I really like the step GW2 is taking, with the addition of Engineer to the game.
I always liked the idea of a Pyromaniac running around like a madman setting everything aflame.
Elementalist is there, but it doesn't feel the same.
I was hooked with the engineer until today, when I read that he won't be able to switch weapons in combat due to having kits.
Big let down, as I always wanted to switch with pistol / shield for more defensive playstyle against projectiles, without losing the rocket jump ability a rifle provides.
I am also curious about the Turret AI, as it could be as stupid as shaman's fire totems in WoW.
I love shaman, as a caster, played shaman over 170 days, but he is so gimped and sub par to say a mage, and I don't want to be facing a similar situation in GW2.
Besides, from the census provided from another thread, I see engineers are much less popular than say, warrior, elementalist and guardian, it's kind of disheartening to play one, and I think there might be some issues with the proffesion that other people are aware of and I am not.
Overall, Engineer has so much potential, I hope it won't be wasted.