Thread: CRZ is stupid

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  1. #161
    My problem with CRZ is that when I zone out of Seven Stars on my flying mount or go from Jade forest -> Eternal Blossoms my wow window has a horrible crash that leaves me with a message box to tell blizzard what I was doing when my program had a hideous terminal error.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Laqweeta View Post
    All in all, this is very avoidable. Do not roll on a PVP realm.
    Yeah, because nobody has a guild or 10 fucking characters on a realm they chose years ago, with a financially impossible paid realm transfer option. How do you respond to that? "don't like ganking? Just shell out 3000 dollars". You pick and choose your arguments based on a player that does not exist. A player with exactly one low level character on a realm with no friends. Aka a strawman.

  3. #163
    Oh man I love seeing the people telling you to:

    Go on another char
    Spirit Res (LOL)
    Log off
    Get friends to kill the ganker

    Let me explain something, it may be pretty tough to understand.

    What is the point in leveling another char if you keep getting ganked? What if a new player doesn't want to have 4 level 25s?

    Spirit Res + Hearth? If you notice, most zones have flying. Res Sickness = no questing.

    Hearth? Am I supposed to wait in stormwind for 4 hours until some guy leaves?

    Log off? I'm pretty sure logging off won't allow me to play the game.

    Getting a friend? What if no one I know is online? Asking in trade chat will get you nothing but harassment and trolling.

    PvP Zones/Realms are for PvP. But a level 90 killing a level 20 over and over is NOT what blizzard had in mind for PvP.

    CRZ is a good idea, but it was terribly implemented, like LFR.
    Last edited by Dyss; 2012-11-16 at 12:26 PM.

  4. #164
    Field Marshal Labruja's Avatar
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    Hyve, you stated the following:

    If you can't handle it (Not specifically you, in general) then move realm. You started on a server designed for PvP, and then complain about PvP.

    Please explain to me how it is PvP and not PvSitting Duck when a level 90 kills every low level in a zone when they can't defend themselves and then refuses to get involved in PvP when there is the likelihood of getting killed by an equal level player?

    As has been stated before, the PvP ruleset was created in Classic, when there were no flying mounts and a large group of level 40's could and would kill a level 60 disrupting the zone. Too much has changed since then and, what is now being accepted by a few vocal players who enjoy camping lowbies, is no longer PvP, it's plain simple griefing. A solution needs to be found before players start leaving for greener pastures. Remember that there are now many other games which have a fairer ruleset and are possibly just as immersive as WoW. We don't want to lose players to them.

  5. #165
    I take CRZ and the reaction to players' unhappiness with MoP-dailies as indications how out of touch with their playerbase Blizzard has become. What responses I've read it seems Blizz is entirely happy with both despite unhappy responses from the playerbase. There is such a thing as vocal minority, but at least in CRZ the problems are very out in the open for anyone to see.

  6. #166
    Imo CRZ is one of the worst features Blizz has ever implemented. Of all things to "get people out into the world" THIS is the what they came up with, what a joke.

  7. #167
    people dont understand: RED = DEAD

    You join the World of Warcraft during one of the most tension ridden moments in history and it is YOUR DUTY to prevent the other faction from gaining strength.
    Your comitting HIGH TREASON, COLLUSION WITH THE ENEMY and whatnot, YOU are the one doing it wrong.

  8. #168
    A really simple solution would be to only accept level appropriate players in cross realm zones.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-16 at 01:28 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kane49 View Post
    people dont understand: RED = DEAD

    You join the World of Warcraft during one of the most tension ridden moments in history and it is YOUR DUTY to prevent the other faction from gaining strength.
    Your comitting HIGH TREASON, COLLUSION WITH THE ENEMY and whatnot, YOU are the one doing it wrong.
    Go back to your RP server.

  9. #169
    The Lightbringer Azerox's Avatar
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    Do dungeons.

  10. #170
    Field Marshal Labruja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kane49 View Post
    people dont understand: RED = DEAD

    You join the World of Warcraft during one of the most tension ridden moments in history and it is YOUR DUTY to prevent the other faction from gaining strength.
    Your comitting HIGH TREASON, COLLUSION WITH THE ENEMY and whatnot, YOU are the one doing it wrong.
    Hence the suggestion that there be level restrictions on PvP. The low levels will no longer be red to you and you can go about learning to actually PvP, instead of griefing any low level of the opposition that you can find. Even in war there is some honor and those who have none usually get tried for war crimes and even their own side disowns their behavior.

