1. #1681
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    Meh, played Blitz, got blamed for feeding when I had way more assists than deaths. Funny thing is, I got blamed by a feeding Darius who in the negative with his score and a 3/8 Ziggs.

    Then everybody and their grandma started blaming me for 1 mistake, all calling for reports, speaking in another language with some of the enemy team.

    When I trumped them with logic and reasoning, saying they ignored their own fails they just say things like: you retard. Or: you are childish.

    I just reported them all and hope a swift death comes to them in real life, Those people need to be removed from the planet if you ask me.
    Had something like that last night. I was having an abysmal time as Vlad against a Darius (not played Vlad much recently, and never laned against Darius. I realised where I went wrong eventually though) and our Jungle Shen was concentrating mainly on mid lane (Our Morg vs their Karthus) and occasionally helping out bot lane (Their leona and ashe vs our MF and Drven. Yes I know, 2 AD carries, but these were the pick ups we got randomed with). About an hour into the game, which was a long one, the enemy shaco was smack talking at our shen saying he only had 1 kill after an hour, neglecting to see his assists. our Shen was quite rightly not last hitting enemies and was allowing everyone else to get kills. We won in the end, even though we lost bot and top lane to begin with, mainly because me and Morg obtained an affinity, where I would drop my ult and she would drop hers, and all this over a Shen taunt. Was music

  2. #1682
    Brewmaster Snaige's Avatar
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    Three out of 5 on my team went afk/dced today it was me morgana and a lonely teemo against the 5 of them. So painful when they finally won, couldn't even report them for afking/leaving because the client got stuck at ''waiting for stats'' for 19 mins. Got bored of waiting and closed it. Pooo that really sucked I bet the enemy team had a good laugh at all the afkers on ours.

  3. #1683
    Quote Originally Posted by Snaige View Post
    Three out of 5 on my team went afk/dced today it was me morgana and a lonely teemo against the 5 of them. So painful when they finally won, couldn't even report them for afking/leaving because the client got stuck at ''waiting for stats'' for 19 mins. Got bored of waiting and closed it. Pooo that really sucked I bet the enemy team had a good laugh at all the afkers on ours.
    I feel with ya sis.

    Something similar happened to me in a ranked once. Everyone besides me on my team disconnected tho they reconnected like 15 minutes later.
    Of course the game was lost by then.
    Last edited by mmoc9f72c2f73e; 2012-11-22 at 08:59 PM. Reason: ok i checked out the youtubelink in your sig

  4. #1684
    Quote Originally Posted by Snaige View Post
    Three out of 5 on my team went afk/dced today it was me morgana and a lonely teemo against the 5 of them. So painful when they finally won, couldn't even report them for afking/leaving because the client got stuck at ''waiting for stats'' for 19 mins. Got bored of waiting and closed it. Pooo that really sucked I bet the enemy team had a good laugh at all the afkers on ours.
    Leavebuster will get anyone that hasn't been connected to the game for a while when the game ends, so they'll get flagged

  5. #1685
    Brewmaster Snaige's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    Leavebuster will get anyone that hasn't been connected to the game for a while when the game ends, so they'll get flagged
    Great to know, wasn't aware of that.

  6. #1686
    First 2 ranked games ever, all lanes feed heavily and we surrender at 20, when i say feed, I mean they are 3/4 levels ahead and 20+ kills... I am support, both times my ADC is so totally moronic I want to stab out my eyes.

    First dude constatly volantarily WALKS UP TO TARIC, like literally, walks into him, gets stunned and burst down for no reason.

    Second guy does OKish at first, but they have a volibear support, and he is obsessed with trying to kill this voli, who must have been lolling hard as vayne just shoots this guy while he's ignoring vayne, and trying to kill voli who is building tanky. This vayne gets rediculously fed, and you imagine how that ended. Even when I slowed voli, and ulted them both he just ran (he could have easily escaped), saw me die, so decides to run back into the face of fed vayne, ammumu and voli, I don't even think he fired one shot before they killed him, my WTF face must have been epic.

    Why call carry if you have no idea how to not walk into tanky supports, and to try and focus the opposing carry?

    Seriously, I moan about blind pick, but right now that seems to be a haven of professionals compared to those two games. So much fail...

  7. #1687
    Shen - "gank top noob!!"
    Well, yeah, if you stop pushing your lane constantly...
    Nevertheless i attempt a gank to make him happy after ive cleared my jungle and chogath is in a decent position to be ganked. He proceeds to burn flash! Neat! Im still being called a noob because he escaped us though.

    Later he decides he doesnt want top lane because i apparently cant gank and am a great noob etc, then proceeds to "help" the others in bot lane by pushing it. They ask him not to push it (hes just killing asap, not last hitting or anything), he decides to call them noobs aswell. After 20 min the rest of the team decides we can still win this if we pull ourselves together. Mr Shen doesnt like this and afks.

    On the bright side, the rest of the team are actually giving me words of gratitude that i didnt start flaming him back. All i did was point out his own mistakes in a constructive manner. I was jungling as Udyr for the records.

  8. #1688
    All Elise players should just get fucking banned. This champ is beyond OP.

