Poll: Rate Shadowlands

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  1. #381
    8/10 It's more WoW and it's great but I'm just not having as much fun as I was having in BfA, Legion and Wrath.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aphrel View Post
    is there a way to make a 2nd poll in the same thread? whould be fun to see how much opinion has shifted xD
    There have been more recent threads with more recent polls and the results were more or less the same
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavox View Post
    I want Activision-Blizzard to burn, but for crimes against gaming, not because they got me too'd.

  2. #382
    There's been some great points brought up about Wotlk and how people look at that with rose tinted goggles and how it had a lot of big things that wouldn't have gone down well with the community today. For me the notion that Wotlk was great for playing alts is a bit of a twist on reality because it became the alt expansion because there was nothing to do, so you just kept leveling alts, got free epics and started again.

  3. #383
    Quote Originally Posted by Daedius View Post
    Thanks to Shadowlands it's given me enough clarity to finally quit WoW for good. Just not enjoying the game anymore.
    Pretty mutch this, i just dont have any connection anymore toward the Horde.
    Looking back the storyline of the Horde really kept me playing all these years but there is really nothing left anymore of this faction.

  4. #384
    Brewmaster Depakote's Avatar
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    horrible. It's like they're trying to challenge themselves to make a worse expansion then Warlords of Draenor which honestly was the last time i've had fun playing this game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zantera View Post
    There's been some great points brought up about Wotlk and how people look at that with rose tinted goggles and how it had a lot of big things that wouldn't have gone down well with the community today. For me the notion that Wotlk was great for playing alts is a bit of a twist on reality because it became the alt expansion because there was nothing to do, so you just kept leveling alts, got free epics and started again.
    Here me out.. Maybe people had so much fun playing the game that they wanted to keep doing it, level alts and challenge themselves through different kinds of content, not get bored like you claim.

  5. #385
    log in tuesday. get vault reward. free 20 souls, gather 1k anima, and do weekly within a few hours. raid on tuesdays at 7 server clear whole raid by 9 server. do mythic 14/15 for vault reward following week. done till next tuesday in one evening. first few months was pretty busy in game farming shit, wiping on bosses, etc. been doing this one evening shit since mid march. dont do emissaries anymore as i have all the rewards.... lucky i am. play a couple alts throughout the week tho. stay busy. stockpile gold and mats/consumables for next tier.

  6. #386
    Currently SL only 2/10, even usually well-mannered Bellular lost his patience for Blizzard.

    Last edited by Hibiki; 2021-05-07 at 05:55 AM.

  7. #387
    It's okay. The main story is terrible, but I liked Bastion and Revendreth. I'm not a fan of the systems. I can't imagine a new player trying to navigate them all, I hit 60 and was like, yeah, I'm just going to level someone else now. I thought joining a covenant would continue the campaign, clearly I'm missing how to do that because all I see are dailies/weeklies. I've no interest in the Maw or Torghast as long as it's unrewarding. I'm also not going to grind anything, it's not an enjoyable use of my time. At this point, I'm just hoping I won't be severely behind in unlocking flying if too much renown is required.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  8. #388

    WoD was a joke. A joke that even got its personal meme named "Will Finish Later If We Have The Funding".
    SL can be considered a WFL 2.0, that for sure. Considering that the funding was never actually an issue for them even during WoD, I suppose we could just safely assume that we will not see any major improvements to the current state of gameplay.

  9. #389
    Returning after playing a lot (A LOT. An unhealthy amount. 80+ hours a week.) from 3.2 to 4.3.