  11. #171
    It's been said 10 million times already but the truth is you rolled a pvp server dude, tough luck. If you cant stand the heat then gtfo. Simples.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaydenkor View Post
    There is an EXTREMELY easy fix to this.

    Get a realid/battle tag friend on a PVE server, have them invite you. Wham, your on a PVE server, enjoy
    And, for the billionth time, the most ignored, yet correct answer comes to light.

    "I want to be on a pvp server but I hate pvp. Make the meanies stop being mean to me.". Maybe if they changed the name to "Pulls wings off butterflies" and "Likes puppies" servers people would figure it out.

    ETA: just so I'm clear, I sympathize, and I enjoy being ganked by higher level or better geared, or simply many, enemy players as much as the next person, but you clearly don't like this aspect of pvp servers, and this is the key feature of pvp servers. Please, for the love of God, tell me what you can do on a pvp server that you can't do on a pve server (in the pvp context) other than gank enemy players.

    For my money, as much as I hate Alliance, I'm so glad I rolled an alt on an Alliance PVE server, because now I know how relaxing it is to play WoW in a stress free environment, after four years of looking around carefully every time I touched down because even on my desolate pvp server, there is some kid taking a break from COD in pvp gear just waiting to pull the wings off your butterfly.
    Last edited by Ayonel; 2012-11-16 at 12:52 PM.

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Avar ize View Post
    without knowing blizzard would do this in the future...
    Doesn't matter. How is this any different than a bunch of 90s from his server doing the same thing? It is not. It is PvP on PvP server. Stop bitching.

    Also, you agree prior to signing in for the first time that you, the player agreeing to the terms, understand that Blizzard may make any changes to this game at any time with or with out notice. So complaining about any changes to anything in this game are silly since you agreed to it in the first place.

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefhamer View Post
    Doesn't matter. How is this any different than a bunch of 90s from his server doing the same thing? It is not. It is PvP on PvP server. Stop bitching.

    Also, you agree prior to signing in for the first time that you, the player agreeing to the terms, understand that Blizzard may make any changes to this game at any time with or with out notice. So complaining about any changes to anything in this game are silly since you agreed to it in the first place.
    Really? Are you that thick? You pay for a service you have all the right to complain about. Blizzard could remove pvp alltogether tomorrow without prior notice. Would you say the same? What if they removed raids. Would you not complain? I mean after all, it's silly to complain about changes? I mean you did agree to it 1-8 years ago?

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Labruja View Post
    Please explain to me how it is PvP and not PvSitting Duck when a level 90 kills every low level in a zone when they can't defend themselves and then refuses to get involved in PvP when there is the likelihood of getting killed by an equal level player?
    At all points in World of Warcraft, you always had a maximum level player come in and kill you. What you're talking about has been around since the start of Warcraft. I recall being ganked for hours back in Classic because I only have a 60% movement speed mount, and they could swoop in on their 100% mount.

    Quote Originally Posted by Labruja View Post
    As has been stated before, the PvP ruleset was created in Classic, when there were no flying mounts and a large group of level 40's could and would kill a level 60 disrupting the zone.
    The PvP rule set might need a bit of updating, maybe even bringing back Dishonorable kills, but what you're saying still applies today and back then. If you get a large group of level 85's you can take a level 90 down. Although there were no flying Mounts, you did have 100% mounts for a minority of people, and 60% for the majority. While not the same advantage, it still was a big difference there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Labruja View Post
    Too much has changed since then and, what is now being accepted by a few vocal players who enjoy camping lowbies, is no longer PvP, it's plain simple griefing. A solution needs to be found before players start leaving for greener pastures. Remember that there are now many other games which have a fairer ruleset and are possibly just as immersive as WoW. We don't want to lose players to them.
    What has changed is the attitude of the community. The belief that PvP belongs only in Battlegrounds & Arenas is the problem. If I get ganked, killed or slaughtered in World PvP, I call my friends and guildies to come and help me. It turns into a long battle, or a 4 minute fight. Either way, I had fun, they had fun.

    I really don't see the point of getting upset. You're on a PvP Server. Whether or not you agree with the PvP System is a different matter, because the Cross-Realm Zones haven't changed anything, other then the amount of people available to PvP.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Labruja View Post
    Hence the suggestion that there be level restrictions on PvP. The low levels will no longer be red to you and you can go about learning to actually PvP, instead of griefing any low level of the opposition that you can find. Even in war there is some honor and those who have none usually get tried for war crimes and even their own side disowns their behavior.
    The only war crime in world of warcraft committable by players is the killing of civilians which killing of a player never is.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-16 at 01:45 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamgar View Post
    A really simple solution would be to only accept level appropriate players in cross realm zones.

