1. #1141
    Legendary! Collegeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snuzzfizzle View Post
    The game for me was a 9.0 right until I hit the ending(s). I was really annoyed, mad and even sad that they let the epic saga end in such a shameful way. Presumably people at the Bioware office must have seen the endings and thought to themselves: "Yes, these are great!" which is something I don't get. At all.
    As a big fan of the series I just can't comprehend how people can be satisfied with those endings. For me, it ruined the entire series. I can't see myself playing Mass Effect 3 again or even 1 and 2 for that matter.
    Each Mass Effect game was great - for me. I liked all three. Gosh, I'm mad. I feel cheated.

    Having that said, I prefer this edited version of the ending much more than the original that we get. I could actually live with this as an ending for the series.

    A realistic reaction to people who saw the endings: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdum0dC3eDc[/url]

  2. #1142
    just saw the ending where Shepard lives, but all synthetics die, you need MP for that 100% readiness.
    guess need to get save with all DLC and try to play again.
    Kenny gona die tonight!!!

  3. #1143
    Okay, so I just finished the game. I'm not mad, really, just confused. I want one simple question answered, and all my searching on BSN has failed me, and I can't post there for 24 hours, so I'm posting this here.

    There are 16 endings to Mass Effect 3. Many of them are extremely similar. The three choices at the end carry various levels of success based on if you destroyed the collector base in ME2, and based on your readiness rating. Basically, any of the 3 choices can result in Earth being destroyed, or surviving. Choosing to destroy the Reapers is the only ending that can result in Shepard surviving, which happens if you have 4k readiness rating if you persuade Illusive Man, or 5k if you don't. Here is the question, the following words are on page 323 of the official strategy guide, "A secret ending is also available to players who complete the game a second time" What the fuck is this ending? Note, this is not the ending where you see Shepard alive, as seen on many youtube videos with titles such as, "Mass Effect 3 secret ending" This is a 17th ending. I have been unable to find any information about this, and I'm too impatient to play through the game again right now.

  4. #1144
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    Okay, so I just finished the game. I'm not mad, really, just confused. I want one simple question answered, and all my searching on BSN has failed me, and I can't post there for 24 hours, so I'm posting this here.

    There are 16 endings to Mass Effect 3. Many of them are extremely similar. The three choices at the end carry various levels of success based on if you destroyed the collector base in ME2, and based on your readiness rating. Basically, any of the 3 choices can result in Earth being destroyed, or surviving. Choosing to destroy the Reapers is the only ending that can result in Shepard surviving, which happens if you have 4k readiness rating if you persuade Illusive Man, or 5k if you don't. Here is the question, the following words are on page 323 of the official strategy guide, "A secret ending is also available to players who complete the game a second time" What the fuck is this ending? Note, this is not the ending where you see Shepard alive, as seen on many youtube videos with titles such as, "Mass Effect 3 secret ending" This is a 17th ending. I have been unable to find any information about this, and I'm too impatient to play through the game again right now.
    There was a bit of info under the endings in the guide saying if you imported a ME2 save with fish bought you could keep them...

    Secret ending rumours are abound :s

  5. #1145
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    Here is the question, the following words are on page 323 of the official strategy guide, "A secret ending is also available to players who complete the game a second time" What the fuck is this ending? Note, this is not the ending where you see Shepard alive, as seen on many youtube videos with titles such as, "Mass Effect 3 secret ending" This is a 17th ending. I have been unable to find any information about this, and I'm too impatient to play through the game again right now.
    I'm starting a new playthrough in that case, just to find out. After all the effort I put into getting everything done just so in these games, the endings I've seen so far just don't cut it. My Shepard deserves a good ending dammit!

  6. #1146
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakobo15 View Post
    There was a bit of info under the endings in the guide saying if you imported a ME2 save with fish bought you could keep them...

    Secret ending rumours are abound :s
    Well, judging by the wording in the strategy guide, that's more of an easter egg. It's just some intel on Liara's terminal, though I don't know what the intel says.

  7. #1147
    Quote Originally Posted by Collegeguy View Post
    A realistic reaction to people who saw the endings: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdum0dC3eDc[/url]
    Whoever made that one deserves a medal. Not the standard whine, it was very creative and I found myself laughing quite a few times.

    +1 for creativity.

  8. #1148
    well im 35h play time done so far (on hard core difficulty) and just unified geth and quarians and I have to say i have been really enjoy it, don't know how you guys blazed through so quickly, but then again I take my time, clear all clusters awailable and do all missions as they come along. so far so good.
    "Bill Nye: So Todd I got an offer for you. You and me. Any time. Any place. Debating science mano- a-mano. I'll bring the facts, and you bring the Vaseline. Because your ass is gonna fucking need it when I'm done whipping."

