Thread: Fizz tips

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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Thigrai View Post
    Rushing Lich Bane is stupid, i'm sorry for the harsh wording but it's that bad. Sheen deals your base AD which is 100 or so. If you rush LB you have around 100-120 AP, which means you are paying 2200g for that small an upgrade, sure you get other stats but you can get a whole lot more for 2200g.

    Lich Bane is only worth the gold after a deathcap at the very least. Some even delay it until the last item.
    Never said anything about rushing lich Bane
    "And if my heart should stop, keep me alive for a minute, I want to see if a curtain drops"

    ~La Dispute

  2. #22
    Fizz has the same weakness in regards to farming that Kassadin has, but makes up for it with his ability to apply heavy pressure to his opponent and force them back, allowing him to either freely farm or score a kill. With a good understand of your opponent and a keen sense of timing, you can utilize your E to avoid some of the more detrimental spells most mids have, as well as swiftly get away from a gank.

    He is optimally built as an AP; if you want to use him as a Tanky DPS, you should understand that there are far better choices in that department--all in all, Fizz's kit revolves around being a high burst assassin who can instantly destroy a squishy champion in the late game.

    Build wise, you should treat Rod of Ages > Deathcap > Lichbane as your core, with Boots 1 > 2x Dorans > Boots 2 as your opening build. Make sure to squeeze in wards and potions each time you b, to keep your laning phase safe. After Lichbane you should consider Guardian Angel, Void Staff and Rylais as solid options to completing your build--all in all you should find it very simple to burst a target down. Your Q will apply Lichbane's on hit effect, but it will not Proc and Consume its own like Parrley, meaning you want to make sure to activate W before Q'ing into your target.

    A final note of warning: your ultimate isn't a fixed distance skillshot. If you only drag your mouse out to half of its possible travel distance, it will only go that far. Be mindful of this when casting the shark, so that you don't accidentally underthrow it. On top of this, QSS can cleanse the shark, but it will only cause it to drop to the ground, meaning it is still possible that the target will be caught by it if they aren't quick enough to move away.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Whatspostcount View Post
    Sorry but your way to build him is sub optimal, he has no reason to get attack speed other than W use which scales better of AP anyway and he has nothing scaling with attack damage.
    Yea, that's fine. I don't build for perfect optimization. As it hasn't been detrimental yet, I am mostly cool it.

    It's not like I am rushing Trinity Force > everything else. Though I love the slow, the AS and added padding.

    Sorry if it sounds like I'm bashing =(
    Not at all. I'm thick skinned and I learn a lot on the forums.

  4. #24
    People seem to be missing the fact that Fizz is so flexible you can build him to whatever suits the situation, even if it is sub-optimal. Not one person has mentioned his 175 attack range either, or why it's good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waervyn View Post
    Hey all,

    I bought Fizz yesterday, but I'm having a bit of trouble with him. I found two guides, one going AD/AS, and one going AP. At the moment, I'm liking AP more, going for an early sheen.

    However, I'm having huge troubles early game. I have absolutely no sustain (I start with boots and pots, so only sustain is pots), and have trouble farming.
    I normally level seastone trident first (but have all three abilities at level 3). Of course dodging spells is great, but early game it takes so much mana, making it hard to stay in lane until you have catalyst.

    So I'm wondering, of you people that play Fizz, do you have any tips for me to play him more effectively?
    Playful/Trickster cost so much mana for a reason, making you have to judge when you're going to use it instead of spamming of willy-nilly. This can be counter with a Doran's Ring and/or building into Fiendish Codex for a later Morello's Evil Tome (which is good for him), so it's usually good to start with either (or the building components for). Knowing how to manage mana is still important, though.
    Farming with Seastone trident is all a matter of timing. Keep the dot the in mind and switch targets when your sure it will kill it if an auto attack won't. Don't worry about getting harassed by creeps. :v

    And some tips:
    *Fizz's attack range is around 175 due to how his abilties can/will place him after use. This also allows him to outrange some melee dps when used effectively.
    *Playful/Trickster's invulnerability window is only open for half a second, meaning you must time it right for some abilities (get into the habit of playing Yi, Sivir, and/or Nocturne). If a projectile is flying toward you, however, it will disappear the moment you use the abilities.
    *Your ult will only hit champions. Flippers is good for ending fights.
    *Urchin Strike applies on hit effects. And Sheen.
    *Fizz shits on everything and one tanky in nature.
    LoLtumblr |

  5. #25
    How would it be to start with the AP book and potions? Then you can rush sheen in order to send mid back more often. Would this be viable, or would boots+pots be better?

  6. #26
    Boots are nice to escape but if you feel safe, a book can help with last hits.

  7. #27
    Boots - 3 Pots is the best option, honestly; the passive effect from Seastone Trident will provide you with a bit of help in getting last hits that you were just a tad early on, beyond that you shouldn't require any aid. Not having the mobility to avoid skillshot harass and the potions to keep topped up will affect your ability to stay in lane and that will honestly hurt your farm more in the long run.

  8. #28
    You could use some of Fizz in my hands:

    Last edited by MOGATRON; 2012-01-09 at 09:16 PM.

  9. #29
    Mana regen runes, with some MP.

    i max seastone asap.
    playful right after.
    charge last.

    i go mid for a burst assasin build with flash and ignite as my summoner spells.
    take playful or charge at lvl 1, thought it wont matter alot since you shouldn't start harasing before lvl 2 or 3, when you've got 1/1/1 or 1/0/1 spells ready.
    At lvl two, my haras is just charge in, do a few hits and when they respond with spells, jump out with playful.
    At lvl three its the same but with seastone activated right before charging.
    A little trick for fizz is to press playful then trickster, and while in the air from trickster press urchin strike and you'll notice fizz using it asap without any spamming if you time it all right.

    i go Dorans ring - boots - dorans ring/finish boots - dorans ring - start deathcap (15-20 min ingame / about 5-10 kills) - finish deathcap - lichbane- rylais - check your elo from the new win you've got. J/K, take whatever you feel like after that.

    sorry for not telling you much more cba to write alot. feel free to PM me if you'd like a match on EU west where i can tell and show you alot more
    "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

  10. #30
    Boots of Speed > 2 health pots > Rod of the Ages > CDR Boots > Deathcap > Lichebane > Rhylai's > Nashtor/Void Staff

    I am not sure yet if I like CDR on fizz but it seems to work well giving plenty of extra sharks and less downtime in between CDs.

  11. #31
    I usually don't rush Sheen as my first item. If I succeed at winning my lane and score a few kills, I go for a Rod of the Ages, then a Deathcap straight way, sometimes even before upgraded boots if it goes really well. Now it's been a while since I've played him, but I recall first buying Sheen & upgrade it as my 3rd or 4th item. Tried going straight for sheen at first, but didn't like it.

    I've tried the AD build too, but it was meh. The AP glass cannon build is way better in my opinion, Q -> W -> E to avoid/slow the enemies, R when the slow from E ends, Q/W as a finisher. The only defensive item I would get (and as a last resort, or 5th item) would be a Banshees Veil to avoid someone breaking my combo.

    Also, try to practice your E on the map to discover new shortcuts to get over. It's great to know those small things if you're on the run or trying to hunt one down
    Last edited by mmoc1b1b7e46e1; 2012-02-02 at 08:55 AM.

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