Welcome to the Official Mist's of Pandaria Beta Hunter Information thread! Myself and Asrialol will do our best to keep this updated for you all.
"Good to Know" Random Information:
- Do not be alarmed by the reduced weapon damage for many of our abilities. ALL classes are getting this treatment to balance low level PvP and will be balanced at higher levels due to the increase in weapon damage in Mists of Pandaria. Do not worry. All will be fine.
- All classes are losing their ranged slot, including hunters. However, bows/crossbows/guns will be considered main handed and will take up that slot. Our ranged weapons will be gaining extra stats to offset the loss of our polearm/staff. In addition to this, hunters no longer have a minimum range.
- We will have to stack Expertise! Hunter shots will be able to be dodged, so we will need 7.5% expertise, as well as 7.5% hit.
- Bows/guns/crossbows show up sheathed on our back.(Video courtesy of Inhide.)
- Potentially a precursor to getting our own quivers! Quivers appear on our back for a quest in Townlong Steppes.(Courtesy of TheDoomCookie over at Petopia)
- The druid spell Symbiosis gives hunters Dash.
- Druids gain Feign Death(feral), Ice Trap(Guardian), Misdirection(Balance), and Deterrence(Resto).
- 2 new scopes, Mirror Scope and Lord Blastingtons Scope of Dooml.
- Stampede, our new level 87 ability, does not work with Lynx Rush, Kill Command, or Blink Strike. Our main pet will use these abilities, but the other four summoned will not. Other abilities(such as Spirit Mend, Growl, Cower, and buffs) will all be used if set on auto-cast(or with a macro, especially for Spirit Mend with 5 Spirit Beasts!).
- All Aspects are now on the GCD, meaning they can longer be macro'd.
For those Hunters out there curious to current Racial standings and what will affect your huntering!
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Frost Resistance: Reduces Frost damage taken by 1%.
- Explorer: You find additional fragments when looting archaeological finds and you can survey faster than normal archaeologists.
- Mace Specialization: Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 1%.
- Crack Shot: Expertise with ranged weapons increased by 1%.
- Stoneform: Removes all poison, disease and bleed effects and reduces all damage taken by 10% for 8 sec. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Running Wild: Drop to all fours to run as fast as a wild animal. 1.5 second cast time.
- Aberration: Reduces Shadow and Nature damage taken by 1%.
- Viciousness: Increases critical strike chance by 1%.
- Darkflight: Activates your true form, increasing current movement speed by an additional 40% for 10 sec. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Flayer: Skinning skill increased by 15 and allows you to skin faster.
- Every Man For Himself: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Mace Specialization: Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 1%.
- Diplomacy: Reputation gains increased by 10%.
- The Human Spirit: Spirit increased by 3%.
- hSword Specialization: Expertise with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 1%.
Night Elf
- Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
- Shadowmeld: Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Elusiveness: Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Shadowmelded.
- Wisp Spirit: Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing speed by 75%.
- Quickness: Increased your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 2%.
- Quaking Palm: Strikes the target with lightning speed, incapacitating them for 4 sec, and turns off your attack. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Bouncy: You take half falling damage.
- Inner Peace: Your rested experience bonus lasts twice as long as normal.
- Gourmand: Your Cooking skill is increased by 15.
- Epicurean: Your love of food allows you to receive double the stats from Well Fed effects.
- Blood Fury: Increases your melee attack power by 4,514 and/or your spell power by 2,257. Lasts 15 sec. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Command: Damage dealt by pets increased by 2%.
- Axe Specialization: Expertise with Fist Weapons, Axes and Two-Handed Axes increased by 1%.
- Hardiness: Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 15%.
- Da Voodoo Shuffle: Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%. Trolls be flippin' out mon!
- Beserking: Increases your melee, ranged, and spell haste by 20% for 10 sec. Instant. 3 minute cooldown.
- Dead Eye: Expertise with ranged weapons increased by 1%.
- Beast Slayer: Damage dealt versus Beasts increased by 5%.
- Regeneration: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.
Blood Elf
- Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken by 1%.
- Arcane Torrent: Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec and restore 6% of your Mana/1 Chi/15 Focus/15 Rage/15 Energy/15 Runic Power. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 sec. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Arcane Affinity: Enchanting skill increased by 10.
- Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
- Cultivation: Herbalism skill increased by 15 and you gather herbs faster than normal herbalists.
