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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Atrahasis View Post
    They mod their forums as they see fit. You agree to be a part of this more or less when you sign their terms of service. Good lesson to all to read what you agree to before you sign it.
    I'm sorry, but anyone who supports this in any way is slightly beyond blind fanboyism

  2. #22
    Banned Gandrake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atrahasis View Post
    They mod their forums as they see fit. You agree to be a part of this more or less when you sign their terms of service. Good lesson to all to read what you agree to before you sign it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    banned permanently from the SW:TOR forums and the SW:TOR game itself
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    banned permanently from the SW:TOR game itself
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    SW:TOR game
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post

    But yea kids, this is why you don't post in a community moderated by a bunch of numbnuts.

  3. #23
    yeah well done, let's see how many email accounts you're going to make to keep posting these useless topics and getting banned over and over again.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    Dude, you don't understand. Thousands of people have used that memetic on Blizzard's forums and on other game forums, and NO ONE has been banned. Bioware is interpreting their ToS in a fundamentalist way and that will only harm them going forward.

    There is no defense for their actions. Period. Just stop.
    They are also the company requiring Origin, a filthy computer scanning, privacy invading, digital download system that only half works to play Mass Effect 3 on the PC. It might not be Bioware's fault but more of EA's fault, I never really liked EA, only time I ever put up with them is for Bioware games, and Bioware is starting to prove I shouldn't even put up with EA for Bioware games.

    Also banning a game account for forum action is just losing subscribers, cause really they will have 0 players if they ban them all, and for the players not banned, and don't find the game boring after a certian point in the levelling process (varied player to player), they will then leave because why play if they will just get banned permanently for pointless stuff.

    Bioware and EA need to get in their heads fast, Swtor isn't the biggest and greatest mmo ever, it's a new mmo, with a lot of hype, and thus far a successful launch because people want to see what the hype is about. They are to cocky about their game this early in the contest, they earn the right to be cocky and do stuff like this when they are on of the big boys in mmos, and even then the big boys in the mmo industry are smart enough not to do this.
    Last edited by Markluzz; 2012-01-22 at 06:45 AM.

  5. #25
    I'm kinda glad they do that. I'm sick of "Man Children" who are old enough to know better acting like underage kids. The whole are you mad bro stuff has gotten out of hand.

  6. #26
    Their forums are terrible anyway, much better off using mmo-champ.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  7. #27
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venant View Post
    Its more problematic when they hide posts about major bugs that are preventing hundreds of people from logging on. They need to either fix their client patching software or put up a mirror site to manually download the game files, instead of covering it up so its actually very difficult to research solutions.
    They've been fairly receptive to Bug issues so far. Take the outcry about ability delay. They saw the forums and they worked on it. They don't need 50 million posts about one thing or the other, in fact in many cases those posts are just trolling. If they feel the need to consolidate they should. I would expect ANY forum to do so, including MMO champion.

    ---------- Post added 2012-01-22 at 06:43 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Guillotine811 View Post
    I'm sorry, but anyone who supports this in any way is slightly beyond blind fanboyism
    Right. Read what you agree to in the future. It it doesn't serve as a good lesson for you, then expect to infracted and banned from forums for as long as you frequent them. Unless you enjoy being the human centIPAD.

  8. #28
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    Clearly, we need to update this to 'im 13 what is this?" to avoid banhammering. And so on and so forth for M rated, eh?

  9. #29
    I can't even be bothered to visit the main forums because it's one giant trollfest. One guy trolls (who knows could have had a long history of trolling) and Bioware found a clever way to do deal with it. Like I said, he could easily prove age and get everything back. This really is no issue at all and just something to laugh about

  10. #30
    For people saying they don't agree with BW on banning someone for saying something, which as far as they are concerned is telling the truth, what should the cop do when he's on duty and in a store and watched a hooded figure walk up to the counter, stick his hand in the obviously empty pocket and pretend it's a gun in a robbery sort of fashion?

  11. #31
    I don't understand why this is so funny. There's a rule that says you can't be under 13 regardless of anything. It's not the moderators fault, he was just following the rules.

  12. #32
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    Dude, you don't understand. Thousands of people have used that memetic on Blizzard's forums and on other game forums, and NO ONE has been banned. Bioware is interpreting their ToS in a fundamentalist way and that will only harm them going forward.

    There is no defense for their actions. Period. Just stop.
    Not completely right, they haven't banned many people for trolling, just given them the hammer for some hours. But this is a clear sign of trolling, sorry, but that meme is a clear troll. And well, moderators have their choice of ignoring your troll or do something. Blizzard has done it before, and now they've completely stopped. Now I can just laugh on Blizzard's forums when they troll the troll back and then closing the thread before he can reply..
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    We don't know what context he was doing it in, so don't accuse the guy of trolling.
    I don't think "I'm 12 and what is this" is not trolling in any context, unless the title of the thread is "what is your age?"

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    I was playing halo at the age of 7. Halo was rated "M."

    u mad?
    Not really but you were most likely one of the kids that i saw ripped apart by everyone who was old enough to play the game, if i had a dollar for the amount of times i herd a child flip out or cry cus everyone ragged on him or talked shit to him cus he sounded like a prepubescent girl i would be a rich man.

    Im glad they ban kids who admit they are kids. Less kids in these games means less child like voices i have to listen to

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Mozu View Post
    I don't understand why this is so funny. There's a rule that says you can't be under 13 regardless of anything. It's not the moderators fault, he was just following the rules.
    Blizzard has that rule, too. You declare your age before creating an account, and so Blizzard doesn't have to act stupidly and ban people for using a common memetic.

    Oh well, all in all, Bioware is made up of a bunch of incompetent doofuses.

  16. #36
    Mechagnome Window's Avatar
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    Memes are funny??

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeta333 View Post
    Not really but you were most likely one of the kids that i saw ripped apart by everyone who was old enough to play the game, if i had a dollar for the amount of times i herd a child flip out or cry cus everyone ragged on him or talked shit to him cus he sounded like a prepubescent girl i would be a rich man.

    Im glad they ban kids who admit they are kids. Less kids in these games means less child like voices i have to listen to
    To be honest, I find that more of a stereotype than anything. When I used to play Halo as a child in the late 90s, I didn't talk at all, nor did I curse, or any of that.

    Regardless, BW is going too far with this nonsense.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Generix View Post
    I was playing halo at the age of 7. Halo was rated "M."

    u mad?
    And look at the type of poster you turned into
    Quote Originally Posted by kasath
    is anyone in this group under 18? my parole officer says I'm not allowed to play wow with anyone under 18

  19. #39
    Whether it's a meme or not, the CMs were REQUIRED BY LAW to ban him at that point because of this stupid piece of legislation:

    From the reddit r/gaming post about this ban, someone with CM experience:

    Hey I used to be a CM (not of bioware though) and lawyers dictated how we should handle bans. We were told to take any post absolutely seriously if it could constitute a legal threat.
    We would routinely alert local authorities to account holders saying they were going to kill themselves and whatnot, because once someone said they were going to, and then tried to.
    Sadly a stupid law made this stupid ban happen.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Mozu View Post
    I don't understand why this is so funny. There's a rule that says you can't be under 13 regardless of anything. It's not the moderators fault, he was just following the rules.
    The moderator is stupid then, because should have known it was a meme, or at least got sarcasm from it. It's funny because Swtor won't going to be successful because Bioware is going to ban all their players :P

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