    Mr Eames: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling"

  9. #1149
    Quote Originally Posted by jtgizmo View Post
    well im 35h play time done so far (on hard core difficulty) and just unified geth and quarians and I have to say i have been really enjoy it, don't know how you guys blazed through so quickly, but then again I take my time, clear all clusters awailable and do all missions as they come along. so far so good.
    At that point the only bad thing with the game was the lack of option to shoot the hot-headed quarian square in the face back on Normandy. This playing a Paragon. Punching him wasn't enough. Crack his visor with my fist at minimum. I don't care if it's bullet proof, wouldn't stop me from trying. Or a scene where you drag the SoB to the airlock and let EDI assist with emptying it into space. I have a serious problem when someone tries to kill a pure force of good, it makes them inherently evil in my eyes. An evil that must relentlessly be purged. (yeah, I play a paladin in WoW for a reason)

    That was one of the most loaded scenes for me, I didn't like that I couldn't express how I felt. Not getting Kelly's name on that memorial stone was another.

  10. #1150
    Quote Originally Posted by jtgizmo View Post
    You may wanna throw some spoiler tags on that. Since you brought up that particular event though, I'll mention that it makes the ending that much more galling since the Catalyst basically ignores the fact that you have a friendly synthetic race fighting with you against the Reapers and just keeps on assuming that synthetics will just keep on trying to kill organics (ironically he's also an exception to his own supposition since the Reapers try to "preserve" species rather than destroy them.

  11. #1151
    Put me in with the people upset over the ending.

    I'm quite angry. This whole game was about intergalactic exploration and what not and it all just gets taken away? All that diplomatic work for no lasting result? Millions stranded with no way home or in colonies that might not be self sufficient?

    This whole ending is like a slap in the face. Bash me all you want but I at least want the option for a generic happy ending.

    I'm just angry now I can't even put my thoughts out.

  12. #1152
    I am Murloc! Kaneiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeones View Post
    Put me in with the people upset over the ending.

    I'm quite angry. This whole game was about intergalactic exploration and what not and it all just gets taken away? All that diplomatic work for no lasting result? Millions stranded with no way home or in colonies that might not be self sufficient?

    This whole ending is like a slap in the face. Bash me all you want but I at least want the option for a generic happy ending.

    I'm just angry now I can't even put my thoughts out.
    That wasn't what upset me. I could give or take the happy/bad.

    What pissed me off was how it didn't fucking resolve a fucking goddamn thing. Who created the Catalyst? How will the races adapt without Mass Relays? Since Shep was alive in my ending - why the fuck even show that? It's clear that nobody will be able to rescue him or whatever. And what goddamn planet did Joker land on, AND WHY WAS MY LOVE INTEREST (WHO WAS IN MY PARTY ON EARTH) ON THE NORMANDY ALL OF A SUDDEN?

    Fucking trash. I was skeptical at first and had hope, thought people were just being typical, cynical assholes. But this is too fucking stupid, it's unreal.

  13. #1153
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    Any Tali-mancers out there who were greatly let down and disappointed at the "revealing" of Tali's face? Apparently*possible spoiler* the picture that she gives you is just some random picture from google just photo-shopped. I couldn't believe Bioware actually did that to one of the most famous characters in Mass Effect and probably the best romance option. Ever since ME 2 i was always hoping that they would actually reveal Tali's face and even the rest of the Quarian race and here they finally show what she is supposed to look like and its just some photo-shopped picture.

    When i found this out i felt, i guess you could say, offended. I remember seeing from a source before this game was out that they said they are aware of how famous Tali is among the fans, so you would think they would've showed her face or at least have the picture be a REAL picture of what Tali is supposed to look like but no, they basically made fun of the Tali fans by just putting some random pretty woman on the picture.

    This might sound like a small issue but it's enough to get me annoyed with Bioware and how lazy they were with this issue since i was a Tali fan pretty much since the first game. If there was a Tali romance option in the first game i would've done it. I haven't beat the game yet but according to a lot of people the ending sucked so now im hoping im not let down again. This will probably be the last Bioware game i buy im just so annoyed by the things they did in ME 3, it's a great game don't get me wrong but it's just the little things like this that just digs under my skin and piss me off that they couldn't be more creative and make a simple face model for Tali but i guess that was too much work.

    Sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest.
    - "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" - Jo Bodin, BLM supporter
    - "I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight & watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap...” - Pedo Joe

  14. #1154
    From what I understand, the endings in ME3 are not the ending that were originally planned for the game. Observe. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/so...ers.250066288/

    I didn't even think about the dropped plot point with Haestrom until I read this.

  15. #1155
    I am Murloc! Kaneiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geminiwolf View Post
    Any Tali-mancers out there who were greatly let down and disappointed at the "revealing" of Tali's face? Apparently*possible spoiler* the picture that she gives you is just some random picture from google just photo-shopped. I couldn't believe Bioware actually did that to one of the most famous characters in Mass Effect and probably the best romance option. Ever since ME 2 i was always hoping that they would actually reveal Tali's face and even the rest of the Quarian race and here they finally show what she is supposed to look like and its just some photo-shopped picture.

    When i found this out i felt, i guess you could say, offended. I remember seeing from a source that they said they are aware of how famous Tali is among the fans, so you would think they would've showed her face or at least have the picture be a REAL picture of what Tali is supposed to look like but no, they basically made fun of the Tali fans by just putting some random pretty woman on the picture.

