Thread: Mmo mouse

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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifetapper View Post
    Corsair makes great mice and the iCue software is very easy to use. Best mouse is one with a scroll wheel that has nothing below it (dirt can't get in there if there is nothing below it)
    Oh boy, there is so much wrong with this statement.

    1. Corsair scrollwheels are notorious for just breaking after a few months.
    2. The Icue Software is the worst Software I have ever used. Took me 3 youtube tutorials to learn how to make macros. With Razer and Logitech its just super intuitive and takes 20 seconds.
    3. Corsair Mice have premium prices but feel like cheap plastic toys.

    On topic: I can understand your frustration with Razer. Their stuff is just garbage. Unfortunately if you want a Naga style mouse you pretty much have to go with a Naga, Corsair Scimitar, or Logitech G600. Or some cheapo 30$ brand. But tbh it cant be much worse than Razer or Corsair.
    The G604 is a good MMO mouse with less buttons but its really heavy and it uses AA batteries. WHAT YEAR IS IT?

    I would recommend using a mouse with less buttons like the G502 and using the mouse buttons a modifiers. Takes a little time to get used to but you are not depended on a Naga style mouse anymore.

  2. #22
    Immortal Ealyssa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Awe View Post
    Isn't the "Razer always fails" mentality based on selective feedback
    Yep, all my razer products are in perfect working condition. I still play on my naga 2014 bought in 2014 and I assure you I play A LOT.

    And for checking all the reviews recently because I want to upgrade, looks like the Naga is still the king of this small niche of mouses.
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    nazi is not the abbreviation of national socialism....
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  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Agall View Post
    You also have to contend with the probability of misclicks that come with increasing the number of buttons per digit. Thinking off the top of my head, and looking at my keyboard, not a single other digit has close to 12 buttons that you would reasonably use per digit. Let alone pressing the side of a mouse likely disrupts proper aim with the mouse's digital sensor and/or requires a specific grip to mitigate the impact of that. MB4+5 do it, just 1/6th the number of times, potentially. Even using single multipliers, you're at max putting 6 keybinds on your thumb.

    Keyboard keybinds have shared fingers you can use as well, and yet I can't find a scenario where it gets even close to 12 like an MMO mouse does to your thumb.
    I've never had an issue with misclicks, but that would be entirely a user error imo. Either you need better/more comfortable binds, or you need to take the time to make yourself more comfortable with them/your keyboard in general. (Not saying you specifically)

    You seem to keep assuming that if you have a 12 button mouse that you must have your entire rotation or all of your important buttons on that mouse. I specifically said efficient use of both, meaning you would of course pick the most comfortable buttons for your most important abilities. For example, I only use 1-4 on my mouse for important things. Everything else on my mouse is for things like out of combat buffs (blessings/seals/etc), food, hearth, maybe random questing items and what not. The 1-4 on my mouse is extremely easy to press, they sit right where my thumb and grip go naturally, no need for changing grip or hand position at all. I do agree that If I was trying to use something like 8/9/0, or all 12 buttons for my rotational abilities that would be suboptimal and would require some hand finagling. I have spent many hours testing and changing my binds over the years to ensure I am getting a smooth flow from one button to the next and not having my binds in a way where my hands are getting confused, so I fully understand where you are coming from with your concern of that, I just think you are vastly overstating the issue or seemingly unaware of what a good combination of both actually feels like.

    Also, just cause I was curious since you brought it up. I just checked and for just my index finger there's 6 different binds I hit regularly (R/T/Y/G/H/V), and 2 more semi-regularly (B/N). I only use 4 regularly on my mouse lol. It's a bit harder to calc for my other fingers, as without modifiers I'd only use my ring finger for 1 button for example, but when using modifiers I have to use my pinky to hit Shift/Ctrl which then opens up quite a few buttons that I am now hitting with my ring finger. And these numbers would only go up if I wasn't using my mouse/thumb to take some of the load off, somewhat going against your own point.
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  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Exkrementor View Post
    I would recommend using a mouse with less buttons like the G502 and using the mouse buttons a modifiers. Takes a little time to get used to but you are not depended on a Naga style mouse anymore.
    I have ALL mouse side keys bound to abilities outside standard rotation, dps cooldowns, defensive skills, movement skills, trinkets, cc etc... i would be lost with less keys

    On a side note the magnetic interchangeable side kb of the trinity often fails to receive inputs because of not working contacts, not that i changed the side keys every day, tbh i proably never changed them
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  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo03 View Post
    I know you want 12 side buttons, but if you're open to something different (and IMO better) I'd suggest the G604.

    Best all around mouse I've been able to find.

    6 side buttons + 2 on left click (I find mobility abilities work very nice here) + it's wireless.

