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  1. #41
    Dreadlord Kyux's Avatar
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    1. Druid bear AoE taunt
    2. Forming groups through trade chat (ie no LFG)
    3. Having to travel instead of porting everywhere
    4. Learning spells from trainers
    5. Reagents
    Quote Originally Posted by Akhlys View Post
    Once upon a time, boats were full of leaks. Now, our leaks are full of boats.

  2. #42
    Remove WoW Token and restore some older school design on the economy. When buying gold is the most efficient way to acquire it, it removes a large portion of why I was interested in the game for years. An older school approach to in-game economy combined with modern quality of life touches would encourage a lot of play time for those of us who are motivated by wealth creation and in-game economic goals. Having the economy game be discovering and racing to broken spawns or drop rates before they're nerfed by hotfix isn't attractive.

    Bring back talent trees. They're fun! There are plenty of games with far more complex talent systems than WoW ever had, and they're doing just fine. Removing these to make the devs' lives easier made the game worse for the players.

    Dump the patch-based resets of progression and go back to an older full-expansion progression model. Enhance the older model with appropriate new innovations and quality of life improvements within reason.

    Stop scaling of all mobs in the world to gear level. You're stealing the satisfaction of increasing in power level by doing this. Like plenty of problems WoW has, this change made the devs' lives easier but made the typical player's life worse.

    Actively work against botting. The old argument that WoW token would stop botting has long been proven false. Fix the problem.

    Add in-game paths to every mount or cosmetic piece sold in the cash shop, or alternatively stop selling mounts and cosmetics in the shop.

    Get back to the philosophy of incorporating flying earlier in the expansion. Wrath was an incredible expansion with plenty of content that you needed a flying mount to access. You can design a world where flying doesn't simply skip everything but is actually required to advance and continue your journey. Ground mounts until max level is fine, but waiting until most people no longer play or care to unlock flying is just a slap in the face.

    Move away from the whole "you are the savior of the world" narrative and back to something that feels a bit more grounded. You're supposed to be a small piece in a huge world, and over time it's fine to gain in status, but this stuff has gotten so out of control that the game gets memed on over it regularly. We don't have to be killing boars in Elwynn, but there's plenty of ground between that and God-King of Azeroth to pick a better spot.

    Make more unique side content worth putting my time into. Brawler's Guild and Mage Tower are a few good examples of these things, and I'll also add the Warlock green fire quest chain to that list.

  3. #43
    I'm a former mythic raider, keystone master, all that. Quit with 9.1, not even going to make my list of stuff that would have to happen for me to return that unrealistic (like 4th specs, which will never happen).

    1. Better writing. The story sucks, I can't get into it. The last raid has almost all generic bosses except like 2, one of them being Kel'Thuzad which has already been a raid boss twice.

    2. Raid difficulty squish? Look, make a raid finder because we need it, normal, and heroic. Make mythic just hard mode heroics like Ulduar was. I hate having to farm heroic to get specific sockets/set bonus pieces while still having to prog mythic.

    3. Increase drops from m+ to 1 item per person. Like, seriously, if you time a m+ just give everyone an item. Having to do the same crap over and over and over because one trinket is far better than every other option sucks. If don't time, still give everyone an item, just downgrade it a few ilvl or something.

    4. No repetitive stuff tied to character power ever. I seriously hated running Torghast to get the stuff for legendaries every week. Terrible.

    Those four things would at least get me to come back.

  4. #44
    Better story that ain't one sided or biased or completely out of touch.

  5. #45
    Get rid of M+ and just have hard dungeons that come in different sizes. Basically TBC, cata difficulty and mega dungeons like karazhan, mechagon, tazavesh.
    Remove any kind of large "systems" and keep everything to the basics. Put the grinding aspect into crafting back instead

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by neik View Post
    People were opressed by this company for so long now, so that they are now affraid to even dream of something nice. Fucking nazis and KGB used to do same with humans.
    Welcome to capitalism in which every company that has ever existed does that shit. No business is moral and they're all scum. Nike, Amazon, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Riot, Activision-Blizzard, your favourite sports team. If it is a capitalist venture it's done all the shit that's being found out.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zanaku View Post
    I'm sure this has been asked before but I didn't see any recent posts about this in my, admittedly, brief search of the forums.
    For those who are no longer playing the game, what would bring you back to the game? What would you like to see in perhaps a new expansion?

    For me I would like them to focus on making the classes fun again and do away with the convoluted temporary power systems. I feel like those systems only serve as a weird grind that makes it less desirable to play alts or even other specs.

    So I think it would be cool to get 4th specs for the non hero classes and just work on class/spec identities and make them fun to play. Take a look at some balancing. Why have Disc priests and Holy Paladins been so dominant for M+ for so many expansions now? (because they provide both the most dps AND the damage reduction Healing CDs) just as an example. I think 4th specs would also allow for other classes to do roles they normally wouldn't be able to do.
    I know a lot of people are against the 4th spec thing but I think it would be cool.

    Secondly, just focus on a system that is fun primarily and design it with the intent that it could stick around as a permanent feature in the game. Torghast had so much potential as an alternate way to play the game. Just turn the powers up to 11, offer more build paths (it really needed like 3 times the amount of powers just to start). I could go on an entire rant about this but I will leave it at that
    Complete rework of the gearing system, the removal of barrowed powers, less "systems", more story content that spans all areas of the game and not just new zones ( i really think it's a shame the game is so large and we never go back anywhere other than bread crumb quests), more just random meaningless shit to do in wow that isn't a time sink but is fun to do (think of stuff like wintergraps where it's there, its fun, you don't really get much from it but it's still there to do).

  8. #48
    Bloodsail Admiral Viikkis's Avatar
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    I wanna be able to just play PvP and never touch PvE unless I want to.