- Endurance: Base Health increased by 5%.
- War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Rocket Jump: Activates your rocket belt to jump forward. Other effects which slow the rate of falling cannot be used within 10 sec after using this ability. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Pack Hobgoblin: Calls in your friend, Gobber, allowing you bank access for 60 sec. Instant. 30 minute cooldown.
- Better Living Through Chemistry: Alchemy skill increased by 15.
- Best Deals Anywhere: Always receive the best possible gold discount, regardless of faction.
- Time Is Money: Cash in on a 1% increase to attack and casting speed.
- Rocket Barrage: Launches your belt rockets at an enemy, dealing (1 + 42.9% of SP + 200% of Level) fire damage. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Shadow Resistance: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.
- Cannibalize: When activated, regenerates 7% of total health and mana every 2 sec for 10 sec. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Will of the Forsaken: Removes any Charm, Fear and Sleep effect. This effect shares a 30 sec cooldown with other similar effects. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
- Touch of the Grave: Your attacks and damaging spells have a chance to drain the target, dealing 13,680 Shadow damage and healing you for the same amount.
New Pets and Models, Spells, and Information:
- Many new pet families and models are being added!
- I will not add every new model/skin for each addition.
- For some of these families, it's quite possible there are other models available(such as goats[could add talbuks, rams, etc])
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Pet – Generic Hunter
- The 30% increased damage from bleeds debuff is now the 4% increased physical damage debuff.
- Bite, Smack, and Claw: Now also deals more damage and costs more Focus when your pet has 50 or more Focus.
- Blood of the Rhino: Now also increases your pet's armor by 20% and reduces its chance of being critically hit by 6%.
- Growl: Now has an 8 second cooldown, up from 5. Also taunts.
- Rabid: Reworked - Now increases your pet's attack power by 50% for 20 sec. 2 minute cooldown, up from 45 seconds.
- Spiked Collar: Now increases the damage of your pet's Basic Attack by 10%, up from 9%. Also increases your pet's haste by 10%, and increases your pet's critical strike chance by 10%.
- Eternal Guardian: New: Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 20% health and 20% mana. 20 yd range, 2 sec cast, 10 min cooldown.
- Fearless Roar: New: The quilen lets out a fearless roar, increasing the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%. Instant, 45 sec cooldown.
- Paralyzing Quill: New: Fires paralyzing quills around the porcupine, incapacitating all enemies for 2 sec. 0.5 sec cast, 60 sec cooldown.
- Rest: New: You command your pet Porcupine to take a rest. Instant.
- Trample: New: Your goat tramples the enemy, kicking up an obscuring cloud of dust, causing all enemies within 10 yards to have their melee and ranged attack speed reduced by 20% for 30 sec. Melee range, Instant, 25 sec cooldown.
Water Strider
- Still Water: New: Infuses all party and raid members within vision with still water, increasing their spell power by 10% and their critical strike chance by 5% for 60 min. Instant.
- Surface Trot: New: Allows the Hunter and the Water Strider to walk across water for 10 min. Any damage will cancel the effect. Unlimited range, Instant.
- Lullaby: New: Puts the target to sleep for 4 sec. 20 yd range, Instant, 60 sec cooldown.
- Trick: New: You command your Crane to do a trick. Instant.
- Petrifying Gaze: New: Turns the target into stone for 3 sec, causing them to be invulnerable. 20 yd range, Instant, 60 sec cooldown.
- Roar of Courage and Spirit Beast Blessing: New: The beast lets out a roar of courage, increasing the mastery of all party and raid members by 3,000 within 100 yards. Lasts for 60 sec.
- Serpents Swiftness: New: Increases the melee and ranged attack speed of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 10% for 2 min. 1.5 minute cooldown.
- Cackling Howl: New: The hyena lets out a cackling howl, increasing the melee and ranged attack speed of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 10% for 2 min. 1.5 minute cooldown.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
- Every pet has 3 specs: Ferocity, Tenacity and Cunning. These work much like class specs, with a similar UI.
- Pets come with the spec you'd expect (Ferocity for kitties) but you can change it. If you want a tanking cat or a DPS crab, you can. If you have a favorite pet, you can just always use that one and swap the spec around. I hope to see A LOT of DPS crabs.
- Each spec comes with 2-3 active and 2-3 passive abilities. We took a careful look at what pet talents most hunters were taking and tried to take the best of those. Things like Roar of Sacrifice, Last Stand and Heart of the Phoenix made the cut.