    This might sound like a small issue but it's enough to get me annoyed with Bioware and how lazy they were with this issue since i was a Tali fan pretty much since the first game. If there was a Tali romance option in the first game i would've done it. I haven't beat the game yet but according to a lot of people the ending sucked so now im hoping im not let down again. This will probably be the last Bioware game i buy im just so annoyed by the things they did in ME 3, it's a great game don't get me wrong but it's just the little things like this that just digs under my skin and piss me off that they couldn't be more creative and make a simple face model for Tali but i guess that was too much work.

    Sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest.
    It's just one of the many, many failures of Bioware. The ending pretty much crushed everything. I'd generally consider the game extremely good (aside from some cheesy dialogue and twists EDI as a physical body, in a relationship with Joker? REALLY?) but the ending just crushed it for me.

    Also, you're correct, Tali's face is a stock image from Gettyimages, with 2 fingers photoshopped out. Fucking jolly good work.

  16. #1156
    Just my quick post on ME3.

    While I still think Mass Effect games have the shittiest FPS control of all time still the game is very massive. I despise every moment when I have to use my keyboard or mouse. And this is in a shooter.... OMFG.... Bioware.....???? UI programmers at Bioware please die. In the most horrible way please.

    Anyway the Graphics are amazing, the Story is amazing, the Sound is amazing. At least so far lol.

    I won't read and won't participate in this thread till I finish the game because you all throw around spoilers lol.

  17. #1157
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    From what I understand, the endings in ME3 are not the ending that were originally planned for the game. Observe. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/so...ers.250066288/

    I didn't even think about the dropped plot point with Haestrom until I read this.
    And Parasini on Illium, and lots of planet info references, and alot of actual mentions of Dark Energy in ME3.

    The only thing matching the new ending even slightly is one conversation with Javik, which I suppose confirms that he was made after completion.

  18. #1158
    I am Murloc! Kaneiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    From what I understand, the endings in ME3 are not the ending that were originally planned for the game. Observe. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/so...ers.250066288/

    I didn't even think about the dropped plot point with Haestrom until I read this.
    From my understanding, it's because that plot point was leaked ages ago, so they rushed to change the ending (and the entire point of the Reapers).

    Seriously - I mean, what?

    Mass Effect 1 & 2 -

    "We are beyond your comprehension, our actions cannot be understood by your simple minds."

    Mass Effect 3 -

    Hell, even the reaper on Rannoch says their actions are incomprehensible. But then all of a sudden, the Catalyst says "LOL ITS TO PREVENT A TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY DUH THATS WHY WE'RE DOIN' THIS, SILLY!"

    I can't believe it.

  19. #1159
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    From what I understand, the endings in ME3 are not the ending that were originally planned for the game. Observe. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/so...ers.250066288/

    I didn't even think about the dropped plot point with Haestrom until I read this.
    I couldn't find any information why they changed it, only says when.

    *** SPOILERS ****
    (no point blacking it all if the entire post is spoilers, if someone quotes something, just make sure to black it out)
    *** STARTS NOW ***

    I read somewhere (probably a post on BSN by some random face) that the Reapers come to make the spread of the Dark Energy reset, to give the universe time to breathe before next space faring civilization comes and slowly destroys the universe. My thoughts on this, putting the mass relays only speeds this progress. But for an unbiased third party (the Reapers), the time between cullings doesn't really matter, the fact that they use the mass relays and develop along those lines only makes their tech easier to predict, and as such easier to win a galactic war against.

    All of this makes much more sense than the current ending present in ME3. An even better idea would be if the Reapers never left, and never put up the mass relays, or simply locked the relays for Reaper usage only. They could monitor the biological life more closely, and simply search and destroy any AI research, or mass effect-type technology. That way the mass extinctions wouldn't be possible, and no chance of screw up (unless the point of singularity means the Reapers are outmatched and outgunned, which I strongly doubt tbh). Work through politics, much like the Protheans did with other civilizations, which worked fine until the Reapers showed up; the bully on the schoolyard.

    I mean, so they leave a few Reapers in the Sol system after harvesting the Protheans. They guard it, and when we make contact with them, they interact, explain the situation, and supervise our technological advancements. In case it fails THEY'LL STILL COME AND HARVEST US NP NO HARM DONE AT LEAST THEY TRIED. This coupled with disabling the Sol relay, and they won't risk getting outside interference.

    The cycles is a bold Renegade type move by whoever's in charge. So it's not the boy, he struck me as Paragon oriented, not Renegade. He was very forthcoming with information and explaining the situation. I'm sure an equally bold Paragon move would have been just as successful. Conquer through setting guidelines, and politics, not war.

  20. #1160
    Legendary! Pony Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaneiac View Post
    It's just one of the many, many failures of Bioware.
    Yeah, the least they could've done if they wanted to be so lazy, they could've had the voice actors picture on there just photo-shopped or even better have a fan art contest and the winner would have his/her drawing made into a Tali face model or just put it on the picture Tali gives you, if they want to be ultra lazy. Then whichever one they pick will be the official look for Tali and if Bioware wanted, they could just alter the face a little bit maybe for the look of other Quarians. But that would probably be too much work.
    - "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" - Jo Bodin, BLM supporter
    - "I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight & watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap...” - Pedo Joe

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