1. #1001
    The amazing thing is how they manage to get to level 30 without getting a clue.

    Also, playing Poppy vs. Singed in top is one of the most painful things I've ever done. Fuck Singed in the nuts.

  2. #1002

    was absolutely dominating top lane vs shyv, got a double kill when lee sin came to gank, was miles ahead on cs but eventually she gave up and started roaming, and my team was getting raped left and right so i was forced to jump wherever i could, resulting in shyv catching up with me on CS and kills, and they absolutely roflstomped us...
    i have no idea what i'm doing wrong, but i must be doing something bad cause i keep getting in teams like this and getting lossstreaks (was 10 wins ahead of losses only a week ago and now i'm back to negative netto ;( )

    oh and yes, that soraka is lvl 13 and has tier 1 boots after 42 min, no she did not leave or afk....
    Last edited by mmoc812a29b67c; 2012-07-27 at 09:37 PM.

  3. #1003
    Been playing support blitzcrank and having a lot of fun. Had some really wierd teams though...

    Like a Yi who kept telling me to do stupid things like put my grab into bushes we knew were empty, and oh yelling at me for not killing myself to prove some kind of point everytime he charged into the enemy players on 20% hp. Also I set up 2 perfectly good kills he ran away from for some mystery reason...

    Another team, i was doing well, not my best game but certainly nothing for anyone to complain about. Next thing some dude in mid is complaining I don't have enough kills, not assists, but kills... then proceeds to either yell at me over nothing or patronize me in capslock everytime I did something he deemed good. (saving his ass or setting him up with a kill). I ended the game on 2 kills 1 death 12 assists - which i didn't feel was worth of any real complaints.

    Another Yi (something about Yi, a lot of Yi players seem to be dicks idk...) kept telling me off for NOT killing the creeps. I pointed out it was better for him to farm and I got my gold from items and such, but he still kept yelling about it for 10 mins. I think in the end he got bored when i just ignored him.

  4. #1004
    Starting to fucking hate this game. Get into a game with Irelia wanting solo top, Heimerdinger and Lux both fighting for mid, Shaco going ad carry bottom and I decide I should probably support (which I never do) and only thing I have that's remotely supporty is Malphite so I take that. Shaco never even goes to bottom and instead goes to "help" Irelia top, which means Irelia is severely underfarmed, Shaco doesn't do shit, Lux and Heim are both underfarmed and I have to hold down both against Zyra and Cait which results in all 3 lanes totally feeding. FUCKING HELL, I thought stuff got better after spending a few months at lvl 30 but it's still filled with fuckwads

  5. #1005
    Got into a duo ranked queue, we call bot lane. Np. everything is called and sorted, we have mid + top all we need is a jungler. The retard doesn't say a word from entering the lobby and locks in Malzahar on 1s. WNGW[BGWPIWUVWKPNUWRJGBWIJVIEB9OWHY!?





    Ugh. The guy didn't speak a word of English either...


  6. #1006
    So, I played 3 games today and all of them were hell.

    **First game

    I'm left with the solo top role. I pick Urgot cause I played him solo top against Renek and Darius in another game, did very well, but the team goes, "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo, Urgot is carry". Mmm hello? Urgot is anti-carry. Anyways I leave him and pick my fav, Rumble. Team goes, "nnnnnnnnnooooooooo too many AP". Now I'm left with no one, cause I don't have that many champions for top. Forced to pick Jayce cause that's the one I know most. First PvP game as Jayce and facing Darius. Harass the shit out of him, kept on hit him with something and keeping the lane frozen. He calls for ganks (Xin), can't kill me. Xin then keeps on coming up and kept on hiding in bushes etc. Even bought pink wards to kill my wards. My junglers comes top once and Xin probably 15 times. Overall, our jungler (Wukong) played horrible, Xin kept on ganking in him in jungle and counter-jungling him.

    However all the harassing and not dying was a matter of time when it was about to change. Darius and Xin finally get the levels to dive me, and they get 3 kills on me this way. I kill Darius and Xin once. But Xin/Vayne/Brand/Mal were all fed pretty much. All of them except Mal were two levels ahead of all of us. I ended up with a horrible score overall and lost the game.

