Thread: Genshin Impact

  1. #3581
    Just got to AR 50 and got my first Gladiator sands with attack! The game, promptly sensing my good luck, immediately put defense all over the substats... multiple times.

    Literally at level 12 right now and the defense substat is nearly as big as the attack.

  2. #3582
    Just to go in more detail about some of your points:

    7) IDK how you can just dismiss him being geo as a "dumb complaint", it's a pretty dumb look honestly. Geo is the worst element right now, with no meaningful reactions, resonance (until 1.3), or anything. If you're using Petra4 on him to boost your main DPS' output, that's about the only "good" use of the element, since you are so quick to point out that he isn't a main DPS.

    6) You having no issue to get his E or Q off doesn't chance the fact that they're the longest animations in the game currently, and hamper the output of any quickswap -> E+Q -> swap back supports. Together with the "GCD" on swapping, you're sitting in 4-5+ seconds worth of animations just to get a shield and a Q off.
    You personally might not have an issue with this, but facts are facts, other burst support units take up much less of the time you could spend on your main DPS.

    1) This is the weirdest take for me and it's why I dislike Zhongli the most. Support units aren't supposed to need energy batteries, they are supposed to be the battery. Again, this is definitely a weakness that you might be able to circumvent by playing a Ningguang carry, but arguably only Ningguang lets you get away with it, since Noelle is the one Geo carry that definitely needs energy battery/ies to keep her Q uptime close to 100%. (Unless you're using a high refinement favonius greatsword on her) Using a Noelle carry and a Zhongli support almost requires you to use an energy support for both of them, so you're sitting at a 3 Geo team already, with one spot left to break Fatui shields quickly, do more burst damage, heal (as if you need it with Noelle+Zhong), or just put Mona in your group because you like looking at her butt.
    Ironically this restricts your ability to experiment with comps, which is "literally what this game is about". You might like solving the puzzle, so to say, of making Noelle/Zhongli work, but others might prefer more freeform comp building.

    2) The worst take of all. It is absolutely relevant. Xingqiu isn't a god tier support just because he enables vaporizes constantly and provides some damage reduction. His Q's multipliers are insane. It's arguably the only reason people also play Fischl, since electro reactions put out the worst numbers.
    If you're not playing Zhongli for his (off-field) dps because "he's not a carry" then what does that make him? A healer that heals with shields? Then he's even worse in comparison to Bennett, Jean or Qiqi. A reaction support? Well, he's geo...

    All in all, as much as people (even you) like to call others out on "just nitpicking because you don't like Zhongli", the amount of Zhongli "apologism" in these posts is insane. It's completely fine to like a character, but some of you guys are responding to objective criticism and comparison with free/4star units with stuff like "it's fine", "I don't have an issue with it" and such. Is it seriously this hard to see how people could have legitimate gripes of the power level of the character? Yes, he's fine, he puts out shields, he does some damage, but EVERY CHARACTER IS FINE if you build them, even Amber. People just expected a very beloved character that's also a 5-star and a Geo archon for god's sake, to be more useful than ~half of the 4stars in the game. Which he wasn't before his buffs and the Geo buffs.

    The "youtuber" argument is also very weird to me, every "big" youtuber I've seen was loving him. The only ones I've seen that were less than hyped about him are Jinx&Tuna, and unsurprisingly they're one of the few that put objective info and a lot of testing behind their evaluations, whether it's about comps or individual performance. All the whales are like "yeah he's sick" because their other chars are so built at this point that they can flat out ignore Zhongli's DPS contribution and just have him around for his petrify gimmicks. (Or put a full set of completely busted artifacts on him to boost his Q damage and showcase him in open world where mobs are dying constantly so his energy generation looks alright)

    Anyway, I'm not going to put anyone down for liking Zhongli, I'm also planning to build him soon, but I seriously urge anyone to not dismiss others' complaints because "they're just a hater." Perspective matters a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Well, the 5 glitter from a dupe 4* is another free pull, and if you're whaling and only care about 5* and pity, I suppose that's actually kinda value. Kinda.
    That's a BIIIIIG "kinda", getting a free pull for every ~18 or something? Weapons don't give 5 starglitter if you already have them at ref5, so you're only getting it from characters. It makes me really not want to pull the Albedo banner more, even though I'd love a C6 Bennett, I'd rather just wait for him to come back to the shop again, or to get him randomly from some other banner. Sucrose and Fish are both C6, don't want another Albedo, so I'm definitely outtie.
    Last edited by bajcli; 2021-01-05 at 06:45 AM.

