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  1. #21
    Guy shares his honest experience with classic and how it makes him feel about retail.

    MMOC: is this bait?

    Do you guys know that you don't have to shut down every opinion you disagree with?

    On topic: I felt pretty much the same when playing classic. The only reason why I don't play it is because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to keep playing something that is stuck in the past and that will ultimately only develop in the same way it did all these years ago. Classic is incredibly fun but it sadly has no bright future ahead of it.
    Last edited by Nerovar; 2020-08-09 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcountry11782 View Post
    The farming of bugs in silithus is just an example.Not the wasn't the farming of the bugs its the guild getting together to do something that isn't the same thing you do over and over.Say its going to help someone with an attunement or going and doing a world boss that ends up being a battle with the opposite faction for control of the world boss. Mythic+ and raids are literally the only thing people do in Retail right now as a group.Everything else is just solo out in the world.That is what i was trying to get across.I don't just mean in classic this used to happen in game way more often but has become less of a thing.
    I agree that retail is the more railroaded experience - but I dont really see the difference in doing raiding, m+, achievement or transmog hunting or pvp stuff with your friends over doing what you do in classic. The fun part is having a goal while sitting in a discord together. Wether you do that while you buff your priest friend mark of the wild so that he can get his benediction (or any other classic thing) or while you turn yourself hostile towards everyone so that your friend can get that toy he wants in retail seems irrelevant to me.

    And both games also have endless solo content you can do while your friends arent online.

    The fun part about classic to me is mostly that it has emergent gameplay that the devs didnt put there on purpose. So every few weeks something unexpected happenes that you have to create new strategies for (people hunting world buffed players, people griefing felwood buffs, people figuring out how to solo another instance and so on). So somehow the game feels fresher than retail, where everything stays the same for months at a time and when players figure out something "gamebreaking" the devs kill it the next day.
    The fun part about retail to me is that it has gameplay that is actually fun to play on its own because it has been designed to be challenging and fun.
    "And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five?
    A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head."

  3. #23
    Fun facts:
    1). All these things you say you do in Classic can be done in Retail.
    2). Your personal reputation doesn’t mean jack squat anymore as shown by the trolling of people and guilds during the gates of AQ opening event.
    3). This is just another bash Retail in favor of Classic threads that could have just been necro’d into one of the already existing ones.

  4. #24
    Let me just debunk everything you wrote quickly:

    There's no competition in Classic, because all the items go to the asshole raid leader who reserves 99% of the loot of any run. The only person who competes for loot is the RL, with themselves.

    There's no caring about your rep as an individual, unless you're a part of the top2-3 guilds. Outside of that, no one else cares.

    People will congratulate you on classic and retail alike, as long as you're in a friendly community you picked for yourself.

    World PvP never meant anything, it's just high level idiots ganking noobs cause they can't fight people on equal footing. This is still possible on retail, but you have to opt into that, which is better.

    It's not alive in Classic, most people have already moved on. It has a small community of dedicated hardcore classic players and a lot of bots that autofarm instances and boost people for gold. That's it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcountry11782 View Post
    What is your problem?You didn't have to read it.It is a public forum i am not breaking any rules by sharing my opinions.Take your ego out of your throat you are choking on it friend.
    If you're not ready to be challenged on your misguided views, don't post them on public discussions forums. You can use the notepad on your PC instead.
    Last edited by Azerate; 2020-08-09 at 10:33 AM.
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    Everything wrong with gamers in one sentence:
    Quote Originally Posted by Cavox View Post
    I want Activision-Blizzard to burn, but for crimes against gaming, not because they got me too'd.

  5. #25
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    I am happy you are enjoying Classic, and respect your opinion even if I disagree with some points.

    Personally I like vanilla, but it really does show its age, there are some things back then I liked and wish they kept to this day but there is a lot of things I am glad they changed. Just as in BfA there are a lot of things that are good and a lot of things I do not like.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am happy you are enjoying Classic and having fun, and respect your opinion even if I disagree with some points.

