1. #4081
    The Normal Kasierith's Avatar
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    At one point was 5-0-1 morgana with the highest CS in the game and first tower down... lost the game due to two people leaving and fighting a 3v5. Just... beyond tired of these people in ranked games.

  2. #4082
    Purchased Aatrox and tested him out on a normal summoners rift, remember why i stopped playing that shit in favour of ARAM, we were 17 kills and 3 towers ahead at one point despite our lee sin complaining from 5 minutes in that we couldnt win and trying to get us to surrender (he actually was french, go figure) and started to deliberately feed.
    After a while our thresh went afk so it was 3v5 and we ended up losing after all. I just cant get over the number of terrible players/attitudes.

  3. #4083
    Scarab Lord Nicola's Avatar
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    Just had a normal game as vayne going against vayne and blitzcrank while kayle was trolling top for the first 10 min. Needless to say I lost the lane hard due 1v2.
    After kayle finally decided to go bot, she starts pushing the lane like crazy and we get ganked due no wards. ( I didn't bother with them because I spend the first 10 min under my tower...) I pretty much died instantly due being so far behind already due having to farm under my turret, the constant pressure from vayne and blitz and having kayle stealing a ton of creeps.
    The game pretty much ended with me being completely useless, although I tried to farm up while the rest was failing in team fights, and the rest of the team raging at me.

    Just being sick of having to pick adc and having a shitty/no support. Next time they want me to adc, I gonna pick teemo and afk in base with support runes, masteries and gp5 items till end game >.>

  4. #4084
    Love it. My team sucks so bad we lose an inhibitor by 9 mins. I throw up a surrender vote, team reports me for a negative attitude. I lost 24 fking points for that game.

    I said it once ill say it again. I wish I was back in bronze, at least I only got idiots 60% of the time as opposed to the 90% of the time since I hit silver.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-06-18 at 03:02 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  5. #4085
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Love it. My team sucks so bad we lose an inhibitor by 9 mins. I throw up a surrender vote, team reports me for a negative attitude. I lost 24 fking points for that game.

    I said it once ill say it again. I wish I was back in bronze, at least I only got idiots 60% of the time as opposed to the 90% of the time since I hit silver.
    You don't want to be down in Bronze. The ridiculously bad plays are quite common still. People waste flashes trying to tower dive to finish off kills, only to give away kills instead.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  6. #4086
    there is tbh no difference from bronze/silver other then you might get less "really stupid" things occurring by 10% gold is also the same but maybe 25% less "really stupid"

  7. #4087
    Dont tell me about silver and bronze. I was winning most of my games in bronze, now i lose most of them in silver. Example the game I just lost. Entire enemy team goes bot after our lux, we are right next to baron, i ping him but no my team wants to push the mid turret. Turret still stands, got aced in a team fight. Then my team fights in the jungle after they get baron and focus olaf.

    And now this next game will be a loss. 3 top lane, enemy team has Amumu and Malph.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  8. #4088
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Dont tell me about silver and bronze. I was winning most of my games in bronze, now i lose most of them in silver. Example the game I just lost. Entire enemy team goes bot after our lux, we are right next to baron, i ping him but no my team wants to push the mid turret. Turret still stands, got aced in a team fight. Then my team fights in the jungle after they get baron and focus olaf.
    chances are in silver 5, you're still playing with bronzes. http://www.lolnexus.com/scouter/search?name=
    check your peeps every game if you really care to see

  9. #4089
    Quote Originally Posted by Acry View Post
    chances are in silver 5, you're still playing with bronzes. http://www.lolnexus.com/scouter/search?name=
    check your peeps every game if you really care to see
    I know I'm playing with Bronze players, but the bronze players I got while in bronze were a hell of a lot better, and it doesnt even matter if i win. I gain 11 on a win, but lose 20+ on a loss.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  10. #4090
    means the game thinks your mmr is too low for where you're at. happens mostly in division 1/2 though

  11. #4091
    Quote Originally Posted by Acry View Post
    means the game thinks your mmr is too low for where you're at. happens mostly in division 1/2 though
    And cause of it, i'm about to drop back under a 50% win ratio. I was 53% when I hit silver.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  12. #4092
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Lovely when people care more about their personal score than actually winning.
    I know how you feel. Just my last game I went top as Tryn vs Kennen. Lee Sin on my team(jungler) wanted to invade their red, I told him to let me have it so I can own kennen. He says "no im taking it to gank Lux", not only did he not ganking mid lane lux, but he went right to his red.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  13. #4093
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Doesn't matter. I get stomped like that and I never wanna play the champ again.
    That's a horrible mindset.
    If you think like that you could just stop playing altogether.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  14. #4094
    Last game I played, everyone except my ADC was in Bronze, and my adc sucked. I'm getting the bottom of the barrel players and its just destroying my mmr.

    I'm top as Tryn vs Nasus. Ofc we can't kill each other. So you gotta stop his farm. Nunu my jungler spends entire game counter jungling, which he failed at. 58 cs by 20 mins. Only ganks top once, and dies chasing Nasus with his ult active.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2 View Post
    That's a horrible mindset.
    If you think like that you could just stop playing altogether.
    Really? I've been playing Tryn some again. Watched a pro play with him to learn more about Tryn, I ended up going against the exact same champion he did. Exact same build, he E passed them, and auto'd them to death no problem. I do the same thing and got the crap beat out of me.

    I stopped playing Jayce cause of it, now I'm no longer playing Tryn. 114 champs, 40 of them i'm no longer playing cause they either can't carry or require a team to work efficiently.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-06-18 at 08:32 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  15. #4095
    Who were you against in lane?

  16. #4096
    Quote Originally Posted by Brittany Sn0w View Post
    Who were you against in lane?
    In that game it was a Kennen. I need to just quit this game.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-06-18 at 08:43 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  17. #4097
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    In that game it was a Kennen. I need to just quit this game.
    Yo fuck that. Kennen takes a dump on melee champions. I played Trundle against one recently and got dumpstered.

  18. #4098
    Another jayce adc, another fed cait, another lost game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brittany Sn0w View Post
    Yo fuck that. Kennen takes a dump on melee champions. I played Trundle against one recently and got dumpstered.
    And yet I watched a pro decimate Kennen as Tryn. So what you just said is invalid.

    Aatrox was just added to my list. Powerful champion, but only with a team who knows what they are doing. Can't play him anymore.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-06-18 at 09:11 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  19. #4099
    Not so much my team, but I played a game last night against a team that were so toxic it left me in stunned shock.

    The enemy team hnad a jungle Kha'zix. I;'m top as Quinn vs Cho'gath, and I am winning my lane, just. The Cho has already shown himself to be toxic as I managed to Valor him twice in the face as he tried to recall. Kha'zix never ganks top once, which is understandable as I am 30 farm and a kill or two over Cho (our Lee sin Jungler was sublime). This Cho though, as well as not being very good, was constantly harassing his Kha'zix and asking for reports, saying he was bad etc. This then boiled over to the rest of the team, who also began to insult him. Every one of their lanes was losing, or drawing at best. So me and our Lee sin stick up for Khaz, telling the enemy team they should be giving him advice instead of insulting him.

    In the end, they had a stronger team fighting comp, but we managed to push them to their base and ace them with 60 seconds on their res clocks. Reported most of their team due to negative attitude. I was thoroughly disgusted :/

  20. #4100
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post

    And yet I watched a pro decimate Kennen as Tryn. So what you just said is invalid.
    Ya know, I'm trying real hard to be positive for you here. And for every game you see a "Pro" dominate a random, how many other people lose that matchup? Are you a pro now? If so, why are you comparing what a pro does to a random player?

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