  3. #3583
    Shoehorning zhongli into something he isn't, like your comp has to have some dedicated non-hybrid character that fits specifically into the pure role of "main DPS, sub DPS, energy battery, or support" is severely limiting your thinking. The best characters are the ones you can lazily sit on forever and get everything (or near everything) you need IMO.

    Swapping isn't everyone's playstyle and please miss me with that "but swapping and reactions are the best absolute only way to play!" bullshit. I'm someone who really REALLY enjoys optimization to the Nth degree, but not everyone does/cares/nor should they care because it's not actually needed. Acting like he isn't 5* worthy because he isn't a god at one of those dedicated roles is straight up trolling IMO.

    Yeah, I swap essentially on cooldown. Yeah, I do use 3 characters exclusively to buff my diluc to god status 24/7. Yeah, I focus on elemental reaction triggers. However, that's me. My wife plays vastly differently and she's still plenty strong at the game.

    Again, show me a character that has badass defensives, respectable physical dmg, a huge fucking nuke, and mobility all in one package. he doesn't need a buff, and if he gets anywhere close to anyone in a single one of those aspects, he deserves to have some of his other utility nerfed into the ground to ensure he's ONLY good at whatever that one role is.

    Also, I swear to god if this game power creeps my favorite character out of his top tier slot at his role (at least when fire is usable) with their constant incessant bitching, I'll hack their servers and delete them
    Last edited by BeepBoo; 2021-01-05 at 07:11 AM.

  4. #3584
    I hope they add new weapon types later on. I need me a big badass punchboy like the Fatui Anemoboxer Vanguards.

    I think I've farmed the elemental bosses too much. Last 6 of them didnt even drop a single legendary. FML
    Last edited by qwerty123456; 2021-01-05 at 07:44 AM.

  5. #3585
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Well last event quest was disapointing....

  6. #3586
    Hopefully we get some more story surrounding Dragonspine when Ganyu gets released.

  7. #3587
    So...i just finished my 1 week lvl. 80 Lisa project...and the results are...i dont know.
    I think she might be good with insane artifacts...but mine are not really the best atm.

    Sometimes i see a 7k charged attack...sometimes i see a 21k E (Hold)

    But i dont know...seems underwhelming with my artifacts.
    1590 Attack (oof)
    33% Crit
    144% Crit DMG
    61% Electro damage bonus

    I recorded a small showcase

  8. #3588
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    So...i just finished my 1 week lvl. 80 Lisa project...and the results are...i dont know.
    I think she might be good with insane artifacts...but mine are not really the best atm.

    Sometimes i see a 7k charged attack...sometimes i see a 21k E (Hold)

    But i dont know...seems underwhelming with my artifacts.
    1590 Attack (oof)
    33% Crit
    144% Crit DMG
    61% Electro damage bonus

    I recorded a small showcase
    Lisa isn't great at single target.

    Realistically speaking you want her with like, Sucrose to glob up mobs together, charge attack them to put the numbers on them, then yeet with her E

  9. #3589
    Ok so, it seems like Hu tao doesn't need to be at like 10% health to maximize her damage, just needs to be below 50%. So that's about 20k health, give or take a few k. That's not bad at all, especially considering her very high defense. Only thing I'm iffy on is the ult seems to heal too much but it still remains to be seen exactly how the ult works.

    Quote Originally Posted by bajcli View Post
    Just to go in more detail about some of your points:

    7) IDK how you can just dismiss him being geo as a "dumb complaint", it's a pretty dumb look honestly. Geo is the worst element right now, with no meaningful reactions, resonance (until 1.3), or anything. If you're using Petra4 on him to boost your main DPS' output, that's about the only "good" use of the element, since you are so quick to point out that he isn't a main DPS.
    It's dumb because it has nothing to do with zhongli himself. He's bad because "he's geo". Ok so I guess Noelle, traveler, albdeo, and ningguang are bad because "they're geo".
    Last edited by blackpink; 2021-01-05 at 06:12 PM.

  10. #3590
    Quote Originally Posted by dk3790 View Post
    It's dumb because it has nothing to do with zhongli himself. He's bad because "he's geo". Ok so I guess Noelle, traveler, albdeo, and ningguang are bad because "they're geo".
    Bovinity asked for reasons WHY he was not good. Zhongli being geo is a factor to him bing lackluster. The fact that you don't like that point is irrelevant since Zhongli being geo is part of HIS character. The geo element is currently the worst element and characters are weaker when they have that element compared to if they had another element.

    Your reasoning is quite simply lacking heavily. You could just as easily just say that Albedo has really good basic attack DPS because Keqing has really good basic attack damage (since both are sword users). As you might quess this is just stupid.

    As to your rhetorical question. Yes, Noelle, traveler, albedo and Ninguang would be better if they were any other element as that would open up the opportunity for them to use better reactions.

