1. #301
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuuka Kazami View Post
    Right. Trundle can basically steal or reduce EVERYTHING you have but AP. So against AD (Tanky AD especially) he becomes a total nightmare since he can get stronger the more defensive you are. I've 1v1'd a Lee Sin who was super tanky, because I stole most of his tankiness and a good chunk of his AD. I think i'm the only person who plays trundle that i've seen in the last few months... I know why he's underplayed though. his kit is kinda boring... And he's ugly. The ugly champions are underplayed.
    Not gonna lie. When I was looking for champs I wanted before I got into LoL, I picked em by first impression how hot are they. Ashe, Lux, Caitlyn, etc...Then I got Chinese artwork and I had more variety xD.

  2. #302
    I fucking love Trundle. Very underplayed and VERY underestimated. People never see him so they are often clueless on how to counter you. Their judgement on wether they can 1v1 you is also very bad because of this and they are mostly wrong when they think they can take you 1on1.

    I prefer to play him as solo lane rather than jungle. I'd rather have Udyr or Lee Sin jungle for me so that I can combine their initiates with my Pillars. Putting down a good Pillar of Filth is on of the most rewarding things in this game for me.

  3. #303
    How is rumble? What runes do u guys run on him?

  4. #304
    I love rumble. I even got a pentakill with him! I like running magpen reds, flat armor yellows, and scaling MR blues. For quints I go with flat AP.

  5. #305
    WTB A melee bruiser that i can play as dps or tankish. I want something that would rape at start, midgame and end game.providing full runes.

  6. #306
    So i started playing LoL not to long ago and ive adapted to most champions that ived played and for some odd reason Olaf has been appealing to me alot...is he worth it? i mainly play Dominion btw. Aside from that i dont have a main at all, so i want to no if buying him will be a good idea...only have 2100 ip or so atm

  7. #307
    Quote Originally Posted by Lestrang View Post
    WTB A melee bruiser that i can play as dps or tankish. I want something that would rape at start, midgame and end game.providing full runes.

  8. #308
    Lestrang: Irelia, Lee Sin, and Wukong. All solid bruisers, and can hit pretty hard... Though TBH, Bruisers are not characters who go full DPS, otherwise they wouldn't be bruisers. I might get a bit of hate for saying Wukong... but haters gonna hate, he got some decent buffs recently.

    Recreant: I don't think Olaf is in a good place right now. If you haven't played him yet, don't buy him ASAP - Wait until he's free and try him out.

  9. #309
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lestrang View Post
    WTB A melee bruiser that i can play as dps or tankish. I want something that would rape at start, midgame and end game.providing full runes.
    Bruiser you play as Tanky/DPS, there's no alternative really lol. Go full DPS, get blown up. Go full tank, not enough damage. Bruisers are chars with enough base damage they can get only a few DPS items and still be able to put out respectable damage, letting them go tank for the rest (IE Irelia. Triforce is all she really needs, Warmogs/Atmas is icing on the cake that gives her even more survivability & damage). Warmogs/Atmas does make his easy for alot of chars though.

    Renekton strong early game, weakish mid game, strong late game.

    Irelia alright early, decent mid (Farm farm farm, 20 min triforce is goal), rape late game.

    Garen rape early game, falls of midgame, not that great endgame.

    Cho'Gath: Alright early game (You're literally an immovable object in lane after lvl 3 or 4), good midgame, good lategame

    Jax: Weak early game, decent midgame, rape lategame

    Sion: (AP) TROLLOLOLOL FOTM. AD I haven't seen enough of to make a proper judgement.

    I didn't mention a few like Lee Sin or Wukong, but you get the picture.

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post

    Sion: (AP) TROLLOLOLOL FOTM. AD I haven't seen enough of to make a proper judgement.
    W Q W

    Enemy has been slain.

