1. #981
    Would get into a team fight, or just even a gank at bot while playing as Nunu, and I would jump up to 800+ ping. -_-. We won, but not until after i went 1/13/4.

  2. #982
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanani View Post
    Or they could just throw nordic countries to west. That would solve all problems. I played on east for like two weeks when I started lol and then made euw account. I think its just insulting that nordics are thrown in with the slavs who cant even speak english let alone play the game.
    They could just give EUW passes to any EUNE players in Scandinavia (and finland). 2600 RP is a lot and I find it hard to justify buying that much RP.

  3. #983
    Herald of the Titans
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    That feeling when you buy 10 wards, shower the jungle with vision and your team still gets caught wandering through the forest. Makes me want to hurt someone when they don't even respond either.

  4. #984
    Was playing a ranked today (Elo hell, my first 10 games were trolled games -.-), Solo top, enemy picks Yorick.
    I say to myself "Well that's easy", and I pick Mordekaiser.
    Everyone in chat starts raging about me trolling etc etc. and I was like "Wtf?"

    Ended up with a 9/1/11 score - Enemy team surrender.

    Now, I don't know if Morde counters Yorick, or it's supposed to be the other way around, I just know I crush Yoricks in solo top with Mordekaiser.
    Also, I tempt to see people not abusing those bushes against Yorick, which is an excellent way to get the aggro off you from his abilities (Come on, basic mechanic).

    Yet they kept flaming me all game.
    Kids nowadays..

  5. #985
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Even though it's not a hard counter, I think Mordekaiser is one of the few match-ups where Yorick has a less than 50% win rate.

  6. #986
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Even though it's not a hard counter, I think Mordekaiser is one of the few match-ups where Yorick has a less than 50% win rate.
    Once Morde got his Spellvamp I can imagine it's mostly just a farmfest, though Morde can push extremely fast without having to worry about mana. Morde is easier to gank though, especially top lane.

    Anyway I don't had a shitty game, but I do need to vent. So I'm Leona bot, with Varus, Eve jungle, Zyra mid and Fizz top against a Shen top, Xin jungle, Zyra mid and Lulu + cait bot. Everything is quite normal untill around 6 minutes into the game where their Lulu and Xin keep getting disconnected.

    In the long run this made the game an effective 3vs5 in our favor. So I'm bored beyond hell, but what bugs me beyond believe is that we're not even stomping them. Hell if it was a 5vs5, perhaps even a 4vs5 we would be the ones getting raped like there is no tomorrow. So after a staggering 40 fucking minutes we get their Nexus down, in the meanwhile me and their Shen were already bashing our Varus because A) He was a clueless fuck. B) He didn't know he was a clueless fuck.

    After the game where our Varus had a staggering and mindblowing 4/5/6 or something he just tries to act cool and tell us how easy the game was. If there was a way to castrate people through the internet, I would have fed him his own balls really. It truly makes me wonder what kind of complete retards these people must be in real life.

  7. #987
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanani View Post
    Or they could just throw nordic countries to west. That would solve all problems. I played on east for like two weeks when I started lol and then made euw account. I think its just insulting that nordics are thrown in with the slavs who cant even speak english let alone play the game.
    I'm a Slav and my English is good.

    On-topic, had a game where I duo'd with Tristana on my Lulu. We were doing fine against the enemy team until late game when it was all about team fights. Our Tristana kept jumping in ahead of everyone and feeding their team. And she wasn't even AP. You can guess how the game ended.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tablemaker
    Yeah. It's funny how they reverse the whole thing. The fact of the matter is... if a customer created a scene in real life like they are in the forums, they would be removed from the store. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

    Example: GC works at McDonalds. Some idiots walks up to the counter and asks for a Whopper. GC tells him they do not sell Whoppers. The idiot flips a nut. Calls GC off and throws straws at him. GC asks him to leave.

