1. #1

    Vuhdo point and push keyboard button. How do you?

    Hey guys,

    I made a priest alt a couple of days ago, and wanting to heal for the first time, I installed VuhDo for my Disc spec.
    My question is, how can you set it up so as to be able to cast any spell to the player you have your mouse over, by pushing the keyboard button I have binded it to?
    I mean, I've been mouse casting for now, but when I get to higher lvls, I'm gonna have more spells, and my mouse buttons are not enough, even with modifiers, plus I usually use my mouse for moving.

    So, how is this done, if at all?

    P.S. It is possible with Grid, but I like VuhDo customization much more.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    You can use macro's for this

    /cast [target=mouseover,help] Heal; [help]Heal; Heal

    First targets your mouseover target then your normal target and then yourself.

  3. #3
    Shortened version of above macro:
    /cast [@mouseover,help][help][@player]Heal

  4. #4
    This must be really great.

  5. #5
    I honestly don't use any type of addons to heal. Although I do you ElvUI which has a reskinned blizzard raid frame. With this I use mouse over macros I know it is a pain having to set them up but when you think about it, setting the macros up once rather then reconfiguring an addon every time blizzard breaks it which a patch I know which way I would prefer to go!

    #showtooltip Greater Heal
    /cast [mod:alt, @player][@mouseover, help, nodead][help, nodead][@player] Greater Heal
    Is my macro, This will cast on the mouse over target, If your not mousing over anyone then it will cast on your target, and if not targeting anyone you will cast it on yourself. You can also hold alt which will cast it on yourself regardless.

    I know this didnt exactly answer your questions but hope it helped!

  6. #6
    VuhDo also has built in macro generation for keypress healing. Basically there are two ways:
    1. Options=>Spells=>Keys global, enter spell names in any order, go to wow keybind menu, scroll down to section VuhDo, assign keys. This way keys are available for all unit frames, no matter if VuhDo or not.
    2. Options=>Spells=>Keys local: Click "Add", enter spell name, click assignment button (Text: unassigned), press the key to assign the spell to. These assignments are limited to VuhDo panels and you can assign them to something else when not hovering a vuhdo panel with your mouse.
    Internal macros have several advantages over most custom macor: They include vehicle switch, auto-res, trinket and instant firing and much more.

  7. #7
    I just found the keys panel last night and had a go at it, was very useful, and thanks for clarifying to me what the difference is between global and local, got me a bit confused.

    Thanks for the replies everyone, I'm just not a big fan of macros tbh... :P

    I am actually enjoying mouse casting a lot more than keypressing...however I still feel my mouse is too limited with only 5 bindings(even with the 3 modifiers..).Don't know, maybe it's time for a new one.

    Anyway, thank you!

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