1. #1101
    Quote Originally Posted by crakerjack View Post
    I would share a rage story, but i'm not 12 and I don't rage over games.
    I would post something just to try to get a reaction out of you, but I'm not a 12-year old cunt.

    (I'm not calling him a cunt, I'm just saying I'm not one.)

  2. #1102
    I played a draft game with 3 friends where our two pugs were just precious. I chose Jax for top lane while my friends picked Diana jungle and Talon mid. After repeatedly saying Talon was going mid to counter their AP, one pug picks Evelynn with Surge on bottom lane and the other picks Kayle. We think, oh great but whatever, Kayle support.

    We go into game and Kayle starts freaking out on Talon that he went mid. "WTF why is talon mid?" Kayle stays in lane, eventually trying to dive their Lux under her turret and gave up first blood. About 5 minutes into the game, Evelynn says, "Someone come bot?" Kayle then decided to afk for the rest of the game at fountain, spouting out random nonsense about how he's the best champ and he can beat anyone in a duel.

    Some quotables from the Kayle: "im mid, i do all the damages" "1v1 me after this game jax if ur so good"

    Evelynn continued to ask if someone would come bot.

  3. #1103
    Lost maybe 9/10 of my latest ranked games. I'm by no means the best player, but I'm not bad at all. Me and my duo partner generally come up against bad teams, but there's always 1 person, sometimes 2, on our team who decides its smart to constantly die. They always managed to fed their strongest player aswell.

    Dropping below 1k rating soon if this carries on. Most games end with us both speechless on skype, with our heads in our hands.

  4. #1104
    Lost a game:
    I'm the Zyra player.
    Malph would take all the kills... feeling godlike > chasing Yi all around the map. Letting the rest of us get stumped.
    Diana was not in a single teamfight.
    Alistar would constantly headbut renekton or trynda in my face so... meh.
    After 30mins ... I see what YI is building... spamming in my team chat we should push fast or we will get backdoored.
    Malph ignores me ... keeps on chasing frags.
    Last teamfight.... Malph chases Trynda in ulti... while Yi backdoors us to our defeat.
    The funny thing is, I said: I'll quit LOL if we lose this one in champ screen.
    After being stuck in ELOHELL for some time now becouse of people like this ... I kinda wish I was man enough and keep that promise.

    Last edited by Epialt; 2012-08-12 at 12:20 AM.

  5. #1105
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    I would post something just to try to get a reaction out of you, but I'm not a 12-year old cunt.

    (I'm not calling him a cunt, I'm just saying I'm not one.)
    But he is one.

  6. #1106
    I wanted to go a quick bot game to get points so i could go ahead and do other stuff i had planned. Well no can do. Other lanes fed so badly that i couldnt even carry the game.
    Meanwhile our local Varus was yelling "Omg we're losing against noob players". Apparently he thought it was pvp, even saying stuff in /all. Atleast i had SOMETHING to giggle at.

  7. #1107
    I did a ranked game for once and I had a Jarvan support me. (don't ask) I had to explain to him that he couldn't push, that he should leave me the last hits, WHY he did take exhaust (I told him to) and that he should use it on Ashe.

    He was a dummy, and he didn't feed too much, he did what he had to do later on, but it was too late.

    I mean he was nice and apologized a lot, at which I said it was no problem, but still....

  8. #1108
    i really hate it when the game starts and people fight over what lanes they want to take, its like FFS just pick one before the creeps start coming!!

  9. #1109
    God i hate solo queue. When you play ad carry, you are apparently responsible for the mistakes of the support too. My soraka would run face first to a jungle lee sin to silence it, only lee had red buff, t2 boots and soraka had no boots. Happened like 2-3 times so lee could snowball. Lee starts to flex epeen how he is the best lee ever because he could land skillshots etc. All the lanes are now failing because of a fed lee ganking (0 wards on my team ofcourse, the usual) and everyone blamed me for feeding lee (i was 1/0/0 at that point) my team starts to rage in all chat, and enemy team agrees to report me for intentionally feeding because i didn't protect my soraka good enough...

  10. #1110
    Quote Originally Posted by Epialt View Post
    The funny thing is, I said: I'll quit LOL if we lose this one in champ screen.
    After being stuck in ELOHELL for some time now becouse of people like this ... I kinda wish I was man enough and keep that promise.
    I'd say that you won in champ select but lost due to bad play (greedy malph chasing instead of protecting and winning the game).

    Quote Originally Posted by Horn of Valmar View Post
    God i hate solo queue. When you play ad carry, you are apparently responsible for the mistakes of the support too. My soraka would run face first to a jungle lee sin to silence it, only lee had red buff, t2 boots and soraka had no boots. Happened like 2-3 times so lee could snowball. Lee starts to flex epeen how he is the best lee ever because he could land skillshots etc. All the lanes are now failing because of a fed lee ganking (0 wards on my team ofcourse, the usual) and everyone blamed me for feeding lee (i was 1/0/0 at that point) my team starts to rage in all chat, and enemy team agrees to report me for intentionally feeding because i didn't protect my soraka good enough...
    I hope you wrote what she did wrong after the first time and pinged back like mad. Thinking people know what they did wrong doesn't work in solo queue. you've got to make sure they know what was wrong.