  8. #988
    Decided to try Lulu out mid and notice things are starting to go poorly for our other lanes as their Fiddlesticks jungle is chain ganking and doing really well since the rest of my team doesn't ward. I was laning against Kennen mid and we were splitting cs while I had GP10 items so I was effectively winning my lane. The entire time Lux support is raging at me for picking a support mid. Later Fiddle starts running around with Oracles and camping my lane making the lane shift in the favor of Kennen around 20 minutes. When team fights come around the enemy team focuses me instead of our Kog'Maw or Xin Zhao because they are both severly underfarmed and doing no damage at all, so not even worth the time of the bruisers to go around and focus them. Meanwhile Fiddle is now 12-2 and able to kill people inside of 1 fear. Seeing that I have the most farm that means he almost always crowstorms in and kills me before I'm able to react. Being the stupid team they are at the end of the game all they see is my score, not realizing there was nothing I could do against the Fiddlesticks they fed and our Nocturne did nothing to stop. So I again get flamed for picking a support mid even though I was the only one that would have effectively won their lane without jungle pressure and ended the game 2k gold ahead of the rest of my team just due to farm and GP10 items.

  9. #989
    So was playing great all last night after I got home. Won 5 in a row with ahri/kog'maw (normals, only lvl 22 atm). Head to bed and just couldn't fall asleep. So log back on and see zyra is finally available. I proceed to get my ass kicked 4 games in a row with her. I just couldn't score kills to save my life. And was just getting melted in team fights, and overall horrid play.

    Maybe I just completely suck at her(or overall lol), but I've never done this badly with any champion I've picked up >.> Or could be I need relearn to play mid, since I've been playing ahri so much lately. Seems like every time I was killed was a spot where I would have been fine on ahri and her mobility. Just playing to aggressively with someone who can't get out of trouble.

    What I get for not staying in bed at any rate, was pretty disheartening

  10. #990
    Team select. I call top, select Kayle. Then another player calls Lee Sin, wants to jungle. Our last three wait until the literal last second to pick their characters, one picking Nocturne, one randoming Ryze. Sigh.

    The Lee Sin frantically changes smite from his summoner's, which means I get forced bot as Kayle. I hate playing the AD carry position. But, of course, my team proceeds to talk as much shit as possible about how bad I am, completely ignoring three of them shoved me into the situation, a role I can't play on a champion not entirely suited for it.

    ETA: LOL, and it happens again in the next game! I pick Blitz, because I usually main support. Meanwhile, our mid/jungle/top roles are all picked. Then this guy picks Malph. Says he's supporting. I say, "Malphite? Support?" The team makes me go AD carry despite being vocal about the fact I'm really not good at the role. Falls on deaf ears, so I pick one of two AD carries I own, Ashe. Again, I suck at AD carry. But that doesn't stop the abuse from coming! People in this game are awful.
    Last edited by willofgaia; 2012-07-25 at 10:19 PM.

  11. #991
    So I just did a Blind Pick game.

    Team was Pantheon top, Zyra mid, Nocturne jungle, me as AD Carry (Vayne) and a, what I thought was support Lulu.

    I started to suspect Lulu a bit when she went with Ingite, but I remembered that some supports did that, so I thought nothing more. Roll the game; Lulu starts with Doran's Ring, takes CS from me and spends all the time trying to damage the other team and nothing else. Didn't buy wards either.

    I ask her "Have you played support properly before?". She replies: "I'm not sup, I'm AP champ". This after she said she couldn't afford wards and needed "money items".

    Rest of the match contained chat about how I "weren't a proper AD carry" and that I should add her to friends so she could show me how to play AD carry properly. No thanks.

  12. #992
    Four games I have played today and lost all four.

    In the first game our bot lane feeds the enemy HARD. I haven't seen this kind of feed in a game before. The enemy jungler Xin was 5 levels ahead of me, playing in a solo top lane.

    Second game, I was Urgot and had Tryn jungler. He had the most weird kind of play style I have ever seen. He came to gank bot, I had Naut as support, and Tryn just stood in the top brush. He did nothing, even though he could have easily hit Teemo and I would follow and get a kill. But he didn't attack, me and Naut kept on waiting. When we started to attack, he left...

    I went B seeing as Tryn is just near our turret, Teemo and enemy Mal attacked Naut at our tower, and Tryn didn't help at all. He was just hiding in the brush below the dragon. When Naut died, then he ran into the enemy when they were low. He still couldn't kill them, because of some reason, being Tryn, he was extremely squishy. He fed the enemy, then decided to leave the game...

