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  1. #1

    Hellfire Citadel Mythic soloable?

    I am interested in some transmog sets out of Hellfire Citadel mythic. Is this raid soloable?

  2. #2
    Yes. Play a class that can avoid knock backs though.

  3. #3
    It might favor some classes, and you probably need a decently-legion-geared toon.

  4. #4
    Hellfire Assault (the first boss) is hell as melee unless you have good mobility. Pala and DK really really struggle, they're the only melee I've tried

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalliss View Post
    Hellfire Assault (the first boss) is hell as melee unless you have good mobility. Pala and DK really really struggle, they're the only melee I've tried
    I recommend Bear Tartare for that boss, makes life way easier.
    I have had a quite different problem with Hellfire Assault: a few minutes into the fight, roughly when the minibosses spawn, my framerate drops to 2 fps or something. Didn't find a reason or a fix for this sadly so I have not been able to solo this boss

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Azerate View Post
    It might favor some classes, and you probably need a decently-legion-geared toon.
    Got a druid(all 4 specs viable), a mage, a dk(all 3 specs viable) and a dh(only havoc), all around 970, any recommendation for which to solo hfc mythic with?

  7. #7
    Doesn't Gorefiend reset when you get ported into the belly? or does noone get ported at all if you're the only player?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwerty006 View Post
    Doesn't Gorefiend reset when you get ported into the belly? or does noone get ported at all if you're the only player?
    No porting when your solo

  9. #9

    This spreadsheet shows what's been solo'd by what class. It's outdated of course but everything green has been done.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by DistortionSleep View Post
    Yes. Play a class that can avoid knock backs though.
    Are you thinking about Mannoroth?
    I'm pretty sure you can evade the knockback with boss placement and situational awareness, if you can't dps him down before you lose all the spires.

    I solo the raid with a ~960 protadin.
    Most of the fights are just /afk until other guy dies.
    Assault is shit. Double horse and exploiting the speed-boost you get helps a lot.

  11. #11
    You need a lot of DPS to beat Fel Lord Zakuun solo, as he had a tendency to port you into another phase and then reset. Archimonde has a lot of abilities to knock you off the platform in the final phase. Bring a demon hunter or a class with a teleport on a short cooldown. I did it on a 930 affliction warlock. A monk will probably work too depending on the CD of transcendence. Apparently a warrior tank with double charge and bounding stride will also work.
    Last edited by Danvash; 2018-03-16 at 01:30 PM.

  12. #12
    Socrethar is annoying as hell as there's the mindflayer add that does like 50% of your HP a tick even at 110.
    Mistweaver Tax noun 1. The effect of both high mana costs, and lack of utility, coupled with requiring specific talent combinations to compete with other healers, while still not being able to compete with toolkits said healers have baseline in any competitive area.

  13. #13
    I agree, Socrethar is annoying.

  14. #14
    I'm 929 and only managed to fully solo the raid once, rng was on my side I guess. Struggled since though.

  15. #15
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    Might be faster/easier to just bring a few people with. Sort by tier token/armor class if you like.
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  16. #16
    How are you guys handling Kilrogg? Almost immediately after the fight starts I get mc'd and it obviously resets

  17. #17
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    Easiest way is to just get into a roflstomp group and clear it until you are done with the quests inside. It will take a long time but you will have access to Mannoroth and Archimonde from the get go. Mannoroth is easy but Archi last phase can be punishing. I struggled a bit with my ilvl973 hunter with the knockbacks, but I got better since then.

