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  1. #61

    SO we have a good teamcomp in champ select. Me mid as Swain, a Riven top, Vayne bot and well .. a Yi jungling with 1 person still having to decide. So for some reason this person decides to take Eve with flash + Ignite and instalock saying top. At which point our Riven is going crazy of course, then she says she'll jsut go top, mid and bot all together winning the game. At this point my brains tell me to just alt-f4 but my hangover refuses. Riven changed to a Cho'gath and we get into the game. Because retards pick Eve, and retards have bad computers, our Eve has been DC'ed for about 9 minutes or so. I changed from mid to top because Cho wanted to lane against their Lux and Vayne has to solo lane against a Eve/Graves combo, making her useless. Obviously our mid and bot were losing their lanes while our Yi still hasn't said a single word the entire match. He's literally running around in his jungle NEVER ganking a lane whatsoever. Suddenly our Eve reconnects, blames us because "all lanes are lost, noobs!" dies a few times because she's level 1 and the rest is 7-10. And quits the game.

    At this point I just returned to base, went afk and instaignored half my team. 16:52 minutes of precious gametime wasted for at least 3 people (and I have no idea why people find winning a game against an AFK team fun), because of 1 single person. Some people just deserve to be shot, twice.

  2. #62
    I joined my second ranked game (just hit 30 today) and we debated in the lobby screen as to who would do what. Fiora was going to go bottom so that Rumble could counter Riven @ top. I was jungling Mundo against a Shaco, and our mid was Katarina vs Kennen. The Fiora went top and ignored us telling him to go to bot, so our support, Janna, had to solo bot for a good 15 minutes. We still wound up winning, but that was retarded.

  3. #63
    So we get an isntalocking Leona + Ashe bot. I said "Are you a pre-made-fuck-up bot lane, because my last 3 botlanes couldn't stop feeding". They, pro as they were, "Hell no, last team surrendered at 20 because my Ashe was massively fed".

    We lost at 37 minutes, had 32 teamdeaths, where 20 of them were from ... Leona and Ashe! Apparently it was my fault, the jungler who had THE most Kills, THE most assists, THE fewest deaths and THE most gold.

  4. #64
    I just had a horrible game jungling as Warwick. Our Sion went top with Garen and refused to go bot with Morgana. She had to face Dr. Mundo and Ashe alone and they killed her so fast that I couldn't even gank them properly. I hate people.

  5. #65
    First it looked like great game, we were going crush the enemy team. Our kog got double kill at 1:30 mark and I was generally happy about my team.
    Then the game went on and shit happened

    Needless to say I reported them all

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-08 at 10:59 PM ----------

    Here we go again...
    I was snowballing pretty hard at the start of the game and kata who said at the start "Dont feed guys!11!!" started to feed. Pretty ironic i tell ya.

  6. #66
    Oh god damnit, I hate elo hell.

    Like everyone at some point, I said elo hell doesnt exist. Then I did a ranked.

    We needed an AD carry, cool, I play a pretty decent AD carry, I like Ashe in solo queue because you can initiate and you dont need anyone to peel for you (as much as other carries). So cool. I pick ashe. The support locks in Karma. I facepalmed right there and begged her not to. She does anyway.

    She then gives up first blood quickly by wondering into their jungle (before minions have spawned) 'to ward'. Surprise surprise, she runs into 5 of them and is killed. Yay, first blood with 4 assists. Awesome. But, yknow, we've all been FBed before, its fine, maybe she'll be good.

    She comes into lane and begins autoattacking minions. I tell her not to so she stops for 5 seconds before going back to it again. Before long she is 1-7 from doing stupid shit, never buys any wards (so I have to) and is just generally retarded. My CS ends up bad (HOW do you last hit under the turret when someone is stood there autoattacking?), but still somehow better than the rest of my team. Vayne (their AD carry) snowballs from Karmas feeding, kills everyone lategame.

    Oh and did I mention that with 3 inhibs down (basically a 5v4 due to Karma) my team still votes no to surrender while they toy with us. Yeah, really.

    I hate how 1 person can instantly lose you a game, 1 incompetent moron, and bam, you instalose. And why did she have to be in my lane?
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  7. #67
    *random guy instalocks talon*
    guy: "mid"
    me: "need ap top then"
    guy: "anyone know how to build talon?"