    **Second game

    I'm Tris and have Blitz as support. My first prey? Let Blitz be a good Blitz. He was. Around 10 mins I was 7/0/1. Their jungler tried to gank me, killed him. Their Ahri tried to gank me, killed her. Rapped their carry and support. Farm extremely well. Wanna know why the game was bad? Our Noc didn't even connect to the game. No matter how much I'm fed, I can't carry 4v5 as Tris cause her mid game is not so strong.

    Had to surrender. Every on their team said gg but their Mundo goes "HAHAHAHAHA" "LOSERS" "QUITTERS" "SCARED OF ME". WTF? 4v5 and this is how you act when the score is heavily in our favor?

    Sad to see him behave like that cause I love Mundo.

    **Third game


    Our Kayle went mid. Karthus went bot with Akali, me and Vayne top. Akali kept on calling everyone kids, noobs, egotistical idiots and that we are skipping school to play LoL. This is when no one said anything whatsoever. Kayle kept on agreeing with her and calling others noobs. She then said nobody is talking because no one understands English. Maybe no one wants to feed the trolls??

    Vayne gets FB cause of me (Skarner). But her play style was very unique. I felt something was wrong cause she was really hesitant in attacking the bots, only going in after I attack. Stopped when I stopped. This made bots escape with very low health alot of time when Vayne could have easily killed them (I normally leave the kills to ranged so I don't get unnecessary turret hits). Anyways. Kayle dies to Cass. I feel it's a one off. Nope, she dies again. And again. She feeds Cass hard. Bot Akali and Karthus dying to Soraka and Ashe.

    I go around to help, Vayne comes with me. She is doing the same thing. Because of this, I die. Ask her to constantly attack the bots when I'm tanking. She sticks with me, did what I told her, ends up with a score of 22/6/17 and getting legendary twice. Found out she was level 5 after the game ended. Fair enough.

    Our Akali had 10 deaths and our Kayle had 20. Karthus died 9 times. I died 4 times. They fed Cass hard. I shut her down. They feed her again. Shut her down again. In the end, Cass bot ended with the score of 25/8/17. A freaking bot. Akali and Kayle kept on calling her OP and talking trash to us.

    How did I die 4 times? I'm fighting two or three bots and Akali just keeps on hiding. Doesn't help me at all. When I die, she comes in to take down the remaining hp of bots and die in the process sometimes. This is not the first time I have seen someone do this. It's becoming extremely annoying. Why the hell do people do this? What do they get from such big douches? When she sees that I have become "immortal" and now taking down bots with easy, she comes in and last hits. She kept on doing this again and again. Our Karthus keeps on using his ulti when someone brings down a bot to low hp and doesn't get a kill cause that bot gets killed before the ulti hits. Kayle can't kill a single bot and is not sticking to the team at all.

    Overall I wasted 52 mins on a bot game when I wanted to have a quick game. It should have been a quick game if people simply listened and cooperated but they thought they were pros and everyone else were an idiot. Akali and Karthus were level 30s with 300+ games each and Kayle was freaking level 10 player who thought he was a fucking pro. Maybe should have learned something from the Vayne who listened and improved.

    In the bot game I played yesterday, people kept on leaving kills for others and if they leave a kill for someone and their dot kills the bot, they apologized and today this -.-
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  7. #1007
    Stood in the Fire Ispamx's Avatar
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    A few days old but:

    I got very fed off their mid (about 7/0) but the rest of my team was feeding every single lane. They started ganking me and I just got even more fed. I could burst one of them down easy, but when the overall score was something like 17/40, with me being there for 16 of the kills, there is only so much carrying you can do.

  8. #1008
    first ranked game we tried to invade their blue but ww suddenly runs into them without communication leading first blood for them -_- when taric shouldve lead....then that same ww leaves the game and loses 14 ELO!!! yes i mean 14!!! when it was 4v5.......oh my final score was 8-3-7......

    and lost 2 other ranked games..... feed ad is so hard to win against -_- when hes graves espicially
    http://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=dw+soul+roc in oceanic now Lol

    5172-1206-0622 pokemon FC Lets Battle!!

