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  1. #1

    [Fury] Trinket question


    I currently have Skeer's and Thok normal trinkets, was wondering if it would be worth it to try and get Flex Galakras trinket to replace Skeer's on all except Galakras and Spoils?


  2. #2
    eye > skeers for everything, ever

  3. #3
    Strictly speaking there isn't a big difference between Flex EEoG and Normal Skeers. Flex EEoG doesn't have quite enough reduction to really make it shine (insofar as Storm Bolt is concerned) until you upgrade it. After upgrades, I believe EEoG is superior but again, numerically there isn't a large difference.

    That said, if you track trinket ICD's and plan your play around things like trinket procs; EEoG will end up better because it is much more predictable and easier to take advantage of.

  4. #4
    Same situation but I am Arms. Would the same thing apply?

  5. #5
    As arms Skeers is better than EEoG on single target, on AoE they are quite even.
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  6. #6
    Yeah, the cool down reduction is wasted on arms single target. It wouldn't be that great for fury either if it didn't magically sync colossus smash with storm bolt.

  7. #7
    Well, I wouldn't say wasted, but it require some precise timings on the boss for it to be worth it, such as if you exactly can get another reck off during the fight, but mostly the benefit of CDR will be overshadowed by the OP'ness of Skeers.
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  8. #8
    What exactly makes Skeer's so much better for Arms than Fury? I've been trying to wrap my head around this.

  9. #9
    Stormbolt makes evil eye better for fury. Hasn't much to do with either arms or skeers.

  10. #10
    I should probably rephrase that, what makes Skeer's so good and how come it's better than the CDR trinket for Arms?

  11. #11
    The crit proc, if anything. I'm not saying that it's better or worse but proccing more crit can only boost fury's effectiveness since they're dependent on it.


    I see what you did there.

  12. #12
    Arms is global locked and didn't gain the awesome benefit of an off-hand storm bolt. That's the reason why the CDR trinket is mediocre in single target scenarios. On AoE, it's still pretty good.

    Crit over 53% is worth relatively little for Fury compared to pre-53%, and Skeer's boosts it way over 53%.

    Even when comparing the two trinkets for the two specs, the dps differences are relatively minor.

  13. #13
    As Collision said, it's more the fact that EEoG is lackluster for Arms than Skeers being OP. With that said, Skeers is OP, both for Fury and for Arms, but as EEoG is OP'er than Skeers for Fury, we take that instead. For Arms Skeers makes us global capped, as we can save our OP stacks for later, and instead convert to a Slam/execute rotation once its stacks are high enough + Nothing can beat the feeling of applying a 100% critchance Deep Wounds to a second target, such as doing a Mortal Strike on a second boss on Shamans.
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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Warriorsarri View Post
    As Collision said, it's more the fact that EEoG is lackluster for Arms than Skeers being OP. With that said, Skeers is OP, both for Fury and for Arms, but as EEoG is OP'er than Skeers for Fury, we take that instead. For Arms Skeers makes us global capped, as we can save our OP stacks for later, and instead convert to a Slam/execute rotation once its stacks are high enough + Nothing can beat the feeling of applying a 100% critchance Deep Wounds to a second target, such as doing a Mortal Strike on a second boss on Shamans.
    Might wanna rethink that Arms info now Sarri :P

  15. #15
    Arms is global locked and didn't gain the awesome benefit of an off-hand storm bolt.
    Yea this is pretty much what I thought it was.

    @Warriorsarri, Doesn't Deep Wounds update dynamically? As in, once the crit stacks are gone there wont be a buffed crit-chance deep wounds on the target.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Distinkt View Post
    Yea this is pretty much what I thought it was.

    @Warriorsarri, Doesn't Deep Wounds update dynamically? As in, once the crit stacks are gone there wont be a buffed crit-chance deep wounds on the target.
    No all DoT's snapshot for the time being.(this includes bleeds) The only time it would update is upon a reapplication, where it will recalculate dmg remaining + damage added and split that total out over a new 15 second window at which time it will also update the crit chance.

  17. #17
    Deep Wounds only snapshots damage but not Crit chance.
    Edit: +Damage buffs (enrage) and Attack Power (str).

  18. #18
    Wasn't it that it didn't interact with recklessness, but it still worked with pure crit%? I'm quite certain that I've had 100% crit chance DeepWounds on my offtarget on shamans, but I may be wrong.
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  19. #19
    It might. We didn't have Skeers when we tested it. I know Reck didn't work... Don't see why Skeers should be any different from a mechanical standpoint but perhaps. Moar testing!

    Edit: What you mean is it doesn't work with temporary +Crit Chance (Reck) but might with temporary +Rating (Skeers), at work so can't test, anyone else feel free!
    Clarification: We are specifically talking about snapshotting we know the buffs work while they are up.

  20. #20
    afaik, reck gives +crit on special abilities only (yellow), which means it doesnt add crit to your stats. So reck will give you a +crit on say TC but not the wounds created by it. Skeers from the other hand gives a proper +crit on all abilities, thus you can see +crit on your char tab.

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