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  1. #61
    Spawn timer aint 5 and it aint 8. Been camping it with like 80 other people on Stormreaver EU for just over 12 hours now but no second spawn and its been dead since 11:30 this morning (12 hours dead now).

  2. #62
    Spawn time is most likely random, like world bosses etc.

    A mininum amount of time must pass since it was killed (say, 5 hours) and after that it only has a chance to spawn at any time in the future.
    Last edited by Netherspark; 2012-09-03 at 01:30 AM.

  3. #63
    Warchief OGXanos's Avatar
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    I was going to wait for it and gather a group but <vodka> Dbags were camping anyone who walked near it. Lost cause. No one will ever get it on my server unless they buy it from them.

  4. #64
    So Monty Python has reached WoW? Nice.

    Looking forward to this boss.

  5. #65
    Field Marshal Angela's Avatar
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    It's been 25 hrs since the last spawn. Two of us has been camping it and nothing..

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffman View Post
    Is there even a point to healers? I thought his debuff had 100% healing reduction to it?
    It does, the only theoretical use of a healer would be for a battle res or maybe some preemptive priest bubbles. Its basically just face to keyboard smash your dps cooldowns.

  7. #67
    Has anyone ever thought that it might only spawn once per Darkmoon Faire? >_>

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Ximinez View Post
    I was going to wait for it and gather a group but <vodka> Dbags were camping anyone who walked near it. Lost cause. No one will ever get it on my server unless they buy it from them.
    Classy guys.

  9. #69
    Stood in the Fire Droes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraspotatius View Post
    So Monty Python has reached WoW? Nice.

    Looking forward to this boss.
    You seem to have forgotten the Black Knight in the ToC instance, it's just a flesh wound.

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