    About the not protecting part: As long as you attacked Lee when he was on Soraka, you did nothing wrong

  11. #1111
    ---------- Post added 2012-08-12 at 12:28 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Epialt View Post
    Lost a game:
    I'm the Zyra player.
    Malph would take all the kills... feeling godlike > chasing Yi all around the map. Letting the rest of us get stumped.
    Diana was not in a single teamfight.
    Alistar would constantly headbut renekton or trynda in my face so... meh.
    After 30mins ... I see what YI is building... spamming in my team chat we should push fast or we will get backdoored.
    Malph ignores me ... keeps on chasing frags.
    Last teamfight.... Malph chases Trynda in ulti... while Yi backdoors us to our defeat.
    The funny thing is, I said: I'll quit LOL if we lose this one in champ screen.
    After being stuck in ELOHELL for some time now becouse of people like this ... I kinda wish I was man enough and keep that promise.

    My god...


  12. #1112
    Just had 2 players break the match for me. 3/17 Pantheon who simply sucked ass at everything as well as Udyr who thought that Leona was surely running alone with oracles at 30 min mark, Nunu is a better target to focus than Graves with 2 bars of health or Akali after GA ressurect, whose prime target for engage in every teamfight was the very same Nunu - even if Graves and Akali were completely out of position... Why do the enemy teams always know to focus the squishies first while my team bangs a Nunu for half an hour? :/

  13. #1113
    Had a game the other day where a Mundo insta locked and said he was going bottom, despite me selecting Ashe and declaring bot lane first. Him and his premade buddy, who picks Morganna, then proceed to feed the entire game, with them only getting kills after the 30 min mark, which was down solely to my premade partner who was playing Leona. Suffice to say we lost, even though we dominated top and countered several of their ganks and bossed their Irelia. Was delicious to taunt them though.

  14. #1114
    Can I please start complaining now? This team man... this team... We had a nidalee/vayne at bot, who were 0/10 by 10 minutes, and by that time... I was 6/0 against a kassadin. That's when the team fights started, and it was then I noticed why the bot lane had been feeding so badly, not only was our nidalee constantly running off on her own, she also ran into the enemy team quite often. At this point everyone was losing their temper quite badly, and people started messing things up. I tried my best to carry them, but it was just not enough as I was easily focused down by their fed miss fortune or pulled back by their blitzcrank into 5 people

  15. #1115
    Top lane losing and handed the enemy team 7 kills by 15mins
    Mid AFKS
    Im bot with Sivir playing as support Blitz. Not once did she follow up and get the kill despite the fact she was in range. She just kept farming her CS and despite me placing wards in the enemy jungle and river around bot she continues to push when the entire enemy team is coming for her.

  16. #1116
    I am newer to the game and I join a random game only knowing how to play Hercian(?) and Varus (?). When i get into the game two VERY NEW players pick them both, (I know there new because they both took revive and smite and neither was jungling. I pick Garus and I have never even tried him before and we go 0-8 in 5 minutes, no joke. Droped the game right then and there.

  17. #1117
    Quote Originally Posted by Sockmonky View Post
    I am newer to the game and I join a random game only knowing how to play Hercian(?) and Varus (?). When i get into the game two VERY NEW players pick them both, (I know there new because they both took revive and smite and neither was jungling. I pick Garus and I have never even tried him before and we go 0-8 in 5 minutes, no joke. Droped the game right then and there.
    When did Garus join the league? Isn't he suppose to be helping Shepard fight the Reapers?
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  18. #1118
    Quote Originally Posted by Waterisbest View Post
    When did Garus join the league? Isn't he suppose to be helping Shepard fight the Reapers?
    lol Didn't you hear? Reapers are all dead and with all the AIs disabled Garus had to pick up a sword and spin around in the rift to feed his family.

  19. #1119
    Bloodsail Admiral Reluctant's Avatar
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    Got horibly fed as Corki and carrying the game easily to victory but my teamwas a premade a bunch of ( insert bad word ). They kept insulting me for stealing all the kills etc and surrenderd yust to spite me while we where already in their base with all our towers up at 20 min.

    I hate premades..

  20. #1120
    I just had our Shen (who was, you know, our tank) scream at me all game for killstealing. He, of course, abandoned the lane I was in with him and insisted over and over that the rest of the team report me. I was Miss Fortune, our AD carry.

    As someone who plays tanks a lot, it makes me cringe to see tanks going way out of their way to vilify the carries for last hitting enemy champions. I'm getting us kills, dude. You're making a ton of gold via assists.

    Meanwhile, Xin and Zyra are bickering with each other near the game's end about who is killstealing from who. Considering how mad everyone got over the alleged KSing, I wouldn't be surprised if I did get reported by everyone. I really hope cases like this don't actually go before the Tribunal. It makes me cringe to think I could get in trouble purely for the stupidity of others who value their K/D ratio more than anything else.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

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