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  1. #21
    Evelynn, Karma, Gragas, Anivia and Sejuani and the champions I see played the least. Then Yorick, Viktor, Kayle and Galio seem quite rare as well.

    As for most? No idea, most of the top tier champions are played regularly.

  2. #22
    Cassiopiea is insanely popular atm.

    She is banned/picked most games, and I rarely see her lose lane.

  3. #23
    I play Gragas quite often, would even say I'm quite good with him. I've also played a bit of Trundle and Rumble, which I don't see very often. I've never seen Evelynn either. I've seen Viktor maybe two times, same with Yorick.

    Most picked are definitely Master Yi, Ashe, Garen, Annie, and those, which I think is because how easy it is to play them.

  4. #24
    In around 1500 elo I rarely see Karma, but she's the only one that stands out. I do notice a lot of the new champions get picked less after a week or so : /

  5. #25
    I havent seen Heimerdinger around lately, well he never was a popular pick to begin with but these days nobody plays him

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  6. #26
    The Patient
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Least picked for me is Karma almost never see her and Akali it seems (I see Eve a lot as a friend plays her occasionally)

    Most seen: Probably Ahri, Cass, Soraka and Graves

  7. #27
    Probably depends alot on queue type and your elo range. I mostly do normal blind picks, and I see Wukong, Shaco, Karthus, Xin Zhao, and for some reason Teemo alot.
    Least played I'd say Karma and Eve(though the occasional troll pick). Thankfully I don't see too many people Udyr, Rammus, Xerath, or Twisted Fate.

    To the person who said they haven't seen a Shaco yet. Be thankful.

  8. #28
    most: warwick or master yi... or trynda from my experience

    least: some chars i never ever saw like karma that crystal scorpion or gargoyle thing... also I see very few oriannas except myself for I like her active gameplay.

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