1. #1721
    Just played swain mid was doing great until the top and bottom teams started screaming at each other and stop working together so yea we lost because of that. They began intentionally feeding and not helping each other out then asking for surrender at 20min. Mind u this all happened within 3min at start

  2. #1722
    Herald of the Titans Kuthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Junglers that think it's their job to just farm are the worst jungler that exists in LoL imo. Enemy jungler is picking two lanes to camp so that both are forced to their turrets, so the enemy is way overextended. However the jungler chooses to ignore that and just keeps on farming. They also decided that the mid laner should tank wolves for them so mid has to back after that.

    You always have people showing sympathy for any jungler, which makes it even more annoying. It is the jungler's fault if they let multiple lanes be pushed to the turret without any action taken at all. It just makes the guy not care about being ganked and play even more aggressive. Just because you have a camp up, doesn't mean you need to clear it asap. Go pick a lane if you just want to farm and leave jungling to people who will actually make an effort to do something.
    ^Actually relates to my story. But I 100% agree.
    Bad junglers are the worst people ever.
    That's why I always jungle in ranked, so I don't let my team down.

    My story. Not my team, bad enemy jungler.
    So I'm like, I'ma be old school and play King Rammus.
    Top wards enemy red, so I go to steal it and kill him (Enemy jungler is an AD YI). I screw up and go to early, steal red but Yi gets away with 20hp.
    Go and gank top successfully.
    Keep jungling, steal YI's next blue, then I keep ganking.
    So by now I'm 1/0/5 and Yi is 0/0/0.
    Now he starts going out about how I'm such a 'tryhard gaming f@g!' because I counterjungle and gank.
    I'm at like 50cs and he's at like 80, so he reckon he's topshiz.
    Then he goes on about how he just came back from DoTA2 to see if the game wasn't boring anymore. Bad team play gives him some kills but he keeps going on about how much the game sucks.
    Proceeds to say how Farming > Skill in this game. This is coming from someone saying they play DoTA all the time. Proceeds with this rant for about 10mins, while arguing with me about me saying that I'd like to see a fed Yi beat the whole enemy team at the same level, compared to say Ursa or PA in DoTA win a 1v5.
    Rages for the rest of the game at his team and their team.

    Got me in such a bad mood, was fun watching him die to my W and Thornmail while I taunted him, proceeding to say I'm a noob champion and I have no skill compared to YI.

    We stopped searching for monsters under our beds when we realized that they were inside us.

    Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

  3. #1723
    So recently i played a game as jungle Lee Sin... We were all a bit worried that we might have a troll in our team because our Alistars name was WTF TROLL OMG... True enough he was. He bought usual stuff went down mid lane and started fighting Heimer right away.. Seemed like he was going to feed but he enabled Kass to take the kill... Didn't even die himself. Then later he just runs through towers with ult on... All alone but feed he can not because Kass is so fed at this point that a pulverize enables him to oneshot heimer and whoever is around.

    So after i have helped top and bot lane to become quite fed (Caitlyn was solo bot due to the roaming alistar.) He disconnected due to his lack of skill in trolling.. So we actually won because of a troll alistar... Oh and btw he had promote...

  4. #1724
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    You always have people showing sympathy for any jungler, which makes it even more annoying.
    Nah, people just see it from several peoples' perspectives. Everyone agrees that a jungler who just stays in the jungle is a total moron.

    Also Kuthe, that Yi was hilarious to read about. You shoulda just said something like "your suffering feeds me" and stuff. The best way to handle kids is either just ignoring them or acting unrelentingly crazy.

  5. #1725
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    Junglers that think it's their job to just farm are the worst jungler that exists in LoL imo. Enemy jungler is picking two lanes to camp so that both are forced to their turrets, so the enemy is way overextended. However the jungler chooses to ignore that and just keeps on farming. They also decided that the mid laner should tank wolves for them so mid has to back after that.

