1. #4841
    Legendary! Firebert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    It went up fast it seems, that's probably why you were queued against gold players.
    I also queue up at odd hours when no-one's on, queues last like 2m on EUW kind of hour. 2am and 5am.
    37 + (3*7) + (3*7)
    W/L/T/Death count: Wolf: 0/1/0/1 | Mafia: 1/6/0/7 | TPR: 0/4/1/5
    SK: 0/1/0/1 | VT: 2/5/2/7 | Cult: 1/0/0/1

  2. #4842
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebert View Post
    I also queue up at odd hours when no-one's on, queues last like 2m on EUW kind of hour. 2am and 5am.
    I've queued at those times but I don't remember any of them... No idea if that has an implication or not in your matches to be honest, other than the obvious drunk/sleepy person of course.

    Anyway, just had a game and it was so frustrating to play it... Really needed the jungler's help but alas, none was given when I most needed. I got back in game but them we were just throwing and... yeah.

  3. #4843
    I ... i... i just dont know what to say... i'm at a loss for words... a team of annie(me), tf, lux, anivia and jax, against mordekaiser, katarina, shaco, garen and taric.... we nuke them way out of the park up to their nexus while all of our towers still stand... all we need is for tf to use his ulti and port to the nexus and we win... but no tf for some reason doesnt use it, he also isnt using his yellow cards when kat uses her ulti (wich basicly means that if jax is on the frontline and i dont have 4 stacks we dont have stun). oh look the enemy is gaining ground and took one of our towers tf better use his ulti... what he still isnt using it? oh look they took the second tower, still no ulti or yellow cards. oh look they are at our inhibitor better if tf uses his ulti.. oh look he did! wait.... why isnt he porting... WHY ISN'T HE PORTING?.. and the ulti is gone. oh look they took another nexus tower down, tf you better do it now dude... oh look another tower down and we have an ace, WHY ARENT YOU PORTING YOU F****IN RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!well were dead and they won... how the fuck does this shit hapen... i even gave him tf cause i though he knew how to use it... lesson for my life. unless its poppy or alistair never give any of my champs to other peeps cause they are gonna fuck it up...
    someone else might have gotten it wrong.

  4. #4844
    It's surprising how many TF's in ARAM forget they can backdoor. Done it a few times and my team never seems to notice, nor the enemy team.

  5. #4845
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's surprising how many TF's in ARAM forget they can backdoor. Done it a few times and my team never seems to notice, nor the enemy team.
    People think it's dirty and cheating.

    Pantheon can pretty much do the same thing.

  6. #4846
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's surprising how many TF's in ARAM forget they can backdoor. Done it a few times and my team never seems to notice, nor the enemy team.
    People get so mad when you ult into their fountain to not lose a spree/give the enemy team gold

  7. #4847
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    People think it's dirty and cheating.

    Pantheon can pretty much do the same thing.
    I've done this with Pantheon several times

  8. #4848
    hell i've seen evelyn/twitch/rengar and other champs that can stealth do it aswell but why the hell wouldnt that tf use it for pity sake (the oposin mordekaiser didnt help at all by spammin all when they were lossin that it was unfair but when they won wholy shit did the suck it and blab bla bla spam come in... i thought that aqll the little kids were in bed at 2 am...)
    someone else might have gotten it wrong.

  9. #4849
    Every game as panth of TF come lvl 6: brb suicide. I hardly see anyone doing it.

  10. #4850
    I never suicide in HA unless I really have to get items to be on par with the enemy team, so that only happens when the enemy team is actually a good team. Other than that, I really don't see myself suiciding since it's more fun to try and survive, literally.

  11. #4851
    I play this game since 2010 and i never fell so frustrated like i fell now,2 weeks in a row i just keep losing and losing and losing, finally i understand why my friend told me that on EU west the low levels and the beginning of ranks have worst game quality then Nord, personally i fell that those 2 weeks i play with the same people with different account its just impossible to carry this game when u have 1 2 people that throw the game intentionally and omg the premades are so fucking bad here, even bots have better game play then them, jesus now i remember why i quit the game last year

  12. #4852
    9/20/X (bunch of assists) in a loss because our Cho'gath had to leave as we were finally getting some traction (Got inhib down in the lane they got our inhib down in, stole a baron). I was Karthus and I started like 8/5/X but I could not kill this damn volibear with my requiem. He would regen from DEAD to out of Requiem kill range in 2 sec.