  9. #1009
    Stood in the Fire Ispamx's Avatar
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    I know I just posted but I am extremely frustrated right now. If someone times out and gets given a random champion you should be able to queue dodge without a time penalty. 5 minutes is not much, but when it happens twice in a row, you incur a 15 minute penalty. That is a total of about 24 minutes wasted, enough time for half a game or an entire surrender at 20 game, just because some people at asshats that join champion select and go afk. I just queue'd with about an hour before I have to go, hoping for a normal game, regardless of if we won or lost. I did not want a 4v5 but and now I don't have enough time to play a game. This is extremely frustrating. I think this video sums it up quite nicely.


  10. #1010
    last night I had a game as leona, in which I went 1/9/9 laned with Varus. I'll admit it wasn't my best game or anything and I saw the mistakes I was making but damn this Varus was bad. At lvl 3 (when I get my E) I hit my E on trist (who was already about 1/2 health) with the explosion from my W and my stun bringing her down to about 10% and Varus who couldn't even finish her off because his damage was low... end result I die because both Sona and Trist focus me down and Varus doesn't even fire 2 shots or even his Q and starts complaining why I went in.

    Same game same ADC. We have a fight in bot river by dragon. Our jungle(Shyvana), Darius and myself we take down their veigar and riven. The rest of the teams come except Varius still farming creep instead of helping in a teamfight. Darius goes down, Shyvana escapes to bot lane with rest of there team chasing her and I escape up through our jungle back to bot lane 1st tower with Varus a little in between the tower and the river mouth where shyvana is at. So Shyvana still alive Varus still hitting creep so I get around and charge in to try to save shyvana ,thinking Varus is going to ult (which was up) and do something, so both me and shvyana die and then goes in and said I baited him into going in. At that point, I just facepalmed .....

  11. #1011
    Just had a game with the biggest tard ever...

    He picked trynd and wanted to mid and told our ap carry to do top.. so he did
    trynd got laned againt talon and failed hard died twice and stood in the back with low health giving talon the chance to farm minions easily.. he then wanted to switch with ahri and went top where he died to garen..

    their Naut / garen went thornmail
    and they had a fed talon that could pretty much kill us all
    + a lux to stunlock

    the only enemie he could kill was kog'maw

    we then lost hard since we now had a useless ad carry because of the thornmails and a useless trynd that couldn't do shit because he got countered so hard
    Srsly Trynd is prob the most useless champion ever.. he is easily countered and he just plain sucks.. all he can do is use melee and a thornmail + exhaust counters him in 2 sec.
    Thanks you retarded trynd player for losing us this ranked game.. quess this is why your at 1200 rating with 700+ ranked games played
    Last edited by mmocc06943eaac; 2012-07-30 at 09:56 PM.

  12. #1012
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by agnow View Post
    Just had a game with the biggest tard ever...

    He picked trynd and wanted to mid and told our ap carry to do top.. so he did
    trynd got laned againt talon and failed hard died twice and stood in the back with low health giving talon the chance to farm minions easily.. he then wanted to switch with ahri and went top where he died to garen..

    their Naut / garen went thornmail
    and they had a fed talon that could pretty much kill us all
    + a lux to stunlock

    the only enemie he could kill was kog'maw

    we then lost hard since we now had a useless ad carry because of the thornmails and a useless trynd that couldn't do shit because he got countered so hard
    Srsly Trynd is prob the most useless champion ever.. he is easily countered and he just plain sucks.. all he can do is use melee and a thornmail + exhaust counters him in 2 sec.
    Thanks you retarded trynd player for losing us this ranked game.. quess this is why your at 1200 rating with 700+ ranked games played
    Trynd either gets fed or he feeds. He always will fall on the extreme ends of the spectrum. He can snowball like no other and is capable of destroying, or he can be useless and do nothing. There are much more useless characters in the game though.

  13. #1013
    You just need a champ with a stun or use exhaust and he is countered not rly hard.. and when the trynd is one of the first to pikc the rest of the enemy team can just pick counters

  14. #1014
    I remember when Trynd was OP and everyone was whining about him With all the new top champions he fell down so hard already, even if they hadn't nerfed his ass off.