    You always have people showing sympathy for any jungler, which makes it even more annoying. It is the jungler's fault if they let multiple lanes be pushed to the turret without any action taken at all. It just makes the guy not care about being ganked and play even more aggressive. Just because you have a camp up, doesn't mean you need to clear it asap. Go pick a lane if you just want to farm and leave jungling to people who will actually make an effort to do something.
    Disagree entirely. Some junglers aren't ganking junglers. Some junglers excel at counter jungling (Nunu for example) and so their job is to shut down the enemy jungler so they become creep starved and can't gank. Some junglers (Shyv, Fiora) are meant to farm and build powerful items for a strong late game. And some junglers are meant to gank.

    Even though you may have a jungler, it is still your job to win your own lane. Relying on a jungler to win your lane is the worst thing a laner can do. If you're having a tough time, then ask for a gank. If they can't gank, then play passive and farm at your tower. For a great many games now I take a junglers actions on my lane to be a bonus, not an expectation. And because of that, I win more games.

  6. #1726
    Except if your jungler plays passive you're lanes are gonna get tower dived in 2/3/4 vs 1/2 because the enemy will know their is no jungle presence to stop them.

  7. #1727
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Except if your jungler plays passive you're lanes are gonna get tower dived in 2/3/4 vs 1/2 because the enemy will know their is no jungle presence to stop them.
    Mmm they tower dive even if the jungler is active, why shouldn't they?
    Jungler1 gank top, jungler2/mid/bot tower dive bot.

    Is not the jungler who can avoid that but for example mid could follow instead of just writing SS.

  8. #1728
    Your jungle presence forces them to keep the lane back and helps cut down on roaming, theyre less likely to roam if they suspect they'll walk into you in the middle of the river and less likely to dive if their is a chance a 2v1 will suddenly become 2v2 because you were either counter ganking or preparing to gank. 1 or 2 tower dives gone horribly wrong will cut down on roaming and diving hugely, people will be more likely to sit in the lane.

  9. #1729
    Fake ganks can sort that then. Run into the lane, but with the intention of pushing them back, and then go right back to farming in the jungle. Most laners only see ganks that end in enemy kills as being successful. In a lot of situations, I see pushing an enemy out of lane as being successful.

  10. #1730
    Even though Nunu is an excellent counterjungler, he is also a very good ganker. He increases the speed of whoevers lane you are ganking and you drastically slow the opponents speed. And if you want to towerdive, you run in, press your ult, and watch them panic. Aw yeah. He really isn't all that good at farm jungling due to cd on consume and his otherwise slow clearspeed.

  11. #1731
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    In the jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    Even though Nunu is an excellent counterjungler, he is also a very good ganker. He increases the speed of whoevers lane you are ganking and you drastically slow the opponents speed. And if you want to towerdive, you run in, press your ult, and watch them panic. Aw yeah. He really isn't all that good at farm jungling due to cd on consume and his otherwise slow clearspeed.
    Exactly this, I've been able to tower dive at lv 4 with Nunu. Consume an enemy minion and you get a bit of extra life while tower diving, his ganks are godly in fact they nerfed his E a few patches ago to 3 seconds instead of 4. You literally with blue buff could keep them slowed 100% of the time with the 4 second slow.
    Hey everyone

  12. #1732
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    Fake ganks can sort that then. Run into the lane, but with the intention of pushing them back, and then go right back to farming in the jungle. Most laners only see ganks that end in enemy kills as being successful. In a lot of situations, I see pushing an enemy out of lane as being successful.
    I really value a jungler who does this, just to show his face, even if he can't gank, to spook them and let us gain ground again I'm very polite and always thank him!

    Also making them waste a flash is always good too

  13. #1733
    Welp, this match his starting good. Enemy 1st pick takes leona, 3rd takes Corki. Our 4th takes Blitz in response and later on our 5th takes Vayne to complement the terrible picks. T.T

    Well, won this match regardless of bot getting destroyed so hard it was silly. As it turns out, Rumble tears an Irelia a new one without much difficulty.
    Last edited by mmocab3a46fee3; 2012-11-27 at 08:11 PM. Reason: This was not supposed to be a quote reply.

