1. #1

    Different kinda of oGlow

    I'm trying to imitate oGlow without using oGlow. reason being i would like to add this to my Custom UI without haveing to add anothers complete addon.

    So far i've been able to maek it work with my Bags, Character Frame, and Personal Bank, I can't seem to find the right function for the Guild Bank, Inspect Frame, Mail, Merchant, and Void Storage.

    Here is my Current ItemQuality.lua
    local B, C, DB = unpack(select(2, ...)) -- Import:  B - function; C - config; DB - Database
    if C['general'].itemquality ~= true then return end
    -- IQB = Item Quality Border
    local function UpdateIQB(button, id)
    	local quality, texture, _
    	if(id) then
    		quality, _, _, _, _, _, _, texture = select(3, GetItemInfo(id))
    	local IQB = button.IQB
    	if(not IQB) then
    		IQB = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, button)
    	    IQB:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -3, 3)
    		IQB:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 3, -3)
    			edgeFile = 'Interface\\AddOns\\BasicUI\\Media\\UI-Tooltip-Border',
    			edgeSize = 21,
    		button.IQB = IQB
    	if(texture) then
    		local r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor(quality)
    		if _G[button:GetName().."IconQuestTexture"] and _G[button:GetName().."IconQuestTexture"]:IsShown() then
    			r, g, b = 1, 0, 0
            IQB:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b)		
    local itemslots = {"Head", "Neck", "Shoulder", "Shirt", "Chest", "Waist", "Legs", "Feet", "Wrist", "Hands", "Finger0", "Finger1", "Trinket0", "Trinket1", "Back", "MainHand","SecondaryHand", "Ranged", "Tabard",}
    for i = 1, getn(itemslots) do
    	local button = _G["Character"..itemslots[i].."Slot"]
    	local itemID = GetInventoryItemLink('player', button:GetID())
    	UpdateIQB(button, itemID)
    hooksecurefunc("BankFrameItemButton_Update", function(self)
    	UpdateIQB(self, GetInventoryItemID("player", self:GetInventorySlot()))	
    hooksecurefunc("ContainerFrame_Update", function(self)
    	for i=1, self.size do
    		local button = _G[self:GetName().."Item"..i]
    		local itemID = GetContainerItemID(self:GetID(), button:GetID())
    		UpdateIQB(button, itemID)
    Any help getting the other to beable to work would be great.

    Thanks in Advance

    Opps... here is a screen shot of what i have so far.

    Last edited by mmocba105e19de; 2012-03-30 at 06:09 AM. Reason: Forgot Screenshot

  2. #2
    no body... ok I'll see what i can try to get or maybe just stick with oglow.

    Thank You

  3. #3
    VoidStorage should be VoidStorage_ItemsUpdate(doDeposit, doContents).
    Guild Bank should be GuildBankFrame_Update().
    Inspect frame should be InspectPaperDollItemSlotButton_Update(self).
    Inbox frame I'd probably go for OpenMailFrame_UpdateButtonPositions(letterIsTakeable, textCreated, stationeryIcon, money).
    Merchant frame you want function MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo() and MerchantFrame_UpdateBuybackInfo().

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Treeston View Post
    VoidStorage should be VoidStorage_ItemsUpdate(doDeposit, doContents).
    Guild Bank should be GuildBankFrame_Update().
    Inspect frame should be InspectPaperDollItemSlotButton_Update(self).
    Inbox frame I'd probably go for OpenMailFrame_UpdateButtonPositions(letterIsTakeable, textCreated, stationeryIcon, money).
    Merchant frame you want function MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo() and MerchantFrame_UpdateBuybackInfo().

    Thank You Treeston I will look into these and let you know if I can get them to work.

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