  15. #1015
    Quote Originally Posted by Maelle View Post
    yelling at me for not killing myself to prove some kind of point everytime he charged into the enemy players on 20% hp.
    I think this irks me more than anything. People who run into a bad situation and scream at me for not wanting to follow them into a death trap. It's especially bad when a super squishy character charges in and then wonders why I didn't take that as a good idea to follow through with.

    Your Lux at 25% health shouldn't be running ahead to facecheck a bush.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  16. #1016
    I had a Varus, me playing Taric support, have 40 cs before 25 mins, as well as be 2/7/3 within the first 15. -_-.

  17. #1017
    Non-ranked solo game (I don't know why I bother)
    Two players from my team walking their champions from our nexus to the enemies nexus not attacking anything seeing if they could make it....

  18. #1018
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    I remember when Trynd was OP and everyone was whining about him With all the new top champions he fell down so hard already, even if they hadn't nerfed his ass off.
    I had to lane top against Tryn and Malphite last night, and I was bricking it. I was Rumble though, and at around level 6 I could whittle them down so quickly and then go in for snipey kills. So much fun!

  19. #1019
    Had a turd of a game. Playing extremely well and tbh against very poor opponents, we lost cause some people on our team were so much of a, well, what would you call them, mmm, wankers.

    Winning my lane against Zyra. Killed her twice. Get two levels ahead of her. Farmed more then her. Roamed. Bot played well, getting kills and getting the turret. But then team fights broke out and our Shen refused to join them cause he thought we didn't "care" for his life. He gave away first blood when he knew he was going to face two people top, still went on to check the brush facefirst. Then he got a double kill from Malphite's help. After that, when Malphite came top to HOLD the tower, Shen decides to attack with half hp (both opponents were almost full and one was Olaf). Shen dies, Malphite runs away with very low hp. We loose the tower, Shen blames Malp.

    It was pretty clear the enemy team was a premade, had a weird setup of Corki/Tris (with smite O.o) bot. Jayce and Olaf top. They kept on hiding in the brush and knew all our movements. Our Zilean didn't buy a single ward, even though he knew they will attack us from the jungle all the time. When I asked him to ward, he bought one ward, ONE. When I warn Malp not to face check the mid brush, cause we both knew they were hiding there, he still goes on to check it, dies. I ask why the hell he didn't listen, he goes afk.

    Our Ashe kept on whining about KS. Our Shen kept on farming at the top inner turret (even when I ask him to go hold the middle turret, which he could have done easily, he doesn't listen).

    It makes me angry cause it was an easy game. No disrespect to the enemy, but they were all about 2 levels behind everyone on our team and had much less farm. A few wards and we would have easily win in a 5v5 team fight (which we did when we had one 5v5, actually 4v5, Shen joined later on cause he saw almost all enemies with very low hp).

    Had to surrender what was a very likely win.
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  20. #1020
    God seriously, sometimes i hate this game so hard. So my game starts good, our jungler ganks top and our top gets fb. then he ganks mid, and mid is killed too while i get double at bot. Then our top and mid (wich were premade) both die when their opponents get back, and blame our jungler. They keep dieing over and ove, almost looked like it was intentionally, and keep crying our jungler doesn't gank (they died like 2 sec after they came in lane so he couldn't gank). Then mid and top start camping bot with their jungler, our top and mid just stay in their lanes and they don't even push it, our jungler comes to help and we die in a 3v5 dive. At this moment our mid and top start to cry we are losing because of us (jungler at 0/1/3, me ad carry at 3/1/0, support at 0/1/3, mid at 1/8/0 and top at 1/9/0), enemy team agrees with them, call us noobs and me, support and jungler got reported by the entire enemy team, because we didn't help top and mid enough, and we should be able to handle a 5v3 dive because we had a turret (they had a mundo tanking it) I've never been so close to go full rage mode, I was really, really fcking pissed after this game. What I don't understand is (judging by our top and mid's match history) is that they do this every game but they aren't banned yet? does the tribunal even work or does riot only ban some random people? :/

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