1. #7261
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    buT WhY iS THErE nO BiParTIsaNShiP
    "Bipartisanship" is code for "democrats should just do what we want."
    Putin khuliyo

  2. #7262
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    buT WhY iS THErE nO BiParTIsaNShiP

    Cheney, to her credit, reminded idiots like Jr. that they're both Americans and both government officials ostensibly working towards the same overall goals (American prosperity etc.) despite having different visions for how to get there.

    I swear, if that old picture of Schumer and a Republican Senator out sneaking a cigarette while Paul Ryan stopped for a chit-chat in his jogging shorts came out now, they'd have to put Ryan and the Republican in protective custody.
    It was also before the speech, as he was walking in, not after.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  3. #7263
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormspellz View Post
    House Minority Leader uses this line even though, or perhaps because, it's still false.

    Our Ruling

    McCarthy said Biden is "going to control how much meat you can eat."

    Biden’s climate plans do not include restrictions on red meat consumption. Claims that they do trace back to a Daily Mail article that wrongly linked Biden’s new U.S. emissions target to an unrelated 2020 study examining the impact of hypothetical dietary changes on emissions.

    The claim had been widely debunked by the time McCarthy repeated it.

    We rate his statement Pants on Fire!
    EDIT: Whoops deleted the best part by accident.

    FOX News issued a correction.

    McCarthy's use of the FOX News story was after the correction. Again, don't know if he knew it was false and used it anyhow, or knew it was a negative and used it without caring. Neither option is redeeming.

  4. #7264
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    That’s not what he is talking about... did ya’ll forget the “Biden is a rapist” bullshit? In fact, one of the talking points I was bringing up during that bullshit, was mentioned yesterday. When Biden demanded the violence against women act, that Biden wrote, be reinstated. Since it hasn’t been renewed since March of 2019.
    Rapist thing was mostly right-wing media.

  5. #7265
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    repubs don't have to be principled or nice guys, just agree to pass the infrastructure bill etc. they can make up whatever justification is palatable to the plebs. and biden doesn't need all of them, just enough.
    And yet they off er a counter proposal 1/8 of what was initially asked for and will end up not voting for it any ways. You just like they made 200 amendments to the latest COVID bill nine of them voted for, or how the GOP neutered the ACA and refused to vote for it. Like I said, until the censure their own nutbags, remove them chairs and committees, pressure them to resign, and publicly rebuke thier positions, the can all get lumped in to the fuck them all category because they are all the same.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    "Bipartisanship" is code for "democrats should just do what we want."
    Exactly. If the GOP was serious about honest negotiations and Biden still ignore them it would be a different story. But since Newt Gingrich came to be known in the mid to late 90s, the GoP has been the party of hypocritical projection, and bipartisanship means do what we want.

  6. #7266
    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    Rapist thing was mostly right-wing media.
    On these forums, it was all the Trumpsters pretending to be progressives. That issue alone outed about 8 of them to be complete frauds.

  7. #7267
    Quote Originally Posted by SirBeef View Post
    And yet they off er a counter proposal 1/8 of what was initially asked for and will end up not voting for it any ways. You just like they made 200 amendments to the latest COVID bill nine of them voted for, or how the GOP neutered the ACA and refused to vote for it. Like I said, until the censure their own nutbags, remove them chairs and committees, pressure them to resign, and publicly rebuke thier positions, the can all get lumped in to the fuck them all category because they are all the same.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Exactly. If the GOP was serious about honest negotiations and Biden still ignore them it would be a different story. But since Newt Gingrich came to be known in the mid to late 90s, the GoP has been the party of hypocritical projection, and bipartisanship means do what we want.
    like.. ok? so you're just gonna pretend that half of congress doesn't exist and has no impact on anything cause you don't like them?

    thats kinda how those things are always done & how the system is designed. its pretty rare for spending proposals to be rubberstamped with 0 changes, especially without a huge majority of one party in congress.

    i'm amazed at how many people just disregard
    how congress works so they can vent their spleen.
    yea i get it you hate repubs. now what?

    not sure if this has been posted before, but relevant to the discussion, https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/...rn-of-earmarks

    Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, formally announced on Monday a return to earmarks, offering details for how the spending will work in the Senate.

