I made this for my guild today, and felt like copying it over. This is the MM BiS for regular Dragon Soul - not the raid finder difficulty as that does not count as real raiding. I might get a Heroic mode together in a while. This is copy pasted from my guild site so if there is anything offensive, I apologize.
2 pc Tier 13 > 4 pc tier 12 from what I have done.
1. Wyrmstalkers Headguard - T13 Token
2. Zeherah's Dragonskull Crown - Valor Points
the Tier is slightly better and frees up another piece for the offset.
1. Wyrmstalker's Spaulders -t13 Tier Token
Only goddamn shoulders in the whole tier
1. Batwing Cloak - Valor Points
2. Heroic Dreadfire Drape - Heroic Lord Ryolith (Firelands)
If you have the means go get the Heroic Dreadfire Drape from Heroic Ryolith do that, the extra Agility outweighs the secondary stats 50 AGI vs 60 secondary stats.
If not the Batwing cloak is still decent, just not ideal.
For heroic gear Heroic Dreadfire Drape is still slightly better, but run it through femaledwarf just to be sure - 55 AGI vs 140 secondary stats.
Thank you too Deepfriedegg for pointing this out with the stats.
1. Wyrmstalker's Tunic -t13 Tier Token
2. Dragonflayer Vest - Valor Points
Tier is only is better, as the extra agi socket bonus overrules the worse secondary stats.
1. Bracers of the Hunter-Killer - Leatherworking
2. Bracers of Looming Darkness - Ultraxion
3. Dragonbelly Bracers - Valor Points (BoE)
Outside of Heroic - Bracers of the hunter-killer is heads above the others With Heroic the H Looming Darkness will probably outweigh H-K's but not by much. Dragonbelly bracers pretty much suck.
1. Sporebeard Gauntlets - Morchok
2. Arrowflick Gauntlets - Valor Points
3. Wyrmstalker's Gloves -t13 Tier Token
This tier piece is pretty shitty, and I would recommend using the Sporebeard as your offtier piece. Arrowflick are about equal as the tier, but not worth breaking t13 or t12 2pc to use.
1. Belt of the Beloved Companion - Warmaster Blackhorn
2. Cord of Dragon Sinew - Valor Points
3. Dragoncarver Belt - Leatherworking
Beloved Companion is heads above the others. Dragon Sinew is second with the extra socket, and Dragoncarver is obviously 3rd, nothing weird here.
1. Wyrmstalker's Legguards -t13 Tier Token
2. Rended Earth Leggings - Leatherworking
Given the tier set the tier legs are much better. Use the Tier.
1. Treads of Dominant Dreams - Hagara the Stormbinder
2. Boneshard Boots - Valor Points (BoE)
Clearly the Dominant Dreams are better.
1. Cameo of Terrible Memories - Valor Points
If this is the only necklace available then it isn't that great.
1. Signet of Grasping Mouths - Hagara the Stormbinder
2. Emergency Descent Loop - Valor Points
only 2 rings available from what I have found. the Signet is better, not that it matters.
Disclaimer - The trinkets this tier seem sort of strange, and is gonna take some more testing to see what is best.
1. Wrath of Unchaining - Spine of Deathwing
2a. Starcatcher Compass - Warmaster Blackhorn
2b. Vial of Shadows - Shared Dragonsoul Boss drop
3. Kiroptyric Sigil - Valor Points
These are the 4 I found, I might have missed one, but I couldn't find it if I did.
Wrath of Unchaining is pretty clearly the best. Femaledwarf gave Vial about 200 more dps then the Compass, but if you have access to both you might want to sim just to be sure. Sigil, as no static agi and an on use trinket is easily the worst, and probably not worth the JP.
Thank you too everyone who pointed this out to me below. I appreciate it.
Melee Weapon:
1. Kiril, Fury of Beasts - Madness of Deathwing
2. Spire of Coagulated Globules - Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Kiril looks awesome, probably the coolest proc effect since DBW. Spire is not terrible and better then the Heroic Ranseur of Hatred.
1. Vishanka, Jaws of the Earth - Madness of Deathwing
2. Horrifying Horn Arbalest -Warlord Zon'ozz
3. Ruinblaster Shotgun - Dragon Soul Trash Drop (BoP)
Hey! Finally a raiding gun. All 3 Ranged weapons are good. The gun is showing about a 120 dps increase of the Xbow for non-dwarves, and 300 for dwarves.
Clearly the bow from DW is going to be BiS, but the gun and the xbow are going to be fine until DW dies.
Head: Wyrmstalker's Headguard -t13
Neck: Cameo of Terrible Memories
Shoulders: Wymstalker's Spaulders -t13
Cloak: Heroic Dreadfire Drape
Chest: Wyrmstalker's Tunic -t13
Wrists: Bracers of the Hunter-Killer or Heroic Looming Darkness
Gloves: Sporebeard Gauntlets
Belt: Belt of the Beloved Companion
Pants: Wyrmstalker's Legguards -t13
Boots: Treads of Dominant Dreams
Ring1: Signet of Grasping Mouths
Ring2: Emergency Descent Loop
Trinket1: Wrath of Unchaining
Trinket2: Vial of Shadows
Melee: Kiril, Fury of Beasts
Ranged: Vishanka, Jaws of the Earth
I updated this 12/8. If there is still any discrepancies let me know.