- We didn't think we were getting a ton of gameplay out of the pet talents on live -- players interacted with them even less than the class talents -- and we didn't think pets needed the full tiered system like the Mists talent implementation, so we decided the best way to offer pet customization is to let hunters choose their pet mostly because of how it looks (and its one special ability) and not from its role.
New Spells, Talents, and Changes:
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Hunter (
- Arcane Shot: Now costs 20 focus, down from 25.
- Aspect of the Fox: Now includes Barrage.
- Aspect of the Hawk: Now 10% of Ranged Attack Power, rather than a flat value.
- Camouflage: Can now be used in combat for 6 seconds.
- Concussive Shot: Returned. Reduces target's run speed by 50%.
- Explosive Trap: Now has a 10 yard range.
- Hunter's Mark: Now increases damage on the marked target by 5%, rather than increasing your Attack Power.
- Immolation Trap: Removed.
- Kill Shot: You attempt to finish the wounded target off, firing a long range attack dealing 420% weapon damage. Kill Shot can only be used on enemies that have 20% or less health. If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is instantly reset, but cannot be reset more often than once every 6 sec..
- Rapid Fire: Now a 3 minute cooldown, down from 5.
- Readiness: When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on all Hunter abilities with a base cooldown lower than 5 minutes. 5 minute cooldown.
- Revive Pet: Now returns the pet to life with 100% of its health, up from 15%. 6 second cast, down from 10.
- Stampede: Summons all of your pets to fight your current target for 20 sec. Instant cast. 5 minute cooldown.
- Steady Shot: Now generates 14 focus.
- Trap Launcher: Now a toggle ability, lasts until cancelled.
- Trueshot Aura: Grants 10% increased melee and ranged attack power to all party and raid members within 100 yards.
Beast Mastery
- Beast Cleave: After you Multi-shot, your pet's melee attacks also strike all other nearby enemy targets for 30% damage for the next 4 secs.
- Bestial Wrath: Now a 1 minute cooldown, down from 2.
- Cobra Shot: Now generates 14 focus and is exlusive to Beast Mastery and Survival.
- Cobra Strikes: Can stack up to 6 times, up from 2.
- Exotic Beasts: Now reduces the cooldown of Pet Special Abilities. No longer increases amount of Skill Points.
- Focus Fire: No longer has a 15 sec cooldown. Now restores 6 Focus, up from 4, to your pet and increases your ranged haste by 6%, up from 3%.
- Frenzy: Your pet has a 40% chance to gain 4% increased attack speed after attacking with a Basic Attack, lasting for 20 sec and stacking up to 5 times.
- Go For the Throat: Your auto-shot critical strikes cause your pet to generate 15 Focus.
- Intimidation: No longer a talent.
- Invigoration: Now only requires your Pet's Basic Attack to deal damge, rather than critically hit. Also has a 15% chance to regenerate 20 focus, rather than a 100% chance to regenerate 6 focus.
- Kill Command : Now granted at level 10 to Beast Masters. Pet now rushes to the target. Now costs 40 focus, up from 37. 25 yard range, up from 5.
- Kindred Spirits: Now increases your and your pet's max focus by 20, up from 10.
- Mastery: Master of Beasts: Now increases the damage done by pets by 16%, up from 13%.
- Bombardment: Now also increases Multishots damage by 30% for 5 seconds and reduces focus cost of Multishot by 20, rather than 50%.
- Careful Aim: Now increases critical strike chance by 75%, up from 60%. No longer includes Cobra Shot.
- Chimera Shot: Now costs 45 focus, down from 50. 9 second cooldown, down from 10. 3% heal, down from 5%.
- Master Marksman: Now has a 50%, down form 60%, chance when you Steady Shot to gain the Master Marksman effect, lasting 30 sec. Now requires 3 stacks of the Aimed Shot buff, down from 5.
- Mastery: Wild Quiver: Now grants a 16% chance for your ranged attacks to also instantly fire an additional ranged shot that deals 80% weapon damage.
- Rapid Recuperation: You gain 12 focus every 3 sec while under the effect of Rapid Fire.
- Steady Focus: Now also causes your Steady Shot to regenerate an additional 3 focus. Lasts 10 seconds, up from 8.