  18. #18
    It is possible I solo'd all bosses on mythic on my dh. I did have 970 ilvl equipped tho (:

  19. #19
    From the pov of a 972 Ret:

    Hellfire Assault - Need to have crazy mobility and Bear Tartare, favor killing adds and canons before picking up the fel boxes and you should be fine. - Hectic but not too hard

    Iron Reaver - Easy tank n' spank boss, no threat whatsoever. - Easy

    Kormrok - Easy tank n' spank boss, no threat whatsoever. - Easy

    Killrogg Deadeye - Kill adds asap and don't stand in green pools. Try to immune as many spears (Heart Seeker) as you can and you should be able to kill him - pretty tough

    Hellfire High Council - Burst Gurtogg and and Jubei'tos asap, every time Dia transforms into a shade and comes over focus her and when she goes out of shadow form, move the other two at least 20 yards away, rinse and repeat. - Easy but annoying

    Gorefiend - Kill all the adds and avoid the focusing ones, kill them from a distance. - Pretty easy, but unattended adds really hurt

    Shadow-Lord Iskar - Don't click on the Eye of Anzu untill there are winds, you don't need it. Save healing abilities for Focused Blast and kill the adds asap. Save ranged abilities for intermisions (air phase) like Judgement and he should die quickly. - Medium difficulty, probably easier for ranged

    Socrethar the Eternal - Don't waste CDs on the construct, burst down the shadow add if/when it spawns. Once Socrethar is out, interrupt as many 'Exert Dominance' casts as you can, don't be shy on interrupts. Drag him to the red portal so you can burst down the red add asap and if Socrethar goes back in the construct, just rinse and repeat. - Medium difficulty, favours Melee for interrupts... BElves even more.

    Tyrant Velhari - I didn't have the energy to solo her, the tank debuff is way too much to handle and you cannot immune it. Probably easier with a tank pet or a VERY bursty class with VERY high gear like rougues and mages. - Very Difficult

    Fel-Lord Zakuun - Easy tank n' spank boss, no threat whatsoever. - Easy (idk if Befouled does anything to other classes, as a Paladin it didnt have any effect on me.)

    Xhul'horac - AoE fest. Don't let anything live longer than 5 seconds (special attention to the void add) didn't pose any threat to me, Void add might be lethal to none bursty classes. - Pretty Easy

    Mannoroth - Gather class resources on the summoners before they insta die. Drag Mannoroth to the red pillar and stay with your ass glued to the pillar untill it gets crused by Gul'dan. Once the Pillar is destroyed, turn Mannoroth around and tank him in the same spot, When he does Empowered Fel Seeker, just avoid the green wave and drag Mannoroth towards your new location, turning him around to avoid being knocked off the platform. Do the same with Shadowforce. Try to kill the dreadlord adds, but tgey are not too important, just annoying. - Slightly hard difficulty, massive movement and really annoying mechanics for solo

    Archimonde -

    In the first phases:
    Burst the Doomfire orbs, you will not have to deal with fires at all if you can global it.
    Kill adds asap.
    I did not notice or remember if you get fall damage from Shadowfell Burst, because i bubble it, but if it does, just use Slowfall, bubble or Avalanche pots.
    Ignore shackles.

    In the Twisting nether:
    Don't worry about the conduits, they do nothing.
    Notice Mark of the legion, it is the most dangerous ability, you either need a Charge, Blink, Heroic Leap or any ability that can prevent you from falling from the platform. I personally use the Gul'dan trinket 'Draught of Souls' as i don't have any displacement ability as a paladin.
    Infernals are not a tgreat, but AoE them to clear your view.
    Source of Chaos is a very annoying mechanic, burst it down asap or else you will fall...

    And thats it! - Pretty hard dufficulty. Probably easiest as a Warrior

    TL: DR - Mostly easy to solo, Velhary is the hardest fight i encountered and Mannoroth and Archimonde are pretty rough and requier you to know how to handle mechanics.

    Madness will consume you!!!

  20. #20
    Sorry for necro, but with some minor changes to this instance a bit of an update.

    I tried today the mythic version on my paladin. First of all, first boss, way easier, it goes way way faster on the cannons now.

    On Archimonde, if you go avenging wrath for higher dps in the nether fase, you can dps him down without getting a knockback. My paladin is just 396.
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