  14. #1734
    Just played a game where I went katarina because I had to mid and shes the only one I felt competent on, and I got counterpicked so played against diana. After 15 minutes I am up 2 kills and 2 assists and 50 cs and our toplaner decides that its my fault that we're losing, because katarina is a noob champion played by 14 year old boys named Kevin (his exact words believe it or not, with typos here and there). Never mind the fact that our amumu was afk for 5 minutes and came back and fed 10 kills in 15 minutes. Nope, it was all my fault and he raged his lungs out.

    I hate this game sometimes.

  15. #1735
    Oh god... if I have to support one more carry that feeds vayne I will uninstall this game in sheer facepalming irritation. 4 games already this week carry with a deathwish just making terrible, stupid plays and giving away kills, then instead of learning just feeding more and more... until vayne is this monster that wrecks the team while our carry is totally ineffectual <.<

  16. #1736
    Placement match, player calls ADc, goes Vayne and mentions midgame that it's his first time playing Vayne. 56 CS at 20min with a Dagger and Merc Boots. FKing GG

    Edit: Totally hillarious to write that after your post

  17. #1737
    So I've been told that in a team with:

    I can't engage with leona as there is no such a role as support tank.


  18. #1738
    I hate cunts who just instalocks Shen because they think he's strong. I mean, DO YOU EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHY HE'S STRONG? HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

    I had to explain to this dimwitted fuck why Shen's so fucking strong and constantly banned. Are you seriously joking with me? The fucker didn't even TRY and splitpush. He'd stay stacked up with the team and just ulti our ADC as the fight broke out. Instead of just splitpushing, creating more pressure on the enemy team. But noooooo.

    Oh, and we had a Leona, and J4. No one fucking engaged. Ever. I thought "Hey, we have sick engage, I can go Katarina and rape 'em around a bit". NOPE. No one engaged. Not once. The only fights we won was when I caught out their retard Elise. But beyond that, nothing else fucking happened.

    LEARN TO FUCKING ENGAGE YOU MORONS. Holy shit. You have a massive AoE taunt? FUCKING ENGAGE IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA SPLITPUSH. You have a massive AoE stun, single target stun and gap-closer root? FUCKING ENGAGE YOU BLOODY MORON. You have a massive AoE gap-closer knock-up and can lock squishies in forcing flash? FUCKING ENGAGE YOU IDIOT.

  19. #1739
    People can't engage for !@#$, they expect some ultra tank with 10k hp to go in and take all enemies on.
    Or they choose to engage in 2v4 or something like that.
    (Sona flashing IN enemy team and stunning only 2, GENIUS!)

    But then there are people who can engage and have tools to, then you have amazing fight and most likely just crush the enemy team. (Also, Sejuani, Jarvan, Brand ulti... gg)

  20. #1740
    Ah here again... ranked game, jax and teemo have queued together, teemo goes top, Jax calls jungle.

    Jax now duo lanes with teemo after 1 round of jungle farm. No other lane sees the guy... at 21 mins I ask why we have no ganks bot when their jungler has been down 4 times, answer from teemo:

    SHUT UP FAGS OMG WE PUSH TOP HARD I NEED HELP !!11!!! (he flames like this all game)

    yeah... needless to say yes they killed toplane hard, till he just left that lane and then ran about with their jungle with moaki raping the other two lanes while teemo and jax creep farm top and ignore everything happening.

    Teemo tries to intiate teamfights and gets roflstomped, blames us, jax builds damage but focuses their tanks and ignores the squishies... every teamfight ended with them on low hp, all of them, while they have focused us down one by one. I should have left when I saw a teemo player ... they are almost all raging bads.

    At least our bot and middle played well, just idiotic premades as usual...

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