1. #1

    Having trouble with ranked game teams - How to make people doing bad do good?

    I know this is a touchy subject, and most people will say "it's your fault, you deserve to be in your league, etc..."
    but, I'm hoping to avoid that and hope to get general input, and advice from players whom made their team play better, make better play calls, not getting caught, etc.. hoping that the advice can help other people that also have trouble with this as well.

    my situation: I'm currently in Silver 3 (was silver 2 on series, got demoted on a very bad losing streak) I main top, and I adc in duo with a friend. I also play mid really well, but support & jungle are not something I enjoy to do and prefer not to over someone that can do it well.
    lolking: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/299398

    I've been having an issue with people that do (insert bad play), and not trying to correct their play. It's very hard to even calmly, and nicely tell someone some advice without them getting offended. So, I've been trying to think of ways I can influence the team via hero choice, and ganking at all possible. So, I've been trying to play only highly mobile heroes, or snowball champions (khazix, darius, diana, singed). It's just not working for me...Things go really well for my lane, and I win the lane, but generally these games aren't even close to in my teams favor.

    Does anyone have any general advice they can throw out for my situation? I really want to rank up, but these losing sprees when even when I'm doing really well nearly every game is pretty demotivating :/
    Last edited by Acry; 2013-04-02 at 05:57 AM.

  2. #2
    I"m in the same boat personally, though i rarely, if at all, duo queue. my only advice for you to stop yourself from being demoralized and everything is to just NOT play at all. I say this because if you play but don't want to or feel warmed up or whatever, you won't really be "ready" to give it your all each game. Not to mention, going on losing sprees just make that worse. So, just take a small break! Go play another game or whatever.

  3. #3
    Yeah, I just play a normal instead when the losing streak happens to warm up and go back in. It helps to bring the motivation back up quite a bit :P

  4. #4

    Kidding, obviously!

    First off, positive attitude is key. If your teammate fucks up, simply tell him "hey friend, can you please group up?", "hey top, can you please ward your lane? if you need help at warding it, let me know and I'll chip in", "please stay grouped so that we won't get caught!" and so on, don't sound negative and just tell him what he could've done better - however, dont try and tell them not to miss skillshots (although realize that half of the community are a bunch of spoiled brats who cant differentiate(?) between positive criticism and blatant flame, just shrug it off and move on if they wont take your advice) and such, it happens and generally you'll miss more than 50% of your skillshots which is normal for everyone, better throw too many than too little.

    The thing to remember is that the only difference between Diamond and lower Elo players is their knowledge of the game and in-game mechanics, this means knowing when to build what, knowing who counters who, which lanes to help early, when to go aggressive, when to splitpush, go defensive and all that, all this comes with time and experience.

    As I main jungle myself I can only really go in-depth with that (if you want to know, say so).. but I do play a cool mid aswell, the thing about soloqueue though is that you have to adapt to everything, as opposed to premade teamgames where the game is more defined, in soloqueue you constantly have to look at how the games going and go "alright, top's feeding, gotta gank his lane a few times so we wont fall too much behind" and so on - know when you can and cannot gank (ex if top has a huge wave at his turret, ganking might not be a great time, but realize that the wave will most likely soon be reset, so stay nearby), help your jungler counterjungle, make the calls, force plays in their jungle if you're confident you can come out on top - it's all about making plays snowballing the game to your advantage, and try not to do too risky plays (such as diving unless you're reallllyyy far ahead).

    roam, ward, collect Elo

    as Zariay said, if you feel demotivated, down or just sad.. take a break, have a shower, go for a run, take a trip to... palm-dale.. relax for half an hour or even an hour and come back motivated.

    watch replays of your games, analyze them and point out your own mistakes to yourself.. "okay, if I'd ganked bot often instead of doing X then they might not have snowballed on us...", "if we didnt go for X objective then..." you get the point.

    i'm current sitting in plat 5, have jungled against diamond 1-challenger teams and have fared pretty well against them, I'm not pro but I know my stuff.

    PS: i havent slept yet pretty tired so sorry if things are clumsy, if you're unsure on something ask and i'll elaborate.. it feels clumsy as fuck when I read it back >.< fuck
    Last edited by mmocfaf6580671; 2013-04-02 at 06:40 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sivalion View Post

    Kidding, obviously!