    Personally I like vanilla, but it really does show its age, there are some things back then I liked and wish they kept to this day but there is a lot of things I am glad they changed. Just as in BfA there are a lot of things that are good and a lot of things I do not like.

  6. #26
    Something, something, bad blog troll post, something something.

  7. #27
    I agree with the post, but it seems a lot of people here just enjoy what retail has to offer, and that's ok. I defended BFA all the way up to 8.3 just as an evolution of the game and blizzard could make warfronts and azerite great with a few changes and I even enjoyed it for over a year, pvping, raiding, spamming islands, it all felt fun at the time with the previous experience being legion which was awesome after quitting in wod. Sadly 8.3 ruined the game and made me realise blizzard don't give a shit what they feed you as long as you pay the sub. For a lot of my friends, they still loved 8.3. corruption was just the new thing to grind out and minmax, but for me it broke the spell the game had. I even went back to BFA after the first 3 months of classic having cleared all the content, hyped for 8.3, but it was the patch that actually made me quit.

    Then classic made me realise it's just a whole different game now. People can make arguments about difficulty, classic is obviously easier with 15 years to figure it out, but turns out difficulty of pve content isn't what makes the game fun for me. I could go into it all but too long for a morning post, retail players will enjoy farming whatever new borrowed power there is and queuing for things, getting weekly caps for purples, purple being the standard loot colour, classes etc. For some just the QOL changes are enough, or achievements to go after.

    But I realise from playing classic the game is not what I fell in love with, and realised I didn't actually like whatever I was farming in retail.

    Luckily there's no shortage of players in either game and in both it looks like the future is only going to be better (tbc+shadowlands), but the main point is they really are 2 different games. The only thing that makes them similar is the flow of combat and basic UI.
    Last edited by Resentless; 2020-08-09 at 10:49 AM.

  8. #28
    Can someone fucking explain what the fuck is with Classic players' boner for trade chat?

    "all you seee is boooost and sometimes guild recruitment"

    What the fuck do you want from trade chat?
    There is an AH for items.
    There is a guild recruitment tab ingame.
    What the fuck do you want from trade chat? People making anal jokes all day?

    Literally everything you said is described as being in a guild.
    Ofc nobody will fuckin care about your item drops in a pug group.


  9. #29
    Classic leveling was fun and engaging. That's it.

    Pvp is dumb, one shots everywhere, only class that requires some skill is druid.

    Pve is a joke, it's so easy. As a Hunter I tabbed down went to the kitchen to grab a drink and was still top dps.
    Mechanics are as hard as an app promoting it's puzzle game on Facebook

    Only thing good in end game is community because of no sharding.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerovar View Post
    Guy shares his honest experience with classic and how it makes him feel about retail.

    MMOC: is this bait?

    Do you guys know that you don't have to shut down every opinion you disagree with?

    On topic: I felt pretty much the same when playing classic. The only reason why I don't play it is because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to keep playing something that is stuck in the past and that will ultimately only develop in the same way it did all these years ago. Classic is incredibly fun but it sadly has no bright future ahead of it.
    Welcome to MMO champion.

    This thread would have gone a lot better on the official forums. Where people are actually allowed to criticize the game without being called a troll by the die hard blizzard fanatics, to not call them something else.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Motorman View Post
    Why can't people simply play what they like and let others play what they like without trying to convince them that what they like is better. Its a game just play whatever version you like.
    to me it seems more like they are trying to convince THEMSELVES they are right
    and its nothing new, people have this attitude in more serious issues than games...

  12. #32
    Classic was fun for the first few months, After you had Pre-BiS, epic mount and enough gold for consumables it just became kinda pointless to keep playing, so i have just been raid logging for a very long time at this point.

    I honestly dono how people can play classic outside of raid hrs.. like what do you even do in that game? Only thing i can think of is just gold farming, and then i rather just do stuff on BFA characters instead.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post
    Welcome to MMO champion.

