted by TequilaFlavor View Post
    I don't know, I find Kat extremely easy to counter and Karthus extremely hard to counter, at least his insane lategame.

    The only thing that works against him, imho, is a really dominant laner like Leblanc and/or picking an assassin team with Irelia/Jax/Akali etc. top and a "jumpy" champ like Kassadin/Ahri mid and then always killing him in teamfights first, disengage, live through his ult and then kill the other guys 5v4, but even that can be really tricky.

    Displacement tools help a ton aswell, like Trist/Lee ult . . .
    Mobile AP champs will be able to toy with Karthus, and burst champs fuck him up quite badly. The trick is to get close enough to him.

  8. #1548
    Holy bejeebus. Diana mid is such beepboop.
    So I've played Orianna vs Diana quite a few times now. I've never outright won the lane, but so far I hadn't lost it hard either. But this game, I Think this Diana started with some extra MR runes because I couldn't do shit. Pre-6 I could win any trade and poke heavily with AA, but the seemingless manaless Q spam managed to wear me down eventually. I get an assist from a gank and back, but once Diana hit 6 she dives straight on me when Q hit but luckily only manages to half me. So we lane for a bit, nothing special. Level 12 arrives, I am on 90% at my turret after getting wraiths. She hits Q, ults in, does her shit and, mind this, WALKS AWAY with 50% hp after my ult, ignite and at least 5 seconds of tower aggro.

    She could tower dive me at any point Q hit from thereon. I was farmed, had Athene's finished, few kills from roaming (like her) but she could dive me and I would be helpless. One time I flashed her Q, but she just ulted in without refresh to kill me effortlessly.

    Is Diana some kind of wicked hardcounter to Orianna? Am I just plain bad? Or is Diana really that much of a BS champ against a somewhat squishy mid. What do I pick then :/

  9. #1549
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    Holy bejeebus. Diana mid is such beepboop.
    So I've played Orianna vs Diana quite a few times now. I've never outright won the lane, but so far I hadn't lost it hard either. But this game, I Think this Diana started with some extra MR runes because I couldn't do shit. Pre-6 I could win any trade and poke heavily with AA, but the seemingless manaless Q spam managed to wear me down eventually. I get an assist from a gank and back, but once Diana hit 6 she dives straight on me when Q hit but luckily only manages to half me. So we lane for a bit, nothing special. Level 12 arrives, I am on 90% at my turret after getting wraiths. She hits Q, ults in, does her shit and, mind this, WALKS AWAY with 50% hp after my ult, ignite and at least 5 seconds of tower aggro.

    She could tower dive me at any point Q hit from thereon. I was farmed, had Athene's finished, few kills from roaming (like her) but she could dive me and I would be helpless. One time I flashed her Q, but she just ulted in without refresh to kill me effortlessly.

    Is Diana some kind of wicked hardcounter to Orianna? Am I just plain bad? Or is Diana really that much of a BS champ against a somewhat squishy mid. What do I pick then :/
    Well she is not an insanely wicked counter but she is in top 6... Definately not a good matchup for you. Can't really say much more as im not fond of Diana.. Just thought she was a weaker and mana dependant version of Akali...

  10. #1550
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    Mobile AP champs will be able to toy with Karthus, and burst champs fuck him up quite badly. The trick is to get close enough to him.
    Yeah, that's why I mentioned LeBlanc, Ahri and Kassadin, but Karthus still remains a nightmare lategame (as he is supposed to be).

  11. #1551
    I'm done with this fucking game until they do something about trolls and tards. What's the point in fucking playing if, after every game, you just leave feeling you want to cut someones fucking throat?! Seriously, it's getting beyond a joke. AD Teemo top, support Sion who builds AD, an absolute mong playing Ashe and a total cock of a Veigar mid who fed LB 8/0 on 16 minutes, but it's my fault.


    Edit: Infact I might just stick to playing custom games vs beginner bots, at least that way I know my team will be retarded, but not so much so to stand outside enemys brush at bot lane for a Blitzcrank grab before minions have spawned.
    Last edited by Farolok; 2012-11-08 at 02:57 PM.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  12. #1552
    Playing with friends...

    Following the meta and meeting weird teams = lose
    Not following the meta and meeting meta teams = lose
    Everything = still lose

    I just don't GET it. Almost every game with RL friend is a loss. We've tried following the meta, we've tried right batshit crazy things, and every time it's always the same; some lane feeds (I won't deny that it happens to me when I play things I'm not used to like Twitch ADC or Zyra support), they start roaming and tearing shit up and we lose.

    It's pretty discouraging when I can't play with my friends without facing extremely uphill battles.

  13. #1553
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Playing with friends...