- Black Arrow: Reverted back to 4.3 version: Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing 5,180 damage over 20 sec. Black Arrow shares a cooldown with other Fire Trap spells.
- Cobra Shot: Now generates 14 focus and is exlusive to Beast Mastery and Survival.
- Explosive Shot: Now costs 25 focus, down from 50.
- Improved Serpent Sting: Increases the damage of Serpent Sting by 100%, and causes it to deal instant damage equal to 30% of its total periodic effect.
- Lock and Load: Now has a 10 sec cooldown.
- Serpent Spread: Targets hit by your Multi-Shot are also afflicted by your Serpent Sting..
- Trap Mastery: Reverted back to 4.3 version: Reduces the cooldown of all traps and Black Arrow by 6 sec, and provides additional benefits on each Trap.
Ice Trap and Freezing Trap - Increases duration by 30%.
Explosive Trap and Black Arrow - Increases periodic damage done by 30%.
Snake Trap - Increases number of snakes summoned by 4. - Viper Venom: New - You gain 3 Focus each time your Serpent Sting deals damage. This effect has a 3 sec cooldown.
Level 15
- Posthaste: Your Disengage frees you from all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by 60% for 8 sec.
- Narrow Escape: When you Disengage, you also activate a web trap which encases all targets within 8 yards in sticky webs, preventing movement for 8 sec.
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera: Reduces the cooldown of Disengage by 10 sec, and the cooldown of Deterrence by 60 sec.
Level 30
- Silencing Shot: A shot that silences the target and interrupts spellcasting for 3 sec. 20 second cooldown.
- Wyvern Sting: A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 30 sec. Any damage will cancel the effect. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time. 10 Focus. 60 second cooldown.
- Binding Shot: You fire a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yards of the landing arrow for 10 sec. If targets move 5 yards from the arrow they are stunned for 5 sec (3 sec PvP) and will be immune to the effects of Binding Shot for 10 sec. 20 Focus. 45 second cooldown.
Level 45
- Aspect of the Iron Hawk: The Hunter takes on the aspects of an iron hawk, increasing ranged attack power by 10%, and reducing all damage taken by 15%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time. Replaces Aspect of the Hawk.
- Spirit Bond: While your pet is active, you and your pet will regenerate 2% of total health every 2 sec.
- Exhilaration: Instantly heals you for 30% and your pet for 100% of total health. Instant. 2 minute cooldown.
Level 60
- Fervor: Instantly restores 50 Focus to you and your pet and an additional 50 Focus over 10 sec. 30 second cooldown.
- Dire Beast: Summons a powerful wild animal to attack your target in combat for 15 seconds. Each time the animal deals damage, you will gain 5 focus. 30 sec cooldown.
- Thrill of the Hunt: You have a 30% chance when you fire a ranged attack that costs Focus and Kill Command to reduce the focus cost of your next 3 Arcane Shots or Multishots by 20.
Level 75
- A Murder of Crows: Summons a flock of crows to attack your target over the next 30 sec. If used on a target below 20% health, the cooldown is reduced to 1 minute. 60 Focus. 2 minute cooldown.
- Blink Strike: Causes your pet to instantly teleport behind an enemy target up to 40 yards away from your pet and inflict 600% normal damage. 100 yard range. 20 second cooldown.
- Lynx Rush: Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec, dealing 200% of its normal attack damage to each target. The pet must be within 10 yards of the target to Lynx Rush. 1.5 minute cooldown.
Level 90
- Glaive Toss: You hurl two glaives toward a target, each dealing 872 damage to each enemy struck and reducing movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. The primary target will take 4 times as much damage from each strike. The Glaives will return back to you, damaging and snaring targets again as they return. 15 Focus. 15 second cooldown.
- Powershot: You wind up a powerful shot, which deals 800% weapon damage to the target and 400% weapon damage to all enemies in between you and the target. Enemies hit by Powershot are also knocked back. 20 Focus. 3 second cast. 60 second cooldown.
- Barrage: Rapidly fire a spray of shots forward for 3 sec, dealing a total of 640% weapon damage to the target and an average of 320% weapon damage to each other nearby target. 40 Focus. 3 second channel. 30 second cooldown.
New Glyphs and Changes:
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Animal Bond: While your pet is active, all healing done to you and your pet is increased by 10%.
- Glyph of Black Ice: While you move through the area affected by your Ice Trap you gain 50% movement speed.
