Thread: 4.3 truegold

  1. #1

    4.3 truegold

    Will there be any new use for Truegold in 4.3?

  2. #2
    The dragonsoul bs patterns. 8 for legs, 4 for bracers. So yes there will be. The end.

  3. #3
    Also, I'm guessing there's still people wanting the 365 craftable weapons from Hyjal dailies since those items are huge upgrades and help a lot getting to the required iLvl for LFR and the new 5-mans.

    And those craftables require truegold also.

  4. #4
    Im hoping that the transmute recipes require truegold or something, would be neato, like to buy the pattern itself
    Into MoP beta, working on new gold blog, watch this space!

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