    Following the meta and meeting weird teams = lose
    Not following the meta and meeting meta teams = lose
    Everything = still lose

    I just don't GET it. Almost every game with RL friend is a loss. We've tried following the meta, we've tried right batshit crazy things, and every time it's always the same; some lane feeds (I won't deny that it happens to me when I play things I'm not used to like Twitch ADC or Zyra support), they start roaming and tearing shit up and we lose.

    It's pretty discouraging when I can't play with my friends without facing extremely uphill battles.
    It's all about synergy. You guys seem to lack it, or haven't found the right champions to use when you play together.

  14. #1554
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Playing with friends...

    Following the meta and meeting weird teams = lose
    Not following the meta and meeting meta teams = lose
    Everything = still lose

    I just don't GET it. Almost every game with RL friend is a loss. We've tried following the meta, we've tried right batshit crazy things, and every time it's always the same; some lane feeds (I won't deny that it happens to me when I play things I'm not used to like Twitch ADC or Zyra support), they start roaming and tearing shit up and we lose.

    It's pretty discouraging when I can't play with my friends without facing extremely uphill battles.
    Actually my partner and me queue with a friend as a threesome a lot of nights, and granted, our friend in level 28 still, but we seem to get matched with 2 absolute muppets every game. Like an Irelia feeding 3 kills in 6 minutes... meaning we seem to lose a lot.

  15. #1555
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    It's all about synergy. You guys seem to lack it, or haven't found the right champions to use when you play together.
    They haven't found Lee Sin is what it is.
    Hey everyone

  16. #1556
    Bot lane as Cait, support was Shen (if you can call him that this game). Taking all the cs, didn't buy a single ward the entire game, no exhaust, he running ghost and ignite, kept diving Leona and MF under their tower at half hp and was blaming me for not diving in with him. He did this about 8 times before lvl 12 and dying all 8 times resulting in a fed MF and apparently I'm the one to blame. Go figure.

  17. #1557
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    Just lost a 5v4 in Dominion because people left top undefended, and somehow manage to feed Xin to 24 kills, and let a Vayne get to late-game. Was playing Nunu at the time, so I couldn't do much against either of the two.

    At this rate, I'll probably end up losing a 5v3 or worse in Dom with these kinds of teammates.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2012-11-09 at 05:17 AM.
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  18. #1558
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    It's all about synergy. You guys seem to lack it, or haven't found the right champions to use when you play together.
    I thought about it, actually, and I think you might be right. We really never think about synergy, we just go "Well, that champion works there" and go like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    You might also be conscious of the fact that you're with friends, feel the need to over extend to "show off" or something similar and make more mistakes than usual
    Actually, it rarely happens that we overextend. Usually we're the ones who get pushed back, unless we have something like ADC/Blitz bot where the other team end up backing off due to being afraid of hooks.

    (I play a lot of support since the others love to do damage.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Maelle View Post
    Actually my partner and me queue with a friend as a threesome a lot of nights, and granted, our friend in level 28 still, but we seem to get matched with 2 absolute muppets every game. Like an Irelia feeding 3 kills in 6 minutes... meaning we seem to lose a lot.
    I'm familiar with that situation. It happens like 50% of the time that someone calls mid and goes as Katarina or Talon, thinking they're hot and dying tons. Or they call top and push the lane to oblivion, gets caught, then whines about no ganks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    They haven't found Lee Sin is what it is.
    Tried him a bit. It was fun when me and a friend playing Lux mid went for an early gank on their Fiddle jungle, we completely demolished him and pushed him out of the game.

    But I usually don't play ganking junglers with the rest of them, as they're the kind of people to go "oh, you're ganking?", so there's no point. I once did a mistake of going Hecarim with a poke team (Nidalee, Cait, etc.), it's a pain ganking as a balls-in champ when you have oblivious pokers staying 1000 miles away.

    Trying to get a proper team going is kinda hard though, when you have friends with extremely limited champion pools who love squishy champions. Add that to that they can't take criticism... bleh. It's a tough situation.

  19. #1559
    From what I read, it's your team mates holding you back. I used to play with people like that (they don't or barely play anymore), and with time, there would grow a gameplay level gap between us, and we'd end up getting annoyed by each other.

    I don't really see the point of playing jungle if your team does not give you the window of opportunity to gank. It's like they see it as an unimportant role that just has to be filled in.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-09 at 12:58 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    They haven't found Lee Sin is what it is.
    The missing ingredient to success!

  20. #1560
    Lost botlane harder than every before. They knew how to freeze perfectly and just outplayed me on every scale. Graves/raka vs Vayne/Sona. Guess that's a big gap between skills, he managed to freeze in a way that kept minions in the middle where he'd just outtrade me hard anytime I tried to go in for a cs. And the lane didnt push to me AT ALL. And she had double my CS in no time because of it. It was extremely frustrating. Guess I sent the ball rolling after I got baited by Sona and she got 1/0/1. Still wouldn't say such a strong botlane as graves/soraka could lose to something like that.

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