1. #1

    Lightbulb [Map] Pandaria Composite Map

    ****work in progress****

    A composite map with all the currently released maps for Mists of Pandaria.

    Some of the zone-maps (Dread Wastes, and [unnamed mogu island] ) has not been released yet, and are therefor not included.

    The map do however include:
    - The Jade Forest (85-86)
    - Valley of the Four Winds (86-88)
    - Krasarang Wilds (86-88)
    - Kun-Lai Summit (87-89)
    - Townling Steppes (89-90)
    - Vale of Eternal Blossoms (90/Hub)

    Hope you enjoy, and please comment

    Link: http://i.imgur.com/VbJqr.jpg

    (click for large version)

    - Added new version that includes the Townlong Steppes map (as of build
    Last edited by galdroth; 2012-04-14 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Looking good! This was my favorite feature of the Carbonite addon; the 3 layer map. World, zone and minimap, all wrapped up into one zoomable map. Not exactly that but it reminded me of how much i hope they update that addon. Good luck with the rest.

  3. #3
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Nice job, OP!

    Love looking at maps and wondering what things will look like and how they will unfold. You can sometimes get a tiny glimps of it, by looking at how the roads flow from one spot to the next.

    I'm starting to get seriously antsy about the Dreadwastes though. I sort of ignored it at first as, meh extra zone that was actually part of a different zone, but now I am starting to get really curious what we will find in these Mantid lands, and what kind of quest lines and mobs we will find there. The screenies I saw were spooky and otherwordly.

  4. #4
    As of beta patch 15589, the Townlong steppes world map is now out

    Anyway you did a very great job with this map ! I remember when Cata was released, there was a similar thread here with the composite maps of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom and Northrend and it was great too !

  5. #5
    Thanks for the positive feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Rauperoden View Post
    As of beta patch 15589, the Townlong steppes world map is now out

    yeah I know, just updated it

    (click for large version)
    Last edited by galdroth; 2012-04-14 at 10:42 AM.

  6. #6
    I don't think I have seen the Krasarang map before. What's the "(...)ajo" thing in there?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Arridor View Post
    I don't think I have seen the Krasarang map before. What's the "(...)ajo" thing in there?
    If my memory is right, it was an Horde refuge named as 'New Taurajo'.
    There was tauren tepees so it seems like made by horde taurens recently.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Arridor View Post
    I don't think I have seen the Krasarang map before. What's the "(...)ajo" thing in there?
    Oh sorry... didn't notice that part was covered. It's supposed to say "New Taurajo".

    I plan to do the fine-tuning when I have all the maps

    Here's a screenshot from the area:

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by galdroth View Post
    Oh sorry... didn't notice that part was covered. It's supposed to say "New Taurajo".

    I plan to do the fine-tuning when I have all the maps
    hehe, that's ok.
    Anyway you've done really nice job and please keep going!

  10. #10
    Herald of the Titans Eorayn's Avatar
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    Looks nice I love those kind of maps.

  11. #11
    Just noticed in the beta that a new map was added in the latest build (

    This is NOT a new zone, but a cave-system that connects Valley of the Four Winds and Kun-Lai Summit. Apparently it will have it's own map.

    Also if you look at my composite map, there's a big open area where "The Hidden Path" is located.

    When you hold your mouse over this "zone" in the beta now