    Third game I had the most ridiculous Vayne who thought everyone on our team was playing poor except her and the enemy was extremely organised. It wasn't the case. Actually it was the exact opposite. She and our enemy were playing extremely poor. She kept on trying to tumble and hit Cait, only to be falling short on range and getting hit by Cait's AA and her long range attack. She kept on doing this instead of last hitting and kept on failing. Our Shaco had some of the best ganks I have seen, everytime he came down, we got 2 or 3 kills and she thought that he was poor O.o

    She fed the enemy team hard. Going 0/9 in the first 15 mins. Blamed Shaco for being too "late" in ganking and said I am being "rambo" when all I was doing was hitting Cait and Lulu with Q while trying to protect her. I only engaged when she tried to do something stupid and had to bail her out. Wasted a couple of ulti just cause of this.

    She then dc'ed calling everyone on our team, shit and useless players when we were winning all our lanes but were a few kills behind because of massive tumble fail session -.-

    Forth game, I'm Urgot bot. I deny Teemo farm. I get FB. I kill him and his support again. I win my lane. I go top and kill there. I am the highest scorer in the game. I'm doing awesome. We are winning all lanes. We won all lanes.

    Then suddenly, all enemy disappear. Our LB is trying to push mid lane (we were on the blue side), when suddenly the enemy appear from the middle and out of the junlge and gank her from behind. My entire team kept on engaging in team fights and they always targeted Jayce, not Morgana, who was the highest level enemy and the most fed as well, not to mention that she is MORGANA!!! This allowed Morgana to have double and triple kills EVERY FIGHT. Then we all go together, we gain control over the situation, things are going in our favor. Then again something happen's. My team is pushing mid lane, I'm trying to get blue/red buffs, when the enemy appear from mid again and kill everyone from behind. Then my team KEPT on falling for the same trick again and again and again and again. It was like watching a comedy show. I asked them not to go in mid lane and put up a couple of wards if the enemy is doing the same trick again and again, but nope. We lost cause the enemy got fed with this retarded tactic. Lost a game which we should have won easily with the enemy having an underfed, underlevel AD carry and me doing some ridiculous damage (I had four items already, and two half items which should have been build in the next few mins).

    Another thing that I don't understand is that all enemy are ss, when they see one enemy in the jungle and start to run after him. Why? Why run after ONE enemy? Can't you see that it is a trap? Or don't you see it a time waste? Isn't it better to destroy turret? Don't you understand that running into an unwarded jungle is an extremely BAD idea? Destroying turrets win you the game and not killing enemies? And why not buy wards in the first place? How much do they cost? 75g each? Do you not realize that delaying your build a few seconds just cause you bought a ward can save you from ganks or help gank? Which will deny the enemy gold or get you gold? Why do people with so many games not understand this basic concept? I was the only one who bought wards from my side and as an AD carry.

    Another thing I have noticed is that whenever I play AD carry, I always get ganked in 3v1 situation right at under my turret. My support is b or somewhere I have no idea, my jungler is roaming in lala land and not coming bot to help me. Or is it me being bad? Is my team bad? Or is the enemy that well organized? So many killing sprees ended this way. I also don't understand why support keep on hitting when they know the AD carry can finish off the enemy and why they keep trying to last hit. Why is getting gear so important for a player who is support? When you don't really need that much gear and have GP5? When I am playing support, I stick with my AD carry like glue, feed them HARD, I leave everything for them to kill, CS, buff mobs, champions, everything. I leave everything for AD or AP carry to kill when I'm sure they will, not myself. I go to someone who needs help when my AD carry is in a safe situation. Why don't other people try to do this? Why are people so thirsty to see XX/0. Don't they realize getting an assist is as good as getting a kill? That KDA is kills PLUS assists divided by deaths and not just kills divided by deaths?
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  13. #993
    Recently I lost ~150 ELO after 10 lost ranked games in a row, all of them because of people on my team going AFK or getting DCs, either at the start, mid or end of the game. It feels like every other normal game is a 4v5 in favor of the opposing team.

    I can remember one time in the past month or so where I won due to a player on the opposing team getting a DC. I'm dead serious. Once.