    Just add shift and/or control hotkey binds and boom those 8 buttons become up to 24 without the clunkiness of all the extra buttons.

    Just my two cents.
    Those thumb buttons look too tightly placed.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    How pressing two buttons on keayboard is faster than pressing one on the mouse? Don't also forget that you can use modifiers with the mouse.
    I'm doing the opposite: using the mouse extra buttons as modifier (shift / ctrl). This way only one click per hand at once, and have much bigger freedom to find a mouse which is perfect for my hand.

  7. #27
    Bought a reddragon mouse.
    Worked great, been having it for 2 years now I think. Granted one of the side buttons have started to become bad. Have to click it extra hard for it to work properly... just switched to another button though.
    Out of 12 I mostly use around 5-6 on the mouse.

    Moved away from razer myself because their left clicks give out quickly in my experience... but I can't say I don't have issues with other mice as well...having to buy a new one every couple of years. So not sure it's razer specific.
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  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Agall View Post
    Its not an assumption that some people will put their entire rotation on a naga mouse. This is a discussion I've had with IRL friends who've done exactly that since cataclysm. When I ran a naga back then, I used the fancy addon for the naga mouse with the modifier and I was able to distribute keybinds quite effectively across the 12 buttons. Being even someone very capable at FPS, the problem of condensing that many buttons, whether important keybinds or not, onto the same low precision digit is an important point. The general consensus is that 'mmo mice are better for MMOs' that the general player base shares just isn't true, and from my own experience, can create skill limiting situations because of their design.

    The point I make with distributing keybinds across your digits is to homogenize them. If you're using 4-6 keybinds on about 4 of your digits, then 12 on another, you're increasing the probability of misclicking on that digit with 12. If you rather distribute to more than 4 digits that middle ground 4-6 keybinds, then you're reducing the APM per digit and reducing the probability of misclicking since you've added more digits to the equation. I would mathematically describe that the higher the keybinds per digit, the lower maximum APM and precision one can acquire, which generally results in misclicks. If you're using an MMO mouse yet only really using 4 buttons, then you're reinforcing my point because you're doing what I personally recommend. On my setup, I was using about 6 keybinds on my thumb, since I had a MB4,5 with modifiers.

    A really sleeper upgrade to keybinds is the use of the scroll wheel, since there's 3 buttons there with low probability of misclicking (with a good mouse) due to the vastly different input styles for using each of them. This helps maximize the use of your index finger, since that's largely left idle for most the time, RMB and the middle finger are too important to load keybinds onto since most advanced players use A,D strife with RMB camera control. I used to main a druid when I played, and I had all my shapeshifting forms keybound to the scroll wheel, likely a lot of those same type of keybinds that you'd be using the other naga keybinds for.

    I never said that no one puts their entire rotation on their mouse. I also know people who do that. I said you seem to keep assuming that you must do exactly that, when you obviously do not have too. I also don't see how the fact of the mouse having 12 side buttons when you are not actively using all 12 increases misclick probability. Like sure, if I have to continually hit consecutive buttons on my mouse that would slow you down. Which is exactly why I keep saying things like "efficient use" that you seem to keep glossing over. Me having my Warrior's Auto Shot on button #11 isn't increasing the workload on my thumb in any meaningful way whatsoever lol. It just fills in as a nice QoL. Though neither would having frequent use abilities as long as you are smart about it. Yes, if you just throw every button you have on your mouse without a thought for how that might physically play out, you're gonna have a bad time. But that's on personal error more than it says anything about the mice viability.

    I also do not understand how you've came to this conclusion "If you're using an MMO mouse yet only really using 4 buttons, then you're reinforcing my point because you're doing what I personally recommend." Using 4 buttons frequently does not = "only really using 4 buttons." Also if you want to include modifiers as you did for your example, using button 1-4 becomes 12 buttons since I also use Shift/Alt for them. I can also even add Ctrl to that for 4 more buttons, that's just much more dependent on what class I'm playing. To follow your example, on my Druid my shapeshifts are Ctrl 1-4. On my Paladin that would be Auras. On other classes it might not be used at all, like Shaman on retail.

    On top of all that, I also already use scroll wheel for all movement abilities, as well as with modifiers for that too. You're just simply not reaching the same amount of utility only using a keyboard. I can hit my shapeshift button and while I am doing that I can already have my keyboard hand hovered right over the rotational keybinds to hit immediately. I can do the same with my CC/Slows/Dispels/Buffs (that are bound to my mouse) and immediately be ready to go back to rotational abilities without any keyboard hand travel time at all. I could not do that if I had to hit any of those with my keyboard hand already. There would 100% be a decrease on APM as there's just more movement involved. To go from hitting 1-6 on the keyboard, then needing to hit something like E/R/T/G/Y/H/A/Q for a rotational ability flat out requires more movement. Once you add in modifiers, you're only increasing that amount of movement. The difference between me hitting Shift-1 or Alt-1 on my mouse and doing the same on the keyboard is quite large, to the point I'm starting to think you are trolling. For me, I only need to move my pinky to the modifier, and the rest of my hand can already start preparing for my next action. Even if you tell me you have footlong hands, you're still needing to use 2 fingers that are on the same hand, and most likely taking your hand out of position for the next coming action, depending on which bind you need to hit of course. But that's just movement that flat out isn't there if you are splitting the load between your mouse and keyboard.

