Originally Posted by
Cthulhu 2020
lmao, dude, the fact that you made an account just to respond to me and try to call me mad and psycho analyze me, that's hella cringe. Anyway, all you do is ad hom in this first paragraph. Psychoanalyzing someone over an internet forum is the most cringe thing you can do. You don't know anything about me, and the most hilarious part is, you say you "used to be like me" but you very clearly still are.
Chill out dude, stop getting mad. It's ok. I know my point that people shouldn't be able to AFK and get carried was incredibly contentious for some reason, and made a few people mad, but you don't need to rage out over it.
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The most hilarious part about all of this is you still have zero reading comprehension. It's never been about caring for the skill level of people in the dungeon. If you can point out in any of my posts where I said I cared about the skill level of randos, you're welcome to correct me. But I know you won't. Because I've never said anything like that. I don't want someone to get a free ride. That's all. That you're making this about something it's not makes it pretty clear that you don't even know what the conversation is even about. Either that or you're trying to make it about something else so you can be "right" about it. That's very sad my dude.
On top of it all, you made a burner account to respond to me. Like, you're already anonymous on the internet, but to make a burner account just to basely insult and psychoanalyze me? smh. I love how people care so much about their online names that they don't want it associated with their main account when they go to be terrible people online. I'm not afraid to show my post history, unlike you. Yes, I know you'll probably claim this is your first account, but nobody is going to believe that. It's like when someone does something awful then tells the GMs "OH MY LITTLE BROTHER GOT ON MY ACCOUNT AND SAID STUPID SHIT". Everyone knows it's BS.
See, I used to be like you. I used to tell people that I was once like them, so I knew exactly how they operated and how they think. But for one thing that's just ultra cringe dude. Like, the biggest cringe on the internet. Plus it turns out that most of the time you don't know jack shit about people, you just have this holier-than-thou attitude. That's why I stopped doing it. Time for you to do the same.
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Anyway, to address your terrible post:
Thank you for a admitting that this is just one big attack. Hopefully the mods can take care of it.
"Should 3 people be beholden to carry one person who wants to simply AFK through a dungeon? Yes or no."
So far you basically just described me. I often do roulettes with the healer in my savage/ulti static. We two alone can carry the entire dungeon. They're a godly white mage that does more damage than about 80% of DPS we come across. Both of us are very often top damage. And I don't care. See, the sad part about all of this is all of your insults are based on the fact that you're projecting a falsehood on to me. The falsehood that I actually care about the skill level of other players in general. If you can find anywhere that I've said I hate casuals or people who play sub optimally, feel free. It would prove your point. But with lack of evidence for me saying as such, it proves my point and you're wrong, and all of your post is one giant bullshit fest.
Time to look in a mirror my dude. You're not "insulting the mean angry man for the sake of the little guy", you're just a combative dick yourself, and you're just like me.
I realized this back in Everquest dude. It's not some giant revelation. I realize you think it's a huge deal because you probably recently discovered it, but it's one of the most basic concepts of MMO gaming. But the entire post of your post is to try and paint me as someone who hates those who have the 1-95% skill levels. I'm not a hardcore shitting on casuals. The only post I've ever made is about people who AFK or don't try. If you can find otherwise, feel free. But again, lack of such evidence means you're full of shit.
See, again. This whole "You hate people who are worse than you!" Nope, you're changing my words. I haven't said anything of the sort. I resent people who very clearly want a free ride. I carry people in roulettes all day and night as long as it's clear they're trying.
You know what one of the hallmarks of narcissism is? Thinking you know more about someone than they do. Or thinking you know someone based on a very short interaction. You think way too highly of yourself, and I realize you probably took some PSYCH 101 class and now think you're a great psychologist. Yes, I took psych 101, 102, 103, and 104. I won't say you're some giant manchild nor any other of the attacks you've levied on me, but it's pretty clear you're projecting quite a bit.
Stating the obvious once more. Something I learned over 2 decades ago. Again, I realize you think you're "Schooling a child" but you're really not. You know jack shit about me. All of these massive revelations you think you're laying on me are just... *Yawn*
Another case of "I was once like you". Funny part is, all of this shit you said you're doing in your 20's, and all of this wisdom you learned later, I learned in my early 20's. It's telling that it took you so much longer to get this wisdom. I traveled a lot for work, meeting different people and cultures all over the world. It was wonderful and enlightening. I suggest world travel to anyone. The unfortunate part is the cost.
Wow uh... just wow... can't say I've ever wished violence on a large number of people. In fact I only really wish violence upon Vladimir Putin for what he's brought in suffering to others. But otherwise I do not wish violence on anyone. That... says a lot about you my dude. Even if you no longer think that, the f act that you once thought yourself better than "those stupid people" is a difference between us. I've not wished violence on people for their ability to perform mentally. That's you dude. Yes, I realize you think you were "once like me" but you swung and you missed. Big time. And revealed something concerning about yourself. It seems you see "resent" and "violence" as interchangeable, or you once did. I can resent someone and not wish violence upon them. Never have wished violence on them.
Wow. Wow. Holy shit. Someone finally answered the question. That's all I've been trying to ask this entire time. Is if it's bad to expect people to put in more than 0 effort. I applaud you sir. You could have just said the above quote, been the BIGGER MAN and moved on. But instead you decided to type out a humongous post berating me for being a child when you know nothing about me, embarrassing yourself for being some kind of wise person schooling a child. Again, super cringe psychoanalyzing people on the internet who you know nothing about.
See, if you'd just said the above quote, then been like, "You seem like an angry individual and I pity you" that would have hit 100x harder than a multi paragraph essay on how I'm something I'm not. A little tip for you. Brevity is really great for driving home a point. If I want to explain a concept, it does take a lot of words to often say things. But if I'm just trying to poke at someone, a simple sentence is far better. A little bit of wisdom for you as you continue to gather knowledge in your quest, young one.
What you're doing is literally personal attacks. Personal attacks are an emotional argument, not a logical one. You accuse me of emotion based arguments and yet... LOL
If you need help knowing all of the ad homs you made, I'll be glad to point them out. "Asshat" is one of them, but there's a good number in your giant essay on knowing exactly how my mind works after reading a few posts.
But your entire post is one giant attack on me, because while you jumped into this conversation to try and argue against my point, you found my point was fairly reasonable. So instead of just agreeing and moving on, you wrote an essay to insult me because you were just so mad that you had to.