  11. #311
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post
    Sion: (AP) TROLLOLOLOL FOTM. AD I haven't seen enough of to make a proper judgement.
    A farmed AD Sion.
    He has 2 BTs, a BD, 3k health from E, and 2 AS with his ult on.
    Also heals for ~90% of the damage he does, and like 30% of that to all surrounding friendly targets, thou he doesn't really benefit from his own abilities then and can like only auto attack or throw that occasional stun out.
    Have fun

  12. #312
    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post
    A farmed AD Sion.
    He has 2 BTs, a BD, 3k health from E, and 2 AS with his ult on.
    Also heals for ~90% of the damage he does, and like 30% of that to all surrounding friendly targets, thou he doesn't really benefit from his own abilities then and can like only auto attack or throw that occasional stun out.
    Have fun
    to have those items, you would have to be quite fed or very late game. meanwhile, AP sion is shitting on people with only sorc boots and a dcap (let alone void staff, lich bane)

  13. #313
    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post
    A farmed AD Sion.
    He has 2 BTs, a BD, 3k health from E, and 2 AS with his ult on.
    Also heals for ~90% of the damage he does, and like 30% of that to all surrounding friendly targets, thou he doesn't really benefit from his own abilities then and can like only auto attack or throw that occasional stun out.
    Have fun
    In response however.

    Any AD With red buff or Ash. Has ranged. Slows on attacks. Can escape a slow character like Sion. Sion begins to wheeze as he is kited to oblivion by anyone with ranged. AD is okay, but he gets shut down so hard by kiting or even stun that its not funny.

  14. #314
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuuka Kazami View Post
    In response however.

    Any AD With red buff or Ash. Has ranged. Slows on attacks. Can escape a slow character like Sion. Sion begins to wheeze as he is kited to oblivion by anyone with ranged. AD is okay, but he gets shut down so hard by kiting or even stun that its not funny.
    Double Phantomd Dancer, get red buff, DONE. Stun to close gaps.

  15. #315
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post
    A farmed AD Sion.
    He has 2 BTs, a BD, 3k health from E, and 2 AS with his ult on.
    Also heals for ~90% of the damage he does, and like 30% of that to all surrounding friendly targets, thou he doesn't really benefit from his own abilities then and can like only auto attack or throw that occasional stun out.
    Have fun
    Requires some incredible farm. AP Sion meanwhile. 3 dorans and a rabadons. I've seen farmed AD Sions, but compared to AP, it's just meh.

  16. #316
    So all this bruiser talk without Yorick again.

    Really, play the champ for once and laugh at how easy you outharrass pretty much anyone in your solo lane. Massive damage and ulti that fucks up every teamfight.

  17. #317
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Rabbit View Post
    Double Phantomd Dancer, get red buff, DONE. Stun to close gaps.
    Lets say the Sion in this situation has this build...

    Boots 2 (Merc treads to lower CC duration, or Zerkers greaves to get faster aspd)
    2 phantom dancers
    1 BT
    1 Infinity Edge (Since with 2 phantom dancers, an IE's crit bonus is going to be much more effective then a 2nd BT)

    Thats gonna be 13440 with Zerkers instead of mercs, a bit more with mercs. In an average game, thats exactly how much you'll farm... By end game, you probbaly won't have that build entirely finished. In addition, he lacks a gap closer. You do have the stun, but... ranged carries often have a jump or escape mechanism. Graves is gonna quick draw away from you, Cait has her net, Corki with Valkyrie, Vayne with Tumble and condemn, etc. So they will slow you, and immediately jump away from you.

    A super fed AD sion can be scary... but right now, how is sion gonna get that fed? He has no sustain for top, so the bruisers up there are gonna roast him... You are not going to get that kinda build in the jungle... AP's will deny and zap you in mid. You might to well bot with support, but you're gonna have to play passive.