    Bad, I'd say.
    The most subjective in this is that I don't like floating zones It just doesn't feel right with me. Never liked Outland for the same reason.
    Story was never quite the high-point of the game but retconning is always, always a bad, bad sign, when it comes to writing. It's also hard to care about any of the characters included (except maybe for Uther,) but there are plenty which are very, very annoying. (Like the entirity of the Night Fae.) Also, on one hand I feel that always meeting the same few dozen characters make the universe feel small, on the other if they went ahead and included characters from the past, why not include more? And maybe less known ones as well. They all supposed to be here, right? (And on this last thought, I feel that these zones should be a lot bigger, and a lot, lot, lot more crowded.)
    The systems upon systems was quite the culture-shock when picking up the game again, especially where it feels like they are tying parts to each other which feel aimed at different parts of the player-base. You know, I think, stuff you'd pick up for raiding mostly (legendary gear) should be gained and improved through raiding. Stuff that improves rogue-lite-ish content (released just when Hades raised the bar inconceivably high) should be gained through that very content. And so on. But this is, as I find, not just the cross of only this expac to bear.
    Soulbinds (and the earlier Heart of Azeroth as well) feels like a walk back from when they removed the original talent system.
    The hub is the worst yet and the zones only connect through it so having flying will be less useful than in other expansions. It makes fast travel just a bit more time-consuming, make the respect for the players' time feel just a bit less, on top of other not-very-respectful parts. (Where are the devs who think these things through? Why don't they?)
    As a former healer, healer masteries still suck, if you pardon my french. All the DPS masteries are "here, have more damage" while healing masteries are awkward and situational. (But if they make them "here, have more healing" then what's the point of versitality?)
    The rares are out of hand. Completely. If I can be an old man shouting at clouds for a moment, I remember when rares were actually rare. There was only a handful and when you somehow met with one it was an occasion. There's nothing rare about these rares. Most of them have the same spawn-timer as common mobs. And they are legion.
    Gear-design doesn't look great, but that's subjective. Class tier-sets were nice, though, when we used to have them.
    I know most people didn't like BfA but through levelling there I felt more involved in the story and felt that there was more to do. But this was after SL release, so I can't tell what it was like as current content.
    WoW is confusing. With the currencies and systems now in place it feels more confusing and time-consuming than Warframe. Flippin' Warframe. And that games nails new players to the wall with how much there is to learn and collect.
    Rant over.
    So yeah.
    Bad. Even so, some of this is not necessarily of this expac but universal.
    Last edited by Laxativus; 2021-05-07 at 09:38 AM.

  10. #390
    Quote Originally Posted by Hibiki View Post
    Currently SL only 2/10, even usually well-mannered Bellular lost his patience for Blizzard.

    Bellular has been making doom and gloom videos about the game for like 5 years now? Him shitting on the game is nothing new. The guy is a HC raider who can't even do a +10 in time yet people treat him like a big voice of the community.

  11. #391
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantera View Post
    Bellular has been making doom and gloom videos about the game for like 5 years now? Him shitting on the game is nothing new. The guy is a HC raider who can't even do a +10 in time yet people treat him like a big voice of the community.
    got another shill here folks. guy can't even tell constructive criticism apart from hate.

  12. #392
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantera View Post
    Bellular has been making doom and gloom videos about the game for like 5 years now? Him shitting on the game is nothing new. The guy is a HC raider who can't even do a +10 in time yet people treat him like a big voice of the community.
    And guess what ? Blizzard and it's games has been going down for more than 5 years.

  13. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by Hibiki View Post
    Currently SL only 2/10, even usually well-mannered Bellular lost his patience for Blizzard.

    Gotta love that analogy Bellular gives here. Blizzard keep serving up a nice salad, but keep putting a big dick in the middle you have to eat around. I just want a nice simple salad without the dick please.

  14. #394
    Stood in the Fire
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    I voted 8 when this post popped up.

    Today I am at 5, closing in on 4.

  15. #395
    Quote Originally Posted by aceperson View Post
    got another shill here folks. guy can't even tell constructive criticism apart from hate.
    The game definitely has some problems but in my opinion the game has never been as bad as Bellular has made it out to be in his years of doom videos and it has also never been as good as the 'shills' you call them make it sound. I don't see how making videos about "can patch XXX SAVE warcraft?!" and "This expansion is their last hope" for 4-5 years is constructive but that's me.