    "Today I'm announcing that the Senate Appropriations Committee will again accept requests for congressionally directed spending items on a bipartisan basis, requests of both the Republican leadership and Democratic leadership and will do so in a manner that promotes accountability and transparency," Leahy said from the Senate floor.
    Last edited by starlord; 2021-04-30 at 01:56 PM.

  8. #7268
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    thats kinda how those things are always done & how the system is designed. its pretty rare for spending proposals to be rubberstamped with 0 changes, especially without a huge majority of one party in congress.
    Did you miss the first 2 years of the Trump presidency? Are we pretending that the Republican party is remotely acting in good faith and inclined to compromise on anything within reason? Did you see their "infrastructure outline" scribbled on the back of a napkin?

    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    yea i get it you hate repubs. now what?
    Ignore their stonewalling and pearl clutching and bad faith lies and get shit done.

  9. #7269
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Did you miss the first 2 years of the Trump presidency? Are we pretending that the Republican party is remotely acting in good faith and inclined to compromise on anything within reason? Did you see their "infrastructure outline" scribbled on the back of a napkin?

    Ignore their stonewalling and pearl clutching and bad faith lies and get shit done.
    so the plan is, what, "ignore the other party, nuke the filibuster to steamroll stuff through congress, then hope and pray that they dont inevitably gain power in congress and promptly undo everything that they had no part in making and then steamroll their own agenda"?
    sounds... great.

  10. #7270
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    so the plan is, what, "ignore the other party, nuke the filibuster to steamroll stuff through congress, then hope and pray that they dont inevitably gain power in congress and promptly undo everything that they had no part in making and then steamroll their own agenda"?
    sounds... great.
    Once again, if the other party is acting in bad faith, you don't treat them as if they are. This screams of pandering to shitbirds and racists.

    Fuck that.
    Last edited by Machismo; 2021-04-30 at 04:10 PM.

  11. #7271
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    like.. ok? so you're just gonna pretend that half of congress doesn't exist and has no impact on anything cause you don't like them?
    10 years ago I would have agreed with you. I had a friend who voted Republican, and we'd argue all the time over policies. During the Obama administration he up and quit the GOP. ( "...fucking McConnell! That sonuvabitch!" I got chills hearing him swearing a blue streak...good or bad..brr...)

  12. #7272
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    "Bipartisanship" is code for "democrats should just do what we want."
    Democrats need to learn to play the same bullshit goalpost game.

    Shift Democratic policy to full-on socialist democracy. Abolition of the capitalist economy completely, no private ownership of means of production whatsoever. Abolishment of stock markets, etc.

    Then you "compromise" with the fascist racists on the right, and end up back at the center as a result. As opposed to now, where Democrats push centrist (lately, slightly left of center) policy and keep being expected to "compromise" with the fascists by ending up in the moderate/far-right range.

    If you can't fix the problem, you can at least fuck it from both sides equally.

  13. #7273
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    so the plan is, what, "ignore the other party, nuke the filibuster to steamroll stuff through congress, then hope and pray that they dont inevitably gain power in congress and promptly undo everything that they had no part in making and then steamroll their own agenda"?
    sounds... great.
    If the other party is refusing to seriously work together, then like, yeah. They shouldn't prevent anything from getting done just because they want to hurt Democrats politically and because they have no actual plans of their own and no vision for the future.

    Did you catch Tim Scott's rebuttal to Biden's address to Congress? Notice anything missing? Like, what the Republican path forward is? What their vision for the future is? Anything that wasn't just complaining about Biden and how America isn't racist as a Black man talks about all the racism he's faced?

    It's not even too worrying about Republicans promptly undoing legislation passed by Democrats. Remember the ACA? Yeah, that shit is popular as fuck right now and Republicans failed to repeal that (by a hair) and took a licking for it. They're hardly a functional political party, and are busier trying to resolve the difference between the part of the party that pretends to be respectable and the part of the party that's pissed they can't wear their Klan hoods in the halls of Congress.

