Thread: Bio - Rhynarion

  1. #1

    Bio - Rhynarion

    Name: Rhynarion, The Shadow of Death

    Age: 3 (Appears to be a freshly matured Dragon, just past drakehood)

    Race: Free-Willed Twilight Dragon

    Gender: Male

    Class: Twilight Dragon

    Languages: Fluent - Gutterspeak, Common / Orcish

    Faction: None

    Personality: Rhynarion is quiet and reserved, often carrying himself with a regal air that one would expect from a monarch. Despite this outward appearence of calm, Rhynarion has a short temper and does not take kindly to being decieved or strung about. He is blunt and sharp-tongued, caring little for bluster or preening; If he earns respect, he wishes it to be just that- earned. Though his trust is difficult to earn, and his friendship even more so, once one finds thier way through the gruff exterior they will find a loyal companion who can be counted on when shit hits the fan.

    Likes: Rhynarion enjoys solitude, places which are untouched by the hands of the younger races, and very much wishes to walk the Emerald Dream one day to see what the world would be like if the mortal races had not tampered with it. He is quite fond of his rider, the forsaken known as Shardin Nighthawke; speaking of him with great reverence.

    Dislikes: Corrupted Twilight Dragons. Rhynarion has come to see the madness of his 'kin' as an incurable disease, and as such.. He puts them down like the animals they act as with extreme prejudice. Goblins, and Gnomes! Rhynarion possesses a deep seated dislike which borders on pure hatred for both of these races; whom he blames for much of the destruction wreaked accross the natural world. He is not fond of 'leaders' who issues orders from the flank; Shardin has taught him that a true leader leads the charge and sets an example for his men. He shares in their victories and their defeats; the first one into the fray, and the last to leave it.

    Appearence: If one went by draconic standards, Rhynarion could be considered handsome for a male. He is possesed of thick, corded limbs and a powerfully built body; covered in a hide of gleaming violet scales which shimmer if the light hits them the right way. He has bright magenta eyes which glow in dim light; pools of radiance which seem to draw you into them. His talons are sharpened to killing points; a maw of razor teeth often hidden by lips curled into a knowing grin.

    Strengths: Rhynarions physical strength is perhaps one of his greatest assets, the pure force his toned body can put behind a blow staggers most foes; it is a fair bit greater then one would expect from one his size. He is possessed of a keen instinct for battle, favouring to bring his bulk to bear rather then cast sparkly lights from afar. He is merciless, dispatching foes without holding back anything at all.

    Weaknesses: Lack of any real magical prowess. Rhynarion has learned a small smattering of incantations, but very few if any of them are direct evocation spells; most of the cantrips he has picked up are more suited to disable rather then destroy. Flight- Being a Twilight Dragon; even one whom does not share the madness of his kin, Rhynarion is often met with open shows of violence or at the very least distrust and alienation. Temper. Rhynarion's temper is on a short fuse, and he is known to lash out violently when this is ire is roused, without pause to think of the possible repercussions of his actions.

    Backstory: Rhynarion was originally one of the eggs which were being raised in secret within the Obsidian Sanctum. When the Wyrmrest Accord began to call for Heroes to make skirmishing engagements with the powerful dragons that guarded this clutch, Shardin Nighthawke was one of many to answer this call. During one of the engagements, as he watched his comrades butcher the unborn dragons while they still lay in thier shells; Shardin took it upon himself to steal one of the eggs. While the attention of the other heroes was focused elsewhere, he slipped a single egg into a bag of holding and immediately charged into the fray; lest they think something was amiss. That egg, was Rhynarion; Whom by stroke of fate, or product of being raised apart from the influence of the twilight cult- does not hear the voices of the deep; and remains free-willed. When Shardin realized this, he raised Rhynarion in secret; magically aging him with the assistance of a trusted contact.

    Present Day: Rhynarion serves beside Shardin as part of the Forsaken Millitary; Though he was originally met with mistrust and open agression, his exploits beside the famed commander have earned him a begruding respect from many in the Horde. He is a weapon, and The Banshee Queen is not so close minded to turn away the power a Dragon can bring to a battlefield. Among the Forsaken, Rhynarion is known as the Shadow of Death- the reason for this being twofold. The shadow of his wings brings down death upon thier enemies, often arriving at the bleakest moment to turn what would otherwise be a rout; and turning the tide back into the favor of his comrades bringing them a bloody victory. The other reason Rhynarion is known as the Shadow of Death, is due to the fact where Shardin Nighthawke goes, he is never far behind.
    Last edited by Rhynarion; 2011-12-23 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Fixing various things and clarifying others.

    Thanks Elyaan for the Sig!

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