    This thread would have gone a lot better on the official forums. Where people are actually allowed to criticize the game without being called a troll by the die hard blizzard fanatics, to not call them something else.
    you cant be serious...
    this forum is pinnacle of criticism, negativity and pointless whining...
    here even a goddamn 100% XP buff was frowned upon and complained about as something negative

  14. #34
    The Lightbringer Draknalor186's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    3). This is just another bash Retail in favor of Classic threads that could have just been necro’d into one of the already existing ones.
    Most people want their comment/topic to be The #1 post not the #3000 post that is just lost to the pages on some old thread, that's why people make new threads.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroguy View Post
    Classic leveling was fun and engaging. That's it.

    Pvp is dumb, one shots everywhere, only class that requires some skill is druid.

    Pve is a joke, it's so easy. As a Hunter I tabbed down went to the kitchen to grab a drink and was still top dps.
    Mechanics are as hard as an app promoting it's puzzle game on Facebook

    Only thing good in end game is community because of no sharding.
    /cast auto shot


    /cast mend pet

    for way too many hours.

    idk, absolutely nothing was fun leveling in classic.

    seeing the same name farming herbs that you don't interact with vs different names doing wq that you also don't interact with


  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcountry11782 View Post
    Ok i just want to start by saying i tried classic out the day it launched since i did not have the time back when vanilla came out to play.All i did was run around like a chicken with my head cut off back in vanilla.I didn't really start playing till seriously till TBC.Alright having said that i have played since.I love WoW as much as the next avid player.Had many great times through the years.............
    Firstly, I just want to know why you don't use space after dots. Please tell me :P

    Secondly, what you say is something I have not thought about. It really is something lacking in retail, the feeling of defending something or gaining reputation. The feeling of being known throughout the realm, for being good, helpful, friendly, a villain or a scammer etc. The same could be said about ones guild.

    I also miss the collective effort of a guild, working together towards something larger. For instance, the profession "forges" in BFA are all individually based. They could be something the guild work for instead (it's just an example, I know it would not really work in a vacuum). While it's very convenient to not need a guild it also makes it somewhat limiting since guild-only objectives can't be introduced because you'd be "forced" do join a guild. Maybe even grind reputation with it to be able to use things like "the guild forge" and what not.

    I just read some more of the thread and holy molly, didn't know people were so aggressive. An advice to you, OP, stay calm, don't sort to personal attacks and simply explain everything like to a child without belittling people.

    I see a post with some genuine thoughts about retail and classic, it's not bashing anything, it's just an observation.

    For all posts about classic and retail this got to be one of the more reasonable ones.

    Also, do what I did, /leave 2. Trade chat is bloated and pointless if you're not looking to by boost. It's so tranquil being in cities now!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehego View Post
    seeing the same name farming herbs that you don't interact with vs different names doing wq that you also don't interact with

    Yes, but you could interact with that one and you'd recognize the name if you see him/her elsewhere. You might think "there's that dude who always steal my flowers!", I'd say that's one kind of interaction more than if those stealing your flowers are just random people. It might lead to something. Maybe some personal grudge like if you see that person in your group you leave or refuse to go with them. You'd have no idea if the randoms in your group was those stealing your flowers.

    It's a silly example but hey, I think you get the point :P
    Last edited by Zephire; 2020-08-09 at 12:16 PM.
    Well met!
    Quote Originally Posted by Iem View Post
    Man even if Blizzard gave players bars of gold, they would complain that they were too heavy.

  17. #37
    @OP Who the fuck are you?

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by SkagenRora View Post
    I honestly dono how people can play classic outside of raid hrs.. like what do you even do in that game? Only thing i can think of is just gold farming, and then i rather just do stuff on BFA characters instead.
    How about PvP?

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerovar View Post
    How about PvP?
    PvP is just a means to an end, after AV exalted there is no reason left to do it.

    and also.. like... you know.. 2hr 30 min queue

  20. #40
    Fuck Classic and fuck Retail, TBC FTW

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