    Theoritcally, AD sion can hit hard... but he still has no way to instantly jump into the fight (no gap closer, a stun doesn't cut it with Cleanse and merc treads), and is gonna get kited or CC'd and killed... Since you can't Lifesteal if you're stunned, and AD sion is most likely going to be a glass canon besides having extra HP from enrage, which won't be that ludicrously high. This is why AP sion is much better. He can crush better and much earlier, and is a possibility top or even mid. A mid sion roaming and ganking is really scary.
    Last edited by Yuuka Kazami; 2011-11-07 at 10:14 AM.

  18. #318
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuuka Kazami View Post
    Lets say the Sion in this situation has this build...

    Boots 2 (Merc treads to lower CC duration, or Zerkers greaves to get faster aspd)
    2 phantom dancers
    1 BT
    1 Infinity Edge (Since with 2 phantom dancers, an IE's crit bonus is going to be much more effective then a 2nd BT)

    Thats gonna be 13440 with Zerkers instead of mercs, a bit more with mercs. In an average game, thats exactly how much you'll farm... By end game, you probbaly won't have that build entirely finished. In addition, he lacks a gap closer. You do have the stun, but... ranged carries often have a jump or escape mechanism. Graves is gonna quick draw away from you, Cait has her net, Corki with Valkyrie, Vayne with Tumble and condemn, etc. So they will slow you, and immediately jump away from you.

    A super fed AD sion can be scary... but right now, how is sion gonna get that fed? He has no sustain for top, so the bruisers up there are gonna roast him... You are not going to get that kinda build in the jungle... AP's will deny and zap you in mid. You might to well bot with support, but you're gonna have to play passive.

    Theoritcally, AD sion can hit hard... but he still has no way to instantly jump into the fight (no gap closer, a stun doesn't cut it with Cleanse and merc treads), and is gonna get kited or CC'd and killed... Since you can't Lifesteal if you're stunned, and AD sion is most likely going to be a glass canon besides having extra HP from enrage, which won't be that ludicrously high. This is why AP sion is much better. He can crush better and much earlier, and is a possibility top or even mid. A mid sion roaming and ganking is really scary.
    I actually find AD Sion super easy on solo top. You hit like a truck so they will think twice to come close to you and if they dive you they will get a stun, turret and yourself bashing in on them.

    I get Ninja Tabi and Dodge masteries on Sion for the occasional improved movement speed which works wonders if you ask me. It's also a great way to mitigate some heavy damage, not to mention that you will be a great counter against those melee bruisers with this as well. It isn't hard to farm on Sion solo top as you hit hard enough to take out 30-50% (depending wether you crit or not) of the minions life in 1 hit after 2 ranks into your E.

    Your ganks will be very simple: Jungler comes up top for a gank, you both close in on them, stun, gib one, move on to the next target which you will Exhaust, force Flash, Flash after him and it shouldn't be too hard to get him as well considering they'll most likely be pushing you all the way up to your turret so it's a long way to theirs.

    Mid Sion is surprisingly powerful yes as there will most likely be a squishy trying to farm mid making it easy to force a Recall or simply kill him and go out of your lane for a gank.

  19. #319
    I thought this was the What champion should I buy thread, not the Lets discuss how strong Sion is thread.
    Just saying :P

  20. #320
    is Sona viable at lvl30?

    am slowly but surely cruising my way up the lvls
    and since weve had Sona twice in the last month ive had some good playtime on her

    the games go one of two ways:

    1) whoever im laning with ignores my retreat pings, overextends while expecting heals and dies lots
    fed opponents focus fire me all game, and we lose badly
    and i end up with like 0-10-12


    2) we dominate the lane, cruising firstblood and then some decent kills
    i get all my aura gear and can carry hard pushes, the other team surrenders or gets facerolled
    and i end up like 2-0-18

    now im expecting to get focusfired more and more as i near 30 and ppl start to know what they are doing

    so, is it worth me buying Sona and doing a full rune set for her? or does she just get blitzed/instagibbed all day at lvl30 and ranked play?

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