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-16 at 01:28 PM ----------

    Go back to your RP server.
    Red = dead has nothing to do with RP, its the pvp philosophy.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    I take CRZ and the reaction to players' unhappiness with MoP-dailies as indications how out of touch with their playerbase Blizzard has become. What responses I've read it seems Blizz is entirely happy with both despite unhappy responses from the playerbase. There is such a thing as vocal minority, but at least in CRZ the problems are very out in the open for anyone to see.
    Actually you can't correlate the two. The forums are a biased minority. According to Funcom the industry standard of forum participators is about .5% of players. And of those posters they are usually people who want to complain about something. Statistics say if some one is unhappy with something they will tell at least 10 other peope about it. If someone is happy with something they will tell 2-3 people. The people happy with CRZ most likely express that in game to others and do not come to the forums about it. People unhappy with CRZ bitch like crazy ingame and on the forums. So taking any type of temperature about anything from a game forums cannot be considered a valid pool since it is a biased minority.

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyandor View Post
    Like everyone knew 'PvP' meant getting one-shot constantly... Hell I didn't know when I made my first char back in TBC and even then it was a lot less common than now. I'm not against WPvP, but it seems all those gankers just don't seem to have a life. When I was leveling through un'goro I have been ganked about 6-7 times by people who have no business there and everyone on the same level leaves each other alone most of the time guessing they are just chicken to attack something they might lose to. Also CRZ has it's flaws in letting the wrong people in the zone. I play on a high-pop server with a high alliance concentration, which pretty much means most of the time zones get filled with Horde, which is fine, wouldn't it be for the fact it pretty much only dumps L90s in the zone and hardly any appropriate level people.

    Solution against this BS and finally have real WPvP:
    - you get scaled down to the level of the player you attacked
    - flight is disabled
    - you are locked to the realm

    All the above effects should be on a 5 minute lock or something and start the moment you engage in PvP, just like flagging works.
    This would solve it quite nicely.

    I hate CRZ because of how badly implemented it is:

    1. The fact that an ahole several lvls higher can gank me, without me being able to take revenge is bollocks! (Its called instanced/zone division, meaning if I return with my lvl 90 I cant be sure that I am even in the same instance as the ganker. that sucks!)
    2. Beign in a zone filled with morons from other servers who I care little about since the chance of ever encountering them ever again is slim to none, makes this whole CRZ idea bad. Its like giving the community a chance of beign even bigger retards than ever before!
    3. Putting higher lvls from other realms together with lower lvls is the badest idea in the history of an MMO, all it does is further ganking!
    4. It ruins the whole server community thing! In the past, pre CRZ If i get ganked, that player will face my wrath every time I meet him in the future since he is from my own server. He can then do the same towards me, and that is all fine. That is PVP in its essence, you give some you take some. The problem with CRZ is that you get some, but cant deal some back! except ganking low lvls which in my book is about as low as you can get in an mmo.
    5. Not giving players the option to turn the crap off is an even hugher mistake.
    6. Sharing nodes with other servers is as moronic as it gets as it only benefits botters even more as herbs/mines from special zones are skyrockting through the roof! (400G for a stack of 20 TBC ores, is ludicrous)

    What they should have just settled with, and one thing which is the only good thing about CRZ:

    Cross realm friend grouping! That is a great feature! The rest of the features in CRZ they should remove faster than you can say: Flash!

  19. #179
    Its hilarious reading these threads, because you realize just how many wannabe tough guys rolled on a pvp server only to realize that they're too weak and puny to handle real pvp.

    Real pvp is unfair fighting, corpse camping, and griefing all day long. If you can't handle it, QQ and go back to battlegrounds and arenas.

    And Dark Portal is uber camped, true, but it takes at most 5 corpse runs to make it through the portal to outland.

  20. #180
    My only beef with CRZ is the load/lag kick that happens when crossing zone lines. If they cleaned that up a little bit and made it feel a little more stream line then I would be totally satisifed. If you don't like to have world PVP interfer with your time then don't roll on those zones. Transfer your toons off those zones. They are servers doing as advertised instead of just being a PVE server that kids pretend to be cooler then other non-PVP server players based purely upon the 3 letter description that labels their server.

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