    No amount of handwawing will ever make it seem like Zhongli was remotely good in the state he was launched in.
    Last edited by Lindon; 2021-01-05 at 06:20 PM.

  11. #3591
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Take this stuff with grain of salt:

  12. #3592
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunru View Post
    Take this stuff with grain of salt:

    What would she even be? A radish thrower?

  13. #3593
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    What would she even be? A radish thrower?
    Her special ability is to instantly combust.

  14. #3594
    So is Albedo a homunculus?

    Also Klee's mom was buddies with Albedo's teacher and Mona's?

  15. #3595
    My Fischl is going places (Boosted by Bennett). Upgraded 2 5* items with 2/4 rolls and everything went into ATK%/Critdmg, I was really happy with that.

    Kinda wish she had like ~10% more crit, as she is very ATK heavy, but it's doing really fine.
    A character that crits for 10k every second or so (don't know OZ's attackspeed) regulary while not even on the field is awesome.
    Even her C6 proc crits for 1,3k now.

    It's so much fun seeing all these numbers flying around when I use her as support with Keqing and Xiangqiu

    At some point I really have to include an Anemo character to the mix for the 40% RES debuff.
    But I have a hard time fitting them in.
    If only we could have 5 characters per team. That would be ideal...
    I don't want to drop Keqing or Fischl, but that's the only way I could fit Sucrose in with Bennett and Xinqiu (which are too good to give up too)
    Why do these 2 boys have to be so strong...Abyss is the only place where I can use all the characters I want.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2021-01-05 at 10:55 PM.

  16. #3596
    Quote Originally Posted by Lindon View Post
    Bovinity asked for reasons WHY he was not good.
    As to your rhetorical question. Yes, Noelle, traveler, albedo and Ninguang would be better if they were any other element as that would open up the opportunity for them to use better reactions.
    Saying Noelle, traveler, abledo, and ningguang would be better if they weren't geo is not same as saying they're bad cuz they're geo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    My Fischl is going places (Boosted by Bennett). Upgraded 2 5* items with 2/4 rolls and everything went into ATK%/Critdmg, I was really happy with that.

    Kinda wish she had like ~10% more crit, as she is very ATK heavy, but it's doing really fine.
    A character that crits for 10k every second or so (don't know OZ's attackspeed) regulary while not even on the field is awesome.
    Even her C6 proc crits for 1,3k now.

    It's so much fun seeing all these numbers flying around when I use her as support with Keqing and Xiangqiu

    At some point I really have to include an Anemo character to the mix for the 40% RES debuff.
    But I have a hard time fitting them in.
    If only we could have 5 characters per team. That would be ideal...
    I don't want to drop Keqing or Fischl, but that's the only way I could fit Sucrose in with Bennett and Xinqiu (which are too good to give up too)
    Why do these 2 boys have to be so strong...Abyss is the only place where I can use all the characters I want.
    What is your gear? Curious how you have so much attack.

    Also I regularly use comp of venti, mona, keqing, and fischl. It's op.

  17. #3597
    Quote Originally Posted by dk3790 View Post
    Saying Noelle, traveler, abledo, and ningguang would be better if they weren't geo is not same as saying they're bad cuz they're geo.
    Good thing I didn't say that then ain't it?
    What is your gear? Curious how you have so much attack.
    "boosted by Bennett"

    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123456 View Post
    So is Albedo a homunculus?

    Also Klee's mom was buddies with Albedo's teacher and Mona's?
    It is heavily implied that Albedo's teacher created him through alchemy with chalk in some way.
    Last edited by Lindon; 2021-01-06 at 01:50 AM.

  18. #3598
    Quote Originally Posted by Lindon View Post
    Good thing I didn't say that then ain't it?
    You...can't be serious...

    I'm laughing so hard. You really didn't understand what I was saying did you.

  19. #3599
    Quote Originally Posted by dk3790 View Post
    You...can't be serious...

    I'm laughing so hard. You really didn't understand what I was saying did you.
    The big thing here is that you are grasping a straws so small it's hard to even see them just to keep this conversation going. Just accept the fact that Zhongli was released in a pisspoor state. How hard is it? Both the community and the developers have agreed that he is lacking. There's not much more to say here.
    You are free to play him if you want regardless of his powerlevel. There's nothing wrong with that.

    That you seriously can choose one part of seven different things I listed and say "hurr durr geo not character defining" is fucking laughable. Every character is defined by what they have available to them, be that their element, weapons or skills. You seriously need to wizen up and realise that you can't willy nilly exclude parts of a character because you "think" that's not a core part of the character.

  20. #3600
    what the hell is up with these's def not 24 hr and 72 hr.

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