    First off, positive attitude is key. If your teammate fucks up, simply tell him "hey friend, can you please group up?", "hey top, can you please ward your lane? if you need help at warding it, let me know and I'll chip in", "please stay grouped so that we won't get caught!" and so on, don't sound negative and just tell him what he could've done better - however, dont try and tell them not to miss skillshots (although realize that half of the community are a bunch of spoiled brats who cant differentiate(?) between positive criticism and blatant flame, just shrug it off and move on if they wont take your advice) and such, it happens and generally you'll miss more than 50% of your skillshots which is normal for everyone, better throw too many than too little.

    The thing to remember is that the only difference between Diamond and lower Elo players is their knowledge of the game and in-game mechanics, this means knowing when to build what, knowing who counters who, which lanes to help early, when to go aggressive, when to splitpush, go defensive and all that, all this comes with time and experience.

    As I main jungle myself I can only really go in-depth with that (if you want to know, say so).. but I do play a cool mid aswell, the thing about soloqueue though is that you have to adapt to everything, as opposed to premade teamgames where the game is more defined, in soloqueue you constantly have to look at how the games going and go "alright, top's feeding, gotta gank his lane a few times so we wont fall too much behind" and so on - know when you can and cannot gank (ex if top has a huge wave at his turret, ganking might not be a great time, but realize that the wave will most likely soon be reset, so stay nearby), help your jungler counterjungle, make the calls, force plays in their jungle if you're confident you can come out on top - it's all about making plays snowballing the game to your advantage, and try not to do too risky plays (such as diving unless you're reallllyyy far ahead).

    roam, ward, collect Elo

    as Zariay said, if you feel demotivated, down or just sad.. take a break, have a shower, go for a run, take a trip to... palm-dale.. relax for half an hour or even an hour and come back motivated.

    watch replays of your games, analyze them and point out your own mistakes to yourself.. "okay, if I'd ganked bot often instead of doing X then they might not have snowballed on us...", "if we didnt go for X objective then..." you get the point.

    i'm current sitting in plat 5, have jungled against diamond 1-challenger teams and have fared pretty well against them, I'm not pro but I know my stuff.

    PS: i havent slept yet pretty tired so sorry if things are clumsy, if you're unsure on something ask and i'll elaborate.. it feels clumsy as fuck when I read it back >.< fuck
    Thanks for the advice! I knew a lot of these in my head, but remembering them should help. I've been thinking since I do so well in top lane, I should grab teleport and help everyone out with wards and what not. Just had a really good Irelia/Shen game doing that, and it's working really well.

    I've been wondering what to do when jungling though, as sometimes I have to. I have trouble with not falling behind, especially if I get killed in the jungle for some reason, or a gank goes horribly wrong. Sometimes junglers just never fall behind, but I'm one does :S
    I've thought playing mobility ones like vi/nocturne sort of counters this, but it still happens, just not nearly as much.

  6. #6
    also, another PS: do not ever (read: EVER, NEVER EVER) engage in an arguement with anyone on your team about anything whatsoever (NEVER). if he wants to pick a fight, ignore it and move on, if you respond you'll end up spending time writing instead of playing resulting in a loss, gz, you just lost the game.

    be sure to induce positive reinforcement - if anyone does a good job, make a good play, a good call, be sure to let them know they did a good job and just how awesome it was, they're now happy they did a good job, they got recognized for doing a good job and are motivated to keep doing a good job!

    ---------- Post added 2013-04-02 at 09:17 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaeh View Post
    Thanks for the advice! I knew a lot of these in my head, but remembering them should help. I've been thinking since I do so well in top lane, I should grab teleport and help everyone out with wards and what not. Just had a really good Irelia/Shen game doing that, and it's working really well.