  14. #7274
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Once again, if the other party is acting in bad faith, you don't treat them as is they are. This screams of pandering to shitbirds and racists.

    Fuck that.
    you can't get people to act in good faith if you don't give them incentive or opportunity to act in good faith either.
    which, thankfully, is being worked towards.

    well i guess its a good thing that the dem leadership has a little more foresight than "reeee i hate ebil repubs!!" so in 2 years if they lose their slim majority the repubs cant steamroll their agenda through congress.

  15. #7275
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    you can't get people to act in good faith if you don't give them incentive or opportunity to act in good faith either.
    which, thankfully, is being worked towards.
    When were they denied an opportunity?

    They've had 4 years to work on infrastructure plans. Biden came in and had a pretty bold, comprehensive, detailed plan within the first 100 days. Republicans response was some vague chickenscratch on the back of a napkin.

    That's not being denied an opportunity, that's waiting until 2 hours before your mid-term essay is do and submitting an outline because you don't care if you flunk the class.

  16. #7276
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    so the plan is, what, "ignore the other party, nuke the filibuster to steamroll stuff through congress, then hope and pray that they dont inevitably gain power in congress and promptly undo everything that they had no part in making and then steamroll their own agenda"?
    sounds... great.
    literally what the last republicans have been doing at both state and federal level, actually when worse when they lose power they try to sabotaged the entire system and this isn't just jan 6, numerous gop states tried to gut the governors authority after they lost the seat

    and as we seen from polling, dem policies are actually really freaking popular, and this isn't even a new thing; look at the ACA, once you got passed the gop obstruction and propaganda - its ridiculous popular.

  17. #7277
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    you can't get people to act in good faith if you don't give them incentive or opportunity to act in good faith either.
    which, thankfully, is being worked towards.

    well i guess its a good thing that the dem leadership has a little more foresight than "reeee i hate ebil repubs!!" so in 2 years if they lose their slim majority the repubs cant steamroll their agenda through congress.
    They were given opportunities, and they continue to fail.

    At some point, it becomes their burden, because they are fucking adults.

    Their opportunity to act in good faith is right there for everyone to see. Let me know when they decide to actually do it. This is like stayi g in an abusive relationship, because you hope he'll stop beating you. Besides, if you left, then he'd just beat you, anyways.
    Last edited by Machismo; 2021-04-30 at 04:29 PM.

  18. #7278
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    When were they denied an opportunity?

    They've had 4 years to work on infrastructure plans. Biden came in and had a pretty bold, comprehensive, detailed plan within the first 100 days. Republicans response was some vague chickenscratch on the back of a napkin.

    That's not being denied an opportunity, that's waiting until 2 hours before your mid-term essay is do and submitting an outline because you don't care if you flunk the class.
    in the world of trump & faux news, even if they wanted to "be nice guys", they couldn't. the base wouldn't stand for it. likewise they can't suddenly do a 180 now.

    hating them is fine but the problem they present isn't going to magically disappear via hating.
    its notable that most of the newly elected repub congressmen are the worst of the lot.

    the earmarks coming back is like, huge even though it didn't make much news. this gives them actual political incentive to work with dems, whereas before there wasn't any beyond "look like a nice guy", which wasn't what the people who elected them wanted. now they can bring stuff back home to show their constituents that actually matters to them.

  19. #7279
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    you can't get people to act in good faith if you don't give them incentive or opportunity to act in good faith either.
    This would be a good time to point to when, in the last 14 years or so, the GOP have taken this opportunity. For example, we can start with Trump labeling Democrats as treasonists and unAmerican. Just before he riled up a mob and aimed them at the Capitol.

    Or, I guess to use your terminology. "reeeeeeeee I hate ebil dems!!"

  20. #7280
    Quote Originally Posted by starlord View Post
    you can't get people to act in good faith if you don't give them incentive or opportunity to act in good faith either. which, thankfully, is being worked towards.
    Explain what happened during the Obama administration.

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