    Well, just had another fucking idiot team. Some guy instalocks LeBlanc (my main) with heal ignite. Another guy instalocks Wukong with Clarity Ignite. A third guy instalocks mundo with ghost smite. Mundo has smite, so I assume he's jungling with Wukong solo top, right? The fourth guy picks Karma but doesn't lock in. I pick Sivir but don't lock in. I assume this is what we're gonna roll, so I just lock in, seeing theres 8 seconds or whatever left. Nope, the guy changes to Shen with 3 seconds left. Then he gives up FB, DCs, comes back 10 minutes later, takes all my CS, still feeds. The LeBlanc rushed Mejai's and is 0-4-0 at 10 minutes. The mundo switched from ghost smite to ghost flash... So now he's top. Wukong is roaming and taking everyone's exp. He dies to red twice. I'm 0-2-0 by 20 minutes because our team has not gotten a kill and their team has 22. I left. I couldn't handle it.
    Last edited by Malgru; 2012-04-09 at 11:39 PM.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Malgru View Post
    *random guy instalocks talon*
    guy: "mid"
    me: "need ap top then"
    guy: "anyone know how to build talon?"

    Could anyone at least try out a bot game with a champion they've got no clue of how to play? Sure, I've queued a normal with a hero I somewhat knew how worked with a guide on 2nd monitor as guideline, but this? :|

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdruidelf View Post
    Damn I hate jungling sometimes.

    Can I just make some things clear, yes, this will be a QQ rant, but I am pretty pissed. A. If you go 0-20 in lane, thats YOUR fault, not 'Omg noob jungler never ganks'. B. Junglers are not there to be your personal ganking bitches. I am not going to sit there and babysit your lane for an hour. The reason a jungler is there is that it creates a fourth lane allowing for another solo lane which means more global exp, gold and no one having to share creeps. I'm not there to babysit and I'm not going to. C. If you push, either ward or dont bitch about getting ganked and not getting ganks. Go play a jungler and try and gank a pushed lane, then you'll understand. D. Spam ping at me and I'll do directly the opposite of what you're saying. I'm not your servant, dont just whistle and expect me to come running. It doesn't work like that.

    It annoys me so much how you can go 8-1 as a jungler and yet get reported by the premade down bot who are both 0-5 because apparently you're the noob. Its your lane, you lose it, guess who's fault it is?
    Had this again 2 days ago. All lanes lose, I get blamed for not ganking (got 3 kills by ganking). If everyone loses I pick the lane that is most gankable and needs me most, in this case top, and the shitty carry bot blames me for losing HIS lane, even though he wasn't even far behind :/

  10. #70
    Sometimes I just want to throw the keyboard out of my window...

    Top: WW vs Malph
    Mid: Morg vs Ahri
    Bot: Lulu/Kog vs Lulu/ez
    Jungle: Rammus vs roaming eve

    I was kog. Game starts lulu buys a DORANS RING. goes to lane, gets harrassed recalls -> I get zoned. She comes back stats that i suck at lasthitting (how can I lasthit when i'm forced to sit under my tower?...) and starts "lasthitting" aka spamming spells and autoattacks on the creeps and makes it nearly impossible to lasthit and pushes the lane. Obviously easy to gank so eve comes, gets some kills and somehow we even manage to kill some of them.

    By midgame like every champ was already bot to gank. Even ww from top and every time they took tons of creeps (rammus managed to miss 9/12 lasthits in one push). Due to ww roaming malph happily freefarms top, gets a FH and a DFG and teamfights start. We still don't have an oracle although I begged rammus and ww to get one and it happens what had to happen: Eve (with a DFG as well) and malph instantgib me 2-3 fights (lulu shield or ult? nope. why protect the ad carry...) and I'm blamed for losing all the fights.

    After the enemy team got baronbuff ww flash ults EZ (no threat) but to get to him I'd have to run right besides malph and ahri. Obviously a bad idea -> kill ahri, tanks die (oh wait.... i heard the enemy team got AP dmg... let's build FH/randuins [ww] or thornmail/sunfire/atmas [rammus]) and who is to blame again? me.

    Sure I couldn't do a lot this game... but what do these guys expect... the tanks neither protect nor survive anything (stack more armor vs ap!) and eve + malph can burst a kog down in no time at all. It could have been so easy. Somehow I was always ahead of their ez and all I needed to survive was a doubleshield vs the doubleap burst and most likely even a lulu ult but then they'd have wasted everything on me and I'd be still alive to kill people... sadly all i could do in teamfights was ult in, throw a slow down and hope I hit eve or i'd run around in my exploding form instantly.