- Glyph of Camouflage: Your Camouflage ability now provides stealth even while moving, but your movement speed while Camouflage is active is reduced by 50%.
- Glyph of Chimera Shot: Increases the healing you receive from Chimera Shot by an additional 2% of your maximum health.
- Glyph of Deterrence: Increases the damage reduction granted by Deterrence by 20%.
- Glyph of Disengage: Increases the distance you travel when you Disengage.
- Glyph of Distracting Shot: Your Distracting Shot now distracts the target to attack your pet instead of you.
- Glyph of Endless Wrath: While Bestial Wrath is active, your pet cannot be killed, but can still be damaged.
- Glyph of Explosive Trap: Your Explosive Trap no longer deals damage, instead knocking enemies back from the trap when it explodes.
- Glyph of Freezing Trap: When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim's movement speed is reduced by 70% for 4 sec.
- Glyph of Ice Trap: Increases the radius of the effect from your Ice Trap by 2 yards.
- Glyph of Icy Solace: Your Freezing Trap also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
- Glyph of Marked for Death: Your Arcane Shot, Chimera Shot, Kill Command, and Explosive Shot abilities automatically apply Hunter's Mark.
- Glyph of Master's Call: Increases the duration of your Master's Call by 4 sec.
- Glyph of Mend Pet: Gives your Mend Pet ability a 50% chance of cleansing 1 Curse, Disease, Magic or Poison effect from your pet each tick.
- Glyph of Mending: Increases the total amount of healing done by your Mend Pet ability by 60%.
- Glyph of Mirrored Blades: When attacked by a spell while in Deterrence, you have a 100% chance to reflect it back at the attacker.
- Glyph of Misdirection: When you use Misdirection on your pet, the cooldown on your Misdirection is reset.
- Glyph of No Escape: Increases the ranged critical strike chance of all of your attacks on targets affected by your Freezing Trap by 20%.
- Glyph of Pathfinding: Increases the speed bonus of your Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Pack by 8%, and increases your speed while mounted by 10%. The mounted movement speed increase does not stack with other effects.
- Glyph of Scattering: Your Scatter Shot also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
- Glyph of Scatter Shot: Increases the range of Scatter Shot by 3 yards.
- Glyph of Snake Trap: Snakes from your Snake Trap take 90% reduced damage from area of effect spells
- Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot: Your Tranquilizing Shot no longer costs Focus, but has a 10 sec cooldown.
Minor Glyphs
- Aspect of the Beast: Teaches you the ability Aspect of the Beast. The Hunter takes on the aspects of a beast, becoming untrackable. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
- Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah: Your Aspect of the Cheetah no longer causes you to be dazed when struck. Instead, the effect is cancelled and all your Aspects are placed on a 4 sec cooldown.
- Glyph of Aspect of the Pack: Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
- Glyph of Aspects: Each time you activate a new Aspect, an animal companion representing that Aspect will follow you for 15 sec.
- Glyph of Direction: Causes your Misdirection target to appear larger.
- Glyph of Feign Death: Removed.
- Glyph of Fetch:Teaches you the ability Fetch. Command your pet to retrieve the items on a nearby corpse.
- Glyph of Fireworks: Teaches you the ability Fireworks. Launch fireworks from your gun, bow or crossbow.
- Glyph of Less Proportion: Slightly reduces the size of your pet.
- Glyph of Marking: Your Hunter's Mark ability now places a bullseye on your target instead of its usual visual.
- Glyph of Revive Pet: Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Revive Pet by 100%.
- Glyph of Scare Beast: Removed.
- Glyph of Stampede: Your Stampede no longer summons pets from your stable, and instead uses copies of your current pet.
- Glyph of Tame Beast: Reduces the time required to complete Tame Beast by 4 sec.
Item Sets
- T14 2p: Your Kill Command deals 15% additional damage, your Chimera Shot deals 15% additional damage, and your Explosive Shot deals 5% additional damage.
- T14 4p: Increases the duration of your Bestial Wrath ability by 6 sec, increases the chance for Black Arrow to trigger Lock and Load by 20%, and increases the ranged attack speed granted by Steady Focus by an additional 10%.
- PVP 2p: Whlie your Rapid Fire is active, your PvP Power is increased by 3,200.
- PVP 4p: Increases the regeneration of Focus by 25%.
Tier 14 Set
PvP Set
Challenge Armor Set