1. #1

    Help me with runes pls.

    So I have already around 50% champions unlocked and now Im saving IP for rune sets (19k IP atm).

    I play mostly "physical" champions (Vayne, Wukong, Talon, Noc etc) and sometimes AP (Kassadin, Annie, Cassio, Karthus). So I have already three sets of runes:

    1. Full atk speed (38%), I was newbie and many people told me its a great idea for champs like Yi and Ashe.

    2. Now for AD Im using:
    Red - Greater Mark of Desolation - 1,66 armor pene
    Quints - desolation - 3,33 arm pen
    Yellow - Greater Seal of Clarity - mana reg per level (this helped me because i find myself very often at start oomed)
    Blue - greater Glyph of Alacrity - 0,64 atk speed.

    3. For AP Im using:
    R - Insight - 0,95 magic penetration
    Q - Potency 4,95 AP
    Y - Clarity, mana regen
    B - Force, AP per lvl

    Now I got little bored with this champs and I wanna try tanks and supports. And I wanna make 4-6 sets of runes for each posiotion (ap carry, ad carry, tank, support etc).

    So anyone can tell me whats the best options for each role (I know there are differences for each champion, for example alistar and morde but mostly they use the same runes as tanks)? Should I also change something in my AP/AD runes?

    Here I make template so you can copy/paste:

    R -
    Q -
    B -
    Y -

    (where x is role, r = red, q = quint, b = blue, y = yellow).

  2. #2
    X - jungler(tanky ones, rammus/maokai/skarner/nunu/sejuani)
    R- attack speed
    Q- movement speed
    Y- flat armour
    B- Magic Res/Level

    X- AP Mid (all except ryze)
    R-Magic Penetration
    Q- Flat AP
    Y- Flat armour Or Mana Reg/level
    B- Magic Res/Level

    X- AD Carry
    R- Flat AD
    Q- Flat AD
    Y- Flat Armour
    B- Magic Res/Level

    X- Support
    R- Flat Armour OR Flat AD (Ad runes are generally for Sona only personally as she has a long auto attack range for poking the opponents
    Q- Gold per 5, or Flat AP
    Y- Flat Armour
    B- Magic Res/Level

    Top laners are all different, some use Ad reds some use armour pen. Personally as i dont have fountains of IP i just use Flat ad like my ad carry page for most of them.

  3. #3
    9AD marks, 3AD quints, armor glyphs, m/p level blues, works for every AD carry and pretty much every jungler, though sometimes AS/MS/ArP works better depending who you are. (if you do go ArP, 6marks, 3ad marks and 3ad quints is the best combo)

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