  11. #71
    I just need to vent one thing.


    I've lost all my games today except one. Why is Ashe so god damn popular? Is it because she's good? Easy to play? People think she's cool? She pisses me off.

    I mean, I don't wanna sound like a baby, but Ashe is the root of evil in LoL for me. I just can't take her. She prevents all justice for me.

  12. #72
    I picked Kayle jungle. Went into game. Everyone on my team went AFK because they refused to play with a Kayle jungle.

    I'm sorry, wut? Oh, and they spammed /all for 20 minutes. Like, nonstop. Quite obv a premade.

    They reported me for feeding when I died once to 5 people at the tower. :\

  13. #73
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    I just need to vent one thing.


    I've lost all my games today except one. Why is Ashe so god damn popular? Is it because she's good? Easy to play? People think she's cool? She pisses me off.

    I mean, I don't wanna sound like a baby, but Ashe is the root of evil in LoL for me. I just can't take her. She prevents all justice for me.
    First game of the day, I win. Despite support Nunu grabbing half of the last hits and running in like he's John Rambo himself.

    Anyway, wasn't a bad game, but wanted to chip on Ashe. Tried her during the free week. I don't like her. At all. She -needs- her slowing arrow or she's completely dead. She's slow, has no outs and low burst damage. Get a gank on her and jump on her with Corki, Tristana or Graves and she's dead.

  14. #74
    3v3 i play shaco both players on my team dont speak english gg

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    First game of the day, I win. Despite support Nunu grabbing half of the last hits and running in like he's John Rambo himself.

    Anyway, wasn't a bad game, but wanted to chip on Ashe. Tried her during the free week. I don't like her. At all. She -needs- her slowing arrow or she's completely dead. She's slow, has no outs and low burst damage. Get a gank on her and jump on her with Corki, Tristana or Graves and she's dead.
    Like most AD carries she doesn't have burst no, since she's an AD carry really. But she has very high damage, like any AD carry once again. Perma single target slow, vision, extra gold and what is imo probably the best ultimate any AD carry has. Sure she doesn't have a dash or hard CC or whatever, but she's good at what she does. Massive sustained damage, AoE slow and DAT ULTI.

  16. #76
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Her damage is less than that of pretty much any other AD, as she has no steroid. As a trade-off, she has far more CC and utility than any other AD. Even if she gets shut down, once she hits lvl 6 that Ulti will still make a difference on a semi-competent Ashe.

    She's easy to shut down in lane though.

  17. #77
    Yeah, Ashe is easy to shut down if you play right, which my friends do not (aka CHARGE IN AND GET PERMA-SLOW'D TO DEATH).

    I just find her SO ANNOYING. Like, all she does is slow you. When you run to her, and when you run away from her. I just have a bad habit of being annoyed at low-difficulty champs like her and Master Yi. I just find them too easy to play good. But that just shows I need to learn more and play better.

  18. #78
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    In all honesty, Ashe is probably the second most difficult AD carry to play well. Exactly because she has no escape, no steroid and only CC she has to position very very well. She can't just turret down someone like Kog'maw can (who is equally lacking in escapes but comes with a slow as well).

  19. #79
    That's just why it annoys me, because she can basically not do that much at all.
    Quite frankly, if they just gave her an escape-mechanism, I'd be happy.

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    That's just why it annoys me, because she can basically not do that much at all.
    Quite frankly, if they just gave her an escape-mechanism, I'd be happy.
    You make no sense, you tell us she's easy to play good. Then want to give her an escape-mechanism. Ashe perhaps does less damage because she only has 1 source of damage and that's autoattacks. Near mid/end-game her W doesn't do damage anymore, her E doesn't do damage, her Q doesn't do damage and her ulti barely does any damage. Every other AD carry has some sort of extra skills: headshots, energy balls, condemn, true damage etc. But they don't have anywhere near the (AoE) CC that Ashe has.

    I don't see how you can jsut shut her down early game though, just play her defensive, harass only when you know you can win the trade, W harass which does relative nice damage and barely cost any mana, and like in any lane: don't make an easy gank target. Once you're 6 you can basically help every lane with your ulti. Your own lane suddenly has permaslow combined with that ulti, which is brilliant to set-up ganks.

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