    You're set on reducing misclick probability but your method only seems to increase such. To me, keyboard hand movement is much more of an important factor in misclicking than having a specific digit being "overworked," let alone the digit with arguably the most dexterity in your hand (The thumb is absolutely not a low precision digit, you're scientifically wrong about that; google it for yourself if you must). I can only speak for me, but I've never felt like the load on my thumb, nor index or any other finger is too much. I have however had misclicking issues in the past due to my hands getting tangled due to me having a bad keybind setup requiring too much hand movement. Which, an mmo mouse helps alleviate.

    You don't need to use them if you don't want too, and I still agree that they are not required to play the game at a high level. But they do help, and I see no logical reason to think they put a skill limit on a person for using one correctly. Tbh you seem to have a personal bias against them due to your own bad experience/the marketing of them or something. Like, you're literally saying you use MB4/5, but somehow don't think a few more of those would be useful. If you are hard stuck against using 12 specifically, there's mice with less while still having more than 2. There's also the ability to just... not use all 12. Either way; required? No. Better/Helpful? Absolutely.
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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Those thumb buttons look too tightly placed.
    I've not had any real issues. The spacing feels fine to me. I'm basically just pressing up or down on my thumb on the side or up or down with my finger on left click. Makes it simple and there is enough of a gap for me between the side buttons that I can easily differentiate between them and also not misclick very easily. I can see it not being everyones cup of tea, but it works well enough for me.

    I don't 100% love the narrow pill shaped concurve on the side buttons. Ideally they'd be a bit wider, but it's fine enough. Haven't seen any alternatives on the market that have the left click buttons w/ 4-6 side buttons that I like better.

  10. #30
    Elemental Lord
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    I had Logitech G600 for 4+ years without issues (honestly don't even remember why I changed it), then Naga Trinity (problem with double click), then some Corsair (problem with scroll). Now I'm back to G600, Logitech all the way.

  11. #31
    Bought 4 mouses from Razer until now.

    Deathadder wireless in 2010 (still in use by my parents).
    Taipan in 2014 (still used by my son).
    Deathadder (cabled) in 2015 (my office mouse now).
    Naga trinity in 2018 (my actual home/gaming mouse).

    Maybe super lucky, but had ZERO issues with ANY Razer mouse bought in the last 12 years.

  12. #32
    Just checked,this is what i found:

    In april 2014 i purchased razer naga 2014 edition, died in sep 2016 - barely raided in wod

    Bought utech smart venus in sept 16 used intensively for 2 years since i raided a lot in legion, much less in bfa - died in sep 20 just because i rage smashed it on the desk

    purchased naga trinity sept 2020 and stopped raiding around feb 21, from that day never did any intensive use apart from some casual gaming - already dead

    Maybe that's because i have the habit of keeping the left button down during encounters but that's a poor excuse for such a shitshow.

    Anyway ordered the G600, will see how it goes
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  13. #33
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Maybe because I grew up consoles but MMO mice never been an issue. With controllers you have movement on your left hand, actions on the right, thumb reasonable for 4 keys plus the right stick, which also has a button. Basically the same movement but more keys in the space your thumb already moved
    I generally use 1-12 in MMOs then assign a few important abilities to the left side of the keyboard. Easy. Standard shift/ctrl/alt modifiers if needed.

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  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagthul View Post
    Yes, with a caveat that for about two years a few years back, they had a legitimately bad production run from their then ODM, that particularly affected the mice. Its been a few years and these days they dont fail anymore than anyone else. They also honored their warranties pretty much no questions asked at the time, too, so /shrug.

    I personally cant use those MMO mice anyways, as my thumb easily covers a third of the buttons and (i guess im some weird mutant) doesnt narrow down to a point. Id never be able to hit one of those tiny ass buttons, and i have no idea how anyone without Linus sized hands can even use them. I like the hex ring if the Naga Hex though (which you get with the newer Naga Trinity).
    Hehe, same thing here.
    Not even relatively big hands, but with the rest sized up it still adds up pretty hard to the point that many normal electronics are just a bitch to use with any real dexterity.
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  15. #35
    mmo mouses - not something you like or enjoy, but something you do need.

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