  9. #1689
    Quote Originally Posted by StayTuned View Post
    All Elise players should just get fucking banned. This champ is beyond OP.
    Wauv... That was a new one... Never heard anyone say that before... However i do agree that if you feed Elise she will destroy you and all your lanes as her ganking potential is insane (Even better than Lee Sin)... She does have very little base Hp and low defense outside of spiderform... But what she lacks in strength she's got in utility...

    One thing to be noted is that she is not nearly as good in lategame as she is easily melted down along with some CC... Howeber she might just jump up in the air, and if she have a zhonya on top of that you are gonna have a bad time... I say it once more, she falls off a lot lategame, as she can't do any damage if she is focused and if she builds tanky her damage will be mediocre at best...

  10. #1690
    So we're up against a strange team. Volibear top, Irelia mid, Cho jungle, Vayne and Nidalee bot. In short, they barely had any AP whatsoever. I (playing Diana) say I can't do shit mid against Irelia and ask if Teemo wants mid. Being the retards Teemo players are, he refuses. Result, I can't farm, I don't get a blue from our Wriggles (wtf) Malphite and in the end their Irelia get's fed beyond fuck.

    Moral of the story, my entire team blames me for feeding Irelia. Yet at the end of the match I still had most kills/assists and least deaths of our entire team. Teemo had aroudn 15 deaths, I had a dazzling 4. 2 of which were in lane against Irelia. Obviously this is feeding her as fuck.

    3 biggest retards in my team being Teemo, Malph and Varus were all gold elo players.

    This game can be fucking hilarious.

  11. #1691
    2 games today that ive been fed as Graves and both games my team goes full retard

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  12. #1692
    First off: 3 games in a row as Lux mid, dominating my lane with some damn near perfect scores (in all games I got Godlike at least, before dying once). Once we get past early-mid game and team fights start, it turns out my team is retarded and we lose the game despite me having fantastic scores. Every time. I hate team based games with people I don't know.


    What is this I don't even
    and various other confusion based memes.

  13. #1693
    I think they need to make a big red post when logging into the game that says

    "Do not feed teemo"

  14. #1694
    everytime i get an ashe AD carry this week, they are so useless... is ashe the new teemo?

    Just had one, cost us the game with her inability to not walk alone into obvious ganks, do any useful damage, creep farm, in fact do anything... at all, then he proceeds to rage hard at team and be all like "this team so bad report" in /all chat, despite him being the only person with a bad score o.o

    Then he starts spamming surrender, and says if we don't surrender, he will leave. he then leaves, and logs back 5 mins later, realising he'll get reported, and actually trys to pretend in /all chat that he disconnected accidentally to avoid more reports... isn't it cute when people have no idea how tribunal works xD

  15. #1695
    omg really hate when the client just crashes randomly -.-

    Will be missed ~

  16. #1696
    Quote Originally Posted by Vvhooya View Post
    omg really hate when the client just crashes randomly -.-
    At least its not as bad as some people's situation. You should be thankful :P

  17. #1697
    Main Tristana. Decide to go play Graves for a little bit. And then proceed to get destroyed by another Tristana after she got fed. Oh well. I still love my Tristana <3. Rocket Girl!

  18. #1698
    Never fails that I spend money on this game then end up deeply regretting it a few matches later after having to deal with the terrible community this game has.

    There is just no way around it, the LoL community is deplorable. To have a whole team of people ragging on me as hard as they can because I didnt pick up a 200 health heal on an aram while running from the entire enemy team... Like they didnt make countless mistakes on their own. There is always that one person everyone picks on regardless of how bad the entire team is doing. Just sick of it.

    I really wish there was an option to turn off chat completely. Yes you could put everyone on ignore every match. But sometimes you forget, or sometimes you make the mistake of giving this community another chance.

  19. #1699

    Death to all Teemos on my team, I knew I should have tried to shame him out of that 100% useless pick when we have 0 aoe.

    Feeds top lane, builds AP drops like max 10 shrooms in a 40 mins game.... hides in bush and does nothing in fights but try and last hit dying heroes.

    All my rage.

    There is NO team in Teemo.

  20. #1700
    I'm so fucking sick of all these scaredy little assholes I get on my team these days.

    When the tank runs in to tank the whole bunch and they focus him, ENGAGE AND DO DAMAGE. Don't stand back like some moronic little clod. I seem to only get people who want to play Nidalee and poke at people with spears who miss 90% of the time, or Garens who go bruiser, build bruiser yet act like they're the fucking AD carry.

    The way to win games these days is to catch the enemy and quickly beat their face in. But apparently, "DAMAGE IZ LE SCARY Q_Q" and so no teamfights go in my favor. I feel like one of those suicidal morons simply because I end up going alone.

    People ask me to tank? Yeah, then fucking help me. Oh, okay, I'll just die alone then.

    Sorry for the language, but Jesus Christ... I am just so sick of people going all chicken mode when I engage. I feel like random games are a nightmare simply because I can't depend on people to do their job.

    Our Maokai couldn't even muster up the guts to tank A SINGLE TOWER. Even though he had tank items. Rrrrrgh.

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