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  1. #21
    my personal pick would be:
    olaf (good harass with his chaos skill)
    wukong ( good harass and good escape mechanism)
    irelia ( farming is so easy with her q and got slow/stun )
    leesin ( good harass and good escape mechanism)
    lastly is ap warwick ( with doran ring as your 1st item, you are untouchable and have q for the harass)

  2. #22
    I really dislike teemo because all he's good for is shutting down the enemy toplaner and if he can't do that he's fairly useless in teamfights and is only useful for splitpushing which is a double edged sword.

    For beginners I'd suggest Udyr. He's a nearly immovable object in lane (only nearly but that changes as soon as you get wriggles against an other AD). Using turtle to negate harass allows you to focus on lasthits and the tiger dot allows you to punish the enemy if he comes in range (you only have to activate tiger, then hit the enemy once and continue farming). Additionally he is hard to gank due to shield and movementspeed boost (bear stance). It's not uncommon that you can turn a gank around because people underestimate the power of ignite + tiger dot which can easily take 50% hp away early game.

    Warwick is an other strong top laner who's nearly impossible to force out of the lane due to his high sustain but he got no escape moves in case he gets ganked and and ignite cuts his healing in half so he may not be able to tank them. Lategame he's nearly immortal and can initiate with his ult. With ult up he can make some great ganks on mid after 6 (helps recovering if you are behind in lane or your mid if he was behind. If neither was true enjoy some free gold )

    Those 2 are some of the easier top laners because their abilities (sustain) allow them to make up for some mistakes and you aren't punished as hard.

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