  9. #49
    Elemental Lord callipygoustp's Avatar
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    Seriously, I don't know.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by cuafpr View Post
    to come back as a raider/regular player:

    no borrowed power

    no daily grinds that have to be done

    alt friendly


    Flying forever

    badge gear or solo ways to max ilvl

    ALL removed content restore via caverns of times (E.G. Naxx 40)

    Bad luck Protection on mount/pet farming

    levels that mean something - no more squishes ever.

    M+ reduced to cosmetic rewards only

    "farming badges" - old content gives badges and vendors that sell gear from legacy content vs being RNG dependent

    legacy drop mounts added to store for purchase vs farm
    I like what I see in this post. I'm not completely sold on the m+ only rewarding cosmetic thing but I DO think that m+ had a real negative effect on loot acquisition in the game and how it relates to other forms of content, especially raiding. So maybe it is just best for it to be cosmetic. Seems like most people who do m+ anyways, only do it moderation

  11. #51
    Field Marshal verylargeprime's Avatar
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    Let characters PvP well without requiring PvE effort.

    For PvE, return endgame focus to raids and their unique rewards, rather than endless competitive M+ spam and escalation of uninteresting numbers on uninteresting gear. Of course, this will never happen because competitive M+ spam is so eminently streamable.

    Stop adding new transient progression mechanics in every patch. Level, rep, professions, and gear are enough. Simple is better. No missions, no conduits, no azerite or anima or whatever. Do the simple stuff well, and do a lot more of it.

    The game world would also be more engaging if they evolved Azeroth over time instead of endlessly shoehorning in new zones that nobody will care about ever again after two years. Who wants to keep investing time into throw-away zone after throw-away zone?

    Lastly for now, fix the writing. Jesus. It's never been fantastic, but it started declining around Cataclysm and MoP and has just been insufferable since BfA.

    Bah. Or add a new class. That will get me to come back for a few months until all of the above problems drive me away again.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    *Revisiting rotations, add new or remove abillities, add in things like ae spenders or gainers for some specs who could use 1 or 2 more abillities to make it more interesting, or fun niche stuff like spectral guise back or bring in old npc abillities that could be fun to explore that would really fit with said spec/class. Basically making rotations deeper and more fun over the coars of an expansion. This doesn't mean by any means borrowed power, this means takeing a good and hard look at classes what they are missing and also a changce were some lack fantasy or depth. By the end we shouldn't be overflown with to much stuff either. One thing they could do is to warm players up with with small class quests in whats to come.
    Yeah, I forgot to mention this in my initial post but, I do like the newer style of talent tree over the old one. I get people like to do hybrid stuff but I do find those to be a bit to cookie cutter; it never felt like I was making real choices. The thing I would like to see changed for the newer style of talent tree is just bake the 100% picked talents into the class already. There are some talents that you will never NOT take because they are core to your spec and many of them have been this way for multiple expansions. Just bake them into the class already and lets get some real choices in there.

    ie. I miss the Mage talent row that let you choose between Cauterize (Cheat Death), Cold Snap (Double Ice Block essentially) and Greater Invisibility (Instant Aggro Drop and also 90% DR for the first instance of damage you took) you could take Cauterize by default on a new encounter or out in the world. Cold Snap if you knew there were 2 immunity mechanics in quick succession and Greater Invis when you knew you needed to be the one to run in and soak something like a void zone that normally would need more than 1 person to soak. That sort of thing is a choice imo

  13. #53
    My issue is the opposite of what the OP presented: I'm thinking of quitting this game because the more that I realize how hopelessly lost the community for this game is, the less faith I have in the game ever fixing its many issues.

  14. #54
    Immortal FuxieDK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamas102 View Post
    A token price below 150,000g, being able to sub using Bnet balance, or the game going F2P.
    Sub 150K will never happen.

    Currently, it's around 300K and that's way too low. Should be 400+, preferably 500K
    Fact (because I say so): TBC > Cata > Legion > ShaLa > MoP > DF > BfA > WoD = WotLK

    My pet collection -->

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Compher View Post

    4. No repetitive stuff tied to character power ever. I seriously hated running Torghast to get the stuff for legendaries every week. Terrible.

    Those four things would at least get me to come back.
    Man, I said in the original post that I would not rant on Torghast but I will say THIS. I, no joke, would routinely fall asleep doing Torghast. It was so freaking boring. Also all classes were certainly not created equal. I'll stop here because I was about to go off LOL

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    My issue is the opposite of what the OP presented: I'm thinking of quitting this game because the more that I realize how hopelessly lost the community for this game is, the less faith I have in the game ever fixing its many issues.
    I saw that you spent A LOT of time in that other thread that I checked out yesterday. "When did WoW convince itself that raiding is the only thing important?"

    For what it's worth I actually agree with most of your points there

  16. #56
    The firing of Ion and the main lore people.

  17. #57
    Over 9000! Gimlix's Avatar
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    More immersion, like return of stuff that makes the game feel more like the game and less streamlined content.
    Being able to pick anything u wanna do and still have it worth the feeling of doing it. I don't really see a point of doing professions anymore like cooking or fishing.
    Same for many other content, make it worth doing it. but not mandatory.

    I do still play though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shekora View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    Goddamn it, Gimlix, why do you keep making these threads?

  18. #58
    Listed from most wanted.....

    Ethereals (race)
    Return of Artifact Weapons (we make our own)

  19. #59
    There's a lot that would have to happen for me to want to resubscribe. But realistically most of it never will.

    Warcraft, as far as I'm concerned is dead.

  20. #60
    An interesting premise for the next Expansion, preferably on Azeroth but ngl void ruins of K'aresh. A good story will keep be after launch.

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