    I'm seriously going to start tracking my wins and lossed caused by AFKs or DCs on either team. I'm not trying to say Riot has some evil scheme where they deliberately put me in teams with people with bad hardware or a history of leaving games, but I'm starting to wonder if the ratios really are as scewed as they feel...

  14. #994
    Quote Originally Posted by Mest View Post
    Recently I lost ~150 ELO after 10 lost ranked games in a row, all of them because of people on my team going AFK or getting DCs, either at the start, mid or end of the game. It feels like every other normal game is a 4v5 in favor of the opposing team.

    I can remember one time in the past month or so where I won due to a player on the opposing team getting a DC. I'm dead serious. Once.

    I'm seriously going to start tracking my wins and lossed caused by AFKs or DCs on either team. I'm not trying to say Riot has some evil scheme where they deliberately put me in teams with people with bad hardware or a history of leaving games, but I'm starting to wonder if the ratios really are as scewed as they feel...
    This is why I always take a duo partner in ranked and go on skype, communication is invaluable, especially when you are solo top and your friend is support bot. I've only played 3 ranked games in my life (played one yesterday) lost 1 and won 2 with Mundo and Shen. Trust me, find a friend and play with them, you will have much less chance of losing in endgame and may end up carrying your own team

  15. #995
    Herald of the Titans
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    If he queues with a friend that only reduces the d/c chance by having 2 people you (hopefully) know won't afk or d/c. You can't win 4v5 ever unless the team is that atrocious which I haven't seen in ranked yet. You'll either have no top, mid, jungle or it will be 2v1 bottom lane. The other team has such a gigantic advantage at this point and one of the lanes is guaranteed to get fed. I feel you on the d/c and afkers, really wish there was some sort of honor system so you usually queue with people who don't afk or dc often.

  16. #996
    Just played a game as Riven, all be it not my best going, went 10-8-14, and I got called bad because we lost by our veigar, who was mid, who wen 1-18-3. So frustrating this game is. It literally is like 2 days straight of doing nothing but winning followed by a week and a half of terrible players and straight up losses.
    Thank You Shyama for the sig again!!

  17. #997
    Quote Originally Posted by Magellanmini View Post
    This is why I always take a duo partner in ranked and go on skype, communication is invaluable, especially when you are solo top and your friend is support bot. I've only played 3 ranked games in my life (played one yesterday) lost 1 and won 2 with Mundo and Shen. Trust me, find a friend and play with them, you will have much less chance of losing in endgame and may end up carrying your own team
    I rarely play solo, got plenty of friends I play with. Although being two makes winning miles easier than being solo it does not make 4v5 winnable unless you play against people with no skill what-so-ever.

  18. #998
    Winning 6 in a row and get 10 per win, then losing 4 and somehow managing to lose it all back. /sigh finally got to where i wanted only to have Riot pull out this. I havent won 13+ elo in like 25 games.

  19. #999
    Mechagnome akts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mest View Post
    I'm seriously going to start tracking my wins and lossed caused by AFKs or DCs on either team. I'm not trying to say Riot has some evil scheme where they deliberately put me in teams with people with bad hardware or a history of leaving games, but I'm starting to wonder if the ratios really are as scewed as they feel...
    Hahaha, my feeling exacly! The problem is you dont always notice enemy AFK, since fog of war, and all.

    Doing a lot of ARAMS recently, I am sooooooooooo sad. Every game I win seems soooo easy and short and boring. Every game I lose is so fun (yes, fun!) and long, and followed by a bitter defeat just to ruin it all. OH COME ON!
    In Soviet Russia banks rob you! Oh, wait a second...

  20. #1000
    I was playing a normal as Draven, and some guy picked Nautilus, presumably to support me.

    We both go to bottom lane and I'm carefully trying to last hit minions. He, on the other hand, immediately starts attacking minions preventing me from getting many last hits. He starts yelling at me "WHY ARE YOU JUST RUNNING BACK AN DFORTH DRAVEN!?" "DO SOMETHING NOOB!" The rest of the team tells him to stop pushing the lane and support me. He allcaps "IM NOT SUPPORT DRAVEN IS NOOB"

    Of course he's pushed the lane to the enemy turret by this time and is easily ganked. Then he starts yelling at me again for having no idea how to play.


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