    There are WoW players like Asmongold and Preach who have constructive criticism and whether you agree with them or not they feel a lot more credible due to their history with the game. How is Bellular an authority people take seriously?

  16. #396
    Strong start but the honeymoon face quickly went away and it just became very boring very fast.

    So i say it was a 8 or 9 at release but now i would give it a 4 max.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  17. #397
    I was about to post a wall of text but i came to a conclusion that they just have cancer in their dev team. He or they have prettty clear strategy, in short words they implement random system then force you to do it every day and week so u sub or get behind. Then they send raport how succesful they are to the comp management department so they keep financing their projects. And we normal players cant feel the potential of the game because instead of doin sth challenging we first have to finish our dailies(very simplified version, no will to elaborate)

  18. #398
    10+ Year Old Account
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    I initially rated it a 7, but in the last 2 months have seen my play time drop a lot. I cap anima on 1 toon, and that usually takes all week. The anima grind to upgrade is just too much. After every world quest I say in general zone chat 'wtb whistle'. Ran through CN Heroic boosted to see it, was a fun raid so maybe if I had more time/better schedule I'd enjoy it more. Ill likely renew my 6 month one more time, but if things don't improve I'll probably stop playing altogether. That'd be first time in unsubbed since end of Vanilla, 28,000 achievement points as an indication of how much I played at one time.
    Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.

  19. #399
    I lasted 6 weeks from launch of Shadowlands. I've played since 2006 on and off and patches dropping like 9.1 I'll usually buy a month subscription like returning to a game's DLC content, I really have to credit any person who can still play modern WoW ceremoniously especially week on week especially if you're a player since the start 15 years ago, and this isn't me being in the vanilla fanboy boat either. I have a level 49 on Classic since launch the older you get the more you value your time and modern WoW is both tedious & time wasting, doing the same raids on a possible 4 difficulties, running the same Mythic dungeons indefinitely on higher keys, running Torghast (which imo was fun at first but is just boring af now).

    Even having groups of friends playing can't entice me to keep playing continuously. I dip in and out very briefly.


  20. #400
    Quote Originally Posted by AidanJLowe View Post
    I lasted 6 weeks from launch of Shadowlands. I've played since 2006 on and off and patches dropping like 9.1 I'll usually buy a month subscription like returning to a game's DLC content, I really have to credit any person who can still play modern WoW ceremoniously especially week on week especially if you're a player since the start 15 years ago, and this isn't me being in the vanilla fanboy boat either. I have a level 49 on Classic since launch the older you get the more you value your time and modern WoW is both tedious & time wasting, doing the same raids on a possible 4 difficulties, running the same Mythic dungeons indefinitely on higher keys, running Torghast (which imo was fun at first but is just boring af now).

    Even having groups of friends playing can't entice me to keep playing continuously. I dip in and out very briefly.

    How many people really do this though? As a mythic raider I step my foot into normal once (first week), heroic for maybe a few weeks but then it's all mythic. As for m+ there is definitely people who spam them but in reality all you really need to do is one +14 for the week and you get something from the weekly vault. Now if you want to spam more and do 10 for the 3 options, that's a feature that will burn you out probably, but it's like an expansion of the weekly chest from Legion and BFA that just rewards you IF you choose to go for more options. Aside from a few weeks when I did 4 (when I really wanted a weapon) I've mostly stuck with 1 run weekly because that matches previous expansions.

    As for Torghast I feel like people shit on it way too much for a feature that's pretty much entirely optional and can be skipped once you get your r4 legendary which takes what, 4-5 weeks of Torghast? Which honestly ain't that bad for something that takes 60 minutes a week.

    Considering Anima is entirely optional, Shadowlands is probably the most casual friendly the game has been since WoD. You couldn't raid log in Legion or BFA.

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