1. #1

    Hunter - PvP? help!

    Im pretty new to the whole hunter thingey in PvP, so i would like to have some tips/specs/gems and all that stuff if it dont bother you too much!

  2. #2
    Look up braindeadly eu or check the 3's ladder for the highest rated hunter on tich(or stormscale if you eu only to pvp server i really know). Learn to use focus i have mine binded to g on my keyboard. Get focus marcos off arena junkies that helps a lot in arena. Watch braindeadly 3 and commentaries i know he can get annoying but he is a baller hunter.

  3. #3
    Use CC more and learn how to work with your team. Sometimes these PvE superheroes come in and top the DPS charts while losing every game. Then they berate the rest of us for poor DPS. There are no enrage timers in PvP. And DPS doesn't matter if you lose.

  4. #4
    dont forget to use traps!

  5. #5
    Braindeadly has video about that and how to be succesful in arena. He should learn to play as many classes as possible as well. After learning how to play my warlock i detterence death coils all the time same for deep freezes after lvling my mage.

  6. #6
    Hunters generally take a different role in high end pvp. We become more of a control class than a burst class. Remember Its a huge part of your job to control the healer; silencing shot, monkey stun, scatter trap. Keep the healer focused and controled and help your partners dps. practice practice practice and you will do well

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