1. #1

    Disc. Priest Arena Suggestions

    Last edited by Kerona; 2015-09-30 at 01:25 PM.

  2. #2
    It's going to be an uphill battle against DK teams because all of the peels your teammates can give you can be dispelled. So if their healer is quick on dispels HoJ, frost shock root, repentance, freedom's on you, etc can be removed quickly. I can suggest that you should try and stay mounted for as long as possible in the beginning of the match. If the Dk is running to get on you have your pally start with crusader and run away from him and force him to open on someone else. When he does, play the pillar game hard and keep your team alive. Don't get me wrong, eventually you are going to get gripped in and whaled on. But this just negates the huge pressure they can get if they just start on you out of the gates.

    About the scatter traps. Put the hunter on focus and if they are bad they will target you to scatter or blind. So just keep an eye on his focus frame and target of focus. When he targets you death him or if you see him running at you from across the map obviously he is coming to CC you so you can death when he is 20 yards away.

    When you get scattered or monkey blinded and you see the trap dropped call to your shaman to drop grounding. If you're lucky it will eat the trap. If it's dropped too early it will eat something else because good hunters growl with their pets or hunter's mark to eat groundings.
    Last edited by Arcsecant; 2011-10-28 at 07:42 PM.

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