  13. #4853
    Stood in the Fire Bloodydemize's Avatar
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    Played a game as graves, doing fine bot lane, getting camped early game by jungle but catch up, this riven is trolling or just really bad and is making bad calls and 1v5ing at times. this leona and ahri on my team do nothing but trash talk her and our jungle the whole game. we manage to win because the trash talking is also occuring on the opposite team, after the game the ahri is even trash talking me and saying she carried when I had more than a 100 more cs than her, 3 deaths to her 8, and 2 less kills and more assists, and the only reason i had less kills is because she kept KSing me.. the adc.. and told me to go fk myself for being bad because I have like 27 games to her 100 something and we're both in the same stupid league.

  14. #4854
    I'm just fucking tired of scrubs using the "Its just a game" or "I play for fun" argument to defend their gross incompetence.

    If you're too shit to play properly, gtfo and go play against bots, maybe you can beat them. But stop fucking ruining the game for 4 other REAL players.

  15. #4855
    Have a great start, pull off some really cool moves, winning mid with anivia vs fizz (her biggest counter according champselect) 4-0, olaf top is sorta doing ok vs singed, and bot lane is vayne lulu, vayne has full ad runes, in all slots, 0 armor, and crit item start. He's 0/6 by 10th min. Their jungler is ww, his annoying ulti kills me twice, both times as i was about to go base. As i die mid from overfed tristana and ww ulti 0/4 fizz comes bot to help thresh and he goes triple kill. gg bro

  16. #4856
    Let's see, we had a Ryze start 0/12 vs Varus in a duo lane. We had a Teemo jungle who decided to "give up" after said Ryze started 0/12. Pitched a fit when we didn't surrender at 20 because we were only down 3 kills (Trynd was dominating top lane and their mid lane was hilariously bad). Teemo was saying the same old stuff... "Why bother? We won't win". Cut to us winning despite having to eat their uncontested baron as we pushed bot lane.

  17. #4857
    5 games in a row lost because 2 or more people were retarded to no end. Demoted all the way down to B4... Aside from that, loosing 18 points on select screen because people are trolling doesn't help either.

    I've tried the safecard champs, I've tried risky choices, there's just no way to win. I once picked Quinn for adc bot because we had to be defensive as the bans were moronic, so my support decides to call troll, builds dps and proceeds to suicide no less then 10 times before 15 mins. The enemy jungler was often there getting his share, so I was forced to sit back when he never placed wards and do whatever I could, and had only 3/0. Then came teamfights...which Thresh engages 1v5, proceeded by a congaline.



    I have no idea anymore...Loose as top mid jungle supp and adc, because the rest of the team just plain suck more then the other team. It feels like nobody knows what the word 'team' means. If you tank and get negative score but loads of support and say the 1/17 guy sucks, he's point out that you're even worse with 3/6+the 17 supports. Because tanks aren't supposed to get kills. I've had stellar games as support and tank on rare occasions, always the carries that get honorured because hey, they know how to smack their face on a keyboard while I just try to live so they don't die when they go facechecking enemy territory. Support isn't better, enemy team with freeroam and lots of pinks + oracle "Ali we need wards!" "Yeah sure when I get 8k hp and wings so I don't get brutally brutalized as soon as I step one hoof out of the sodding walls" "you so bad omg!"

    Long rant sorry, been trying to contain it...

    *walks off*
    Last edited by Halyon; 2013-08-10 at 06:37 AM.

  18. #4858
    Quote Originally Posted by dudefellas View Post
    I'm just fucking tired of scrubs using the "Its just a game" or "I play for fun" argument to defend their gross incompetence.

    If you're too shit to play properly, gtfo and go play against bots, maybe you can beat them. But stop fucking ruining the game for 4 other REAL players.
    I have only one word: Matchmaking.

  19. #4859
    Quote Originally Posted by dudefellas View Post
    I'm just fucking tired of scrubs using the "Its just a game" or "I play for fun" argument to defend their gross incompetence.

    If you're too shit to play properly, gtfo and go play against bots, maybe you can beat them. But stop fucking ruining the game for 4 other REAL players.
    Kinda depends on the situation though doesn't it? I mean, if some guy is raging at me to go kill myself, I'm going to answer "It's just a game", which doesn't mean I'm not trying to win and trying to play my best... but there are times when people rage way out of proportion or say things seriously inappropriate to the fact that this is a game played for fun.

    On topic; lost most of my games yesterday, was playing awful, felt bad for the guys I was queuing with.

  20. #4860
    Mute button is your friend!

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