1. #941
    Stood in the Fire Kashydan's Avatar
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    yeh,so, I could use some external Input on which champ to consider next.

    so far, I got way too many carry-chars which I got out of their individual style, playwise, and quite a bit of bot-support on my hands, namely

    AP: annie(meh), lux(like the skillshots), mordekaiser(huehue,extremely interesting mechanics,love the ult),ryze(for drunk evenings)
    AD/AS: Yi(liked him first, now just bored by him somehow), Poppy (fun to play as assassin), teemo(kinda cool on and off), and TF (and I LOVE the cards)
    And Kayle & Zilean as additional support-characters, which I use whenever needed...

    now, what I lack, obviously, is a tank.
    I tried a couple of semi-tank-champs over the last two weeks, hated amumu, liked nautilus, didnt like shen&maokai, was utterly bored by taric and leona... so.. any input on interesting-mechanic-to-learn-and-master tank-champs?

  2. #942
    Quote Originally Posted by Kashydan View Post
    now, what I lack, obviously, is a tank.
    I tried a couple of semi-tank-champs over the last two weeks, hated amumu, liked nautilus, didnt like shen&maokai, was utterly bored by taric and leona... so.. any input on interesting-mechanic-to-learn-and-master tank-champs?
    You could try Volibear or Singed. Both do a considerable amount of damage while still being true to their role as tanks. Singed, all you need is catalyst and merc treads, then run around spewing poison in the enemies' faces, occasionally flinging someone who tries to get away. Volibear you charge into the thick of them, catching some poor sod out of position, then ult and tear their faces off. His W ability is basically a mini Garen ult.

  3. #943
    Need to get my hands on some ranged AD, how is Vayne holding up? Remember playing her like half a year ago and it was awesome, how is she after the nerfs?

  4. #944
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    She is good. Not uber awesome anymore, but good. Most of the ADs are pretty even now.

    I dislike the changes they made to her speed, which to me was her selling point.

  5. #945
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    She is good. Not uber awesome anymore, but good. Most of the ADs are pretty even now.

    I dislike the changes they made to her speed, which to me was her selling point.
    It's pretty much the only thing keeping me from not buying her atm, will I be able to catch up with people nearly as good as before or will I just be kited to death? But then again, you are kinda want that jump on them to begin with, but if they escape with low health then yea...

  6. #946
    i don't really like vayne anymore. she doesn't have much range, any AoE, or any AS steroids like a lot of the others. not saying she is super weak, but if i have to play an AD i'd prefer to play sivir, trist, kog or graves. if you want to play vayne just for her W for late game beasts, i'd honestly prefer kogmaw with his insane range.

  7. #947
    Any opinions on Gragas or Urgot?
    Last edited by Bullettime; 2012-03-02 at 11:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    From my perspective it is an uncle who was is a "simple" slat of the earth person, who has religous beliefs I may or may not fully agree with, but who in the end of the day wants to go hope, kiss his wife, and kids, and enjoy their company.
    Connal defending child molestation

  8. #948
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Either is uncommon, but works. Personally I like other ADs better (Tristana!), but Urgot is pretty tanky and can suit some comps better than most squishy ADs. Gragas is beastly when built AP. Haven't tried tanking with him, but he's one of my fave mages.
    Last edited by Duilliath; 2012-03-03 at 09:35 AM.

  9. #949
    Which would you prefer if you had to pick one?

    Still learning all of the champs here >.>
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    From my perspective it is an uncle who was is a "simple" slat of the earth person, who has religous beliefs I may or may not fully agree with, but who in the end of the day wants to go hope, kiss his wife, and kids, and enjoy their company.
    Connal defending child molestation

  10. #950
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Gragas. Nothing will ever beat bellyflopping onto someone as a fat dude.

  11. #951
    Gragas takes some degree of skill to land barrels correctly, but I'd say he's in a whole other league than Urgot. Not saying Urgot is bad, he's far from it, but Gragas is an absolute (underplayed) powerhouse.

  12. #952
    I can also vouch for Gragas. Just bought him myself, he's insane fun. Not only does he do good damage when built for AP, he's also tanky due to his W and his ultimate is insanely handy for messing up enemy positioning.

  13. #953
    I am debating between Lux, Ezreal or Udyr they all look intresting but I am worried that Lux may not have much damage so im just wondering what u guys think the best buy would be

  14. #954
    Quote Originally Posted by notah View Post
    I am debating between Lux, Ezreal or Udyr they all look intresting but I am worried that Lux may not have much damage so im just wondering what u guys think the best buy would be
    Lux is good, but you won't be able to straight out carry unless you end up godly fed. You'll have to use your snare smartly, your shield too. Plus she has a slow and a lot of aoe. She's good, i like her a lot, but she requires some smart playing from your team also

  15. #955
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    They all three have very different roles. What do you want to play and how many other candidates do you have for those roles?

  16. #956
    Well i am looking for a champion for 3s and i want a champion that is good for helping or iniating ganks. Lee Sin didnt look like a bad choice either

  17. #957
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    For 3s, I'd go for Udyr out of the ones you mentioned.

  18. #958
    Quote Originally Posted by notah View Post
    I am debating between Lux, Ezreal or Udyr they all look intresting but I am worried that Lux may not have much damage so im just wondering what u guys think the best buy would be
    My personal view on these champions is as followed

    lux: Quite fun, the only issue I have with her is the fact that its very hard to kill someone unless you're ahead. Dont get me wrong, you do quite alot of damage, but you also have very long cd's (8-10s iirc) so whenever theres a 1v1 moment, its very rare you can actually kill someone totally alone. More often than not they run away with 20% hp or someone else gets the kill. This is ofcourse unless you're ahead of whoever youre fighting.

    Udyr: Just bought this guy yesterday. It was the last 'common' jungler I was missing. My first impressions is his ganks. Unless your lanes can provide a slow/cc/gapcloser, your ganks are gonna be tough. You do get a 15% movement speed increase, but I still found it extremely hard to gank. Whenever I jungle, I make ganking my nr1 priority. On most junglers(Yi/WW/Skarner/Shyvana) I probably get a kill 4 out of 5 times. On udyr its more like 1/5 times. Im sure its just the fact that Im not very good with him yet. His jungle clears are redicolously fast if you go the phoenix route.

    Ezreal: A very good AD carry. Great early/mid game damage, but if you get behind youre pretty much screwed. Very squishy, but very mobile. Takes alot of skill, as all his damage is skillshots. If you dont have the patience to learn him, dont bother buying him.

    Out of the 3, it literally all depends on where you need champions. Do you need a mid laner? Go for Lux. Need a jungler? Go udyr. Need a AD carry? Go ezreal.

    I would suggest Cassiopeia, extremely hard to play, but so rewarding.

  19. #959
    Hello, I'm quite new to this game, playing about 1 week, currently lvl15.
    I own these champs: Tristana, Corki, Mordekaiser, Alistar (for free).
    I kinda like playing ranged game was playing Ashe last week, when i started and it was free but it was pretty popular so i bought tristana and i was doing ok with her, i like her attack speed at the end game, but IMO it's a bit useless mid and not that good early.
    Then bought corki and i liked it even more than tristana cuz of his Q and R. Also have Morde if my friends want to play AD and basically playing those last 2 (Corki and Morde).
    Anyways looking for new ranger AD.
    Tried Miss Fortune and Caitlyn. Miss f was prolly only one i didn't like from rangers. Caitlyn was better, I like her ulti but still I like Corki more than her..
    My friend playing twitch so i won't buy it either.

    So what's left:
    Twisted Fate,

    Any recommendations?

  20. #960
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Sivir. She's good and she's cheap. Together with Corki and Tristana you should be set, pretty much, though some of the others you listed are pretty good too.

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