    I've been wondering what to do when jungling though, as sometimes I have to. I have trouble with not falling behind, especially if I get killed in the jungle for some reason, or a gank goes horribly wrong. Sometimes junglers just never fall behind, but I'm one does :S
    I've thought playing mobility ones like vi/nocturne sort of counters this, but it still happens, just not nearly as much.
    yeah, we all know everything just up until the point we need to actually use it, happens to literally everyone, dont take it too hard it'll come with experience

    alriiight, jungling, yippie!

    first off, about which champions to play - play whatever you're comfortable with, some are easier to carry with, sure, but the ones you're most comfortable with are always easiest to carry with, so find that one or two jungle champions (or lane champions, same principle) you love playing, however if you're willing to learn a champion, here's a few that's somewhat easy to learn, have a great impact on the game, are easy duelists and are very easy to gank with:

    Jarman the 4th, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Hecarim, Nocturne, Vi, Udyr - highlighted my personal favourites

    if you get killed early on in your jungle, gank your way back in the game. you cannot farm your way back. gank, gank, gank. find opportunities, create opportunities for yourself -- find opportunities by watching your lanes carefully, remember it's easy to gank a pushed lane than a lane where your team is sitting at their turret, go in through the lane and wait in 1st or 2nd brush for the right time to engage and go. create them by predicting where opposing jungler will gank next; if your toplane easy gankable from his pov? then stay near him and wait. create them by looking at your timers, are their buffs about to spawn? 2nd spawn time is 7:15~, 3rd is 13~, 4th is 19~, those are the times you can make big plays happen for your team by warding up their buffs beforehand and setting up kills/stealing their buffs. - pink ward drake, try and sneak it if you see 2-3 enemies toplane, and so on. that's how you get back in the game, if you farm up you'll end up even more behind and your team will end up more behind due to them having actual jungle presence.

    again, ask me anything about jungling and if its too confusing i'll clean it up D:

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Sivalion View Post
    also, another PS: do not ever (read: EVER, NEVER EVER) engage in an arguement with anyone on your team about anything whatsoever (NEVER). if he wants to pick a fight, ignore it and move on, if you respond you'll end up spending time writing instead of playing resulting in a loss, gz, you just lost the game.

    be sure to induce positive reinforcement - if anyone does a good job, make a good play, a good call, be sure to let them know they did a good job and just how awesome it was, they're now happy they did a good job, they got recognized for doing a good job and are motivated to keep doing a good job!

    ---------- Post added 2013-04-02 at 09:17 AM ----------

    yeah, we all know everything just up until the point we need to actually use it, happens to literally everyone, dont take it too hard it'll come with experience

    alriiight, jungling, yippie!

    first off, about which champions to play - play whatever you're comfortable with, some are easier to carry with, sure, but the ones you're most comfortable with are always easiest to carry with, so find that one or two jungle champions (or lane champions, same principle) you love playing, however if you're willing to learn a champion, here's a few that's somewhat easy to learn, have a great impact on the game, are easy duelists and are very easy to gank with:

    Jarman the 4th, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Hecarim, Nocturne, Vi, Udyr - highlighted my personal favourites

    if you get killed early on in your jungle, gank your way back in the game. you cannot farm your way back. gank, gank, gank. find opportunities, create opportunities for yourself -- find opportunities by watching your lanes carefully, remember it's easy to gank a pushed lane than a lane where your team is sitting at their turret, go in through the lane and wait in 1st or 2nd brush for the right time to engage and go. create them by predicting where opposing jungler will gank next; if your toplane easy gankable from his pov? then stay near him and wait. create them by looking at your timers, are their buffs about to spawn? 2nd spawn time is 7:15~, 3rd is 13~, 4th is 19~, those are the times you can make big plays happen for your team by warding up their buffs beforehand and setting up kills/stealing their buffs. - pink ward drake, try and sneak it if you see 2-3 enemies toplane, and so on. that's how you get back in the game, if you farm up you'll end up even more behind and your team will end up more behind due to them having actual jungle presence.

    again, ask me anything about jungling and if its too confusing i'll clean it up D:
    Yep, positive reinforcement always help. I've been finding a chatty team that is complementing everyone does best now. It's hard to when someone is being toxic for any reason, though.

    Those junglers are pretty much the best ones atm from what I know. I love playing Vi as her ganks are really hard to not be successful, and so are nocturnes. I loved udyr back when innervating locket existed, but I've only seen feeders and a good one here and there now. Is he really that good now?

    I didn't know that if I fell behind I should start ganking immediately, I thought farming the jungle would be the better way (the more you know). I sort of miss the days when Warwick and Udyr were the only junglers then trundle came along, but the meta has definitely shaped better that way :P

    Well, if you want to give me your league name and I could poke some advice off you here and there, i'd appreciate it? Or just add me (Kaethan) <-- league name.

  8. #8
    which server u on

  9. #9

  10. #10
    urg, I'm on EU west, sorry bud

  11. #11

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