I've decided to give FFXIV a 4th or 5th attempt, but this time with a fresh viewpoint towards the game. The times I've played previously I was still infected with the WoW syndrome of endgame being all that mattered so you should rush to it to get to the good stuff, causing me to stumble as I came across the brick wall known as MSQ. I even bought a skip of ARR the last time I played but just lost interest before really getting into Heavensward.
This time, however, I'm coming at the game with the thought that the story is maybe the main point of the game and the MMO bits are just there to provide some activities to keep me occupied when not doing the story. I'm still interested in those MMO bits, though, and they've always seemed more to my taste in FFXIV than WoW because I have no interest in organized activities, vastly preferring to queue for what I wish to do. And FFXIV doesn't seem inclined to punish players for having that preference, as WoW does.
So, what should I be looking at doing other than the MSQ? My main character that I'll likely be playing is a level 60 Ninja just finding his way around Ishgard. Should I just do the MSQ only? Or is there any other activities that might pique my interest? Particularly MMO bits, like dungeons and such. I'm not interested in grinding (which is why I don't ask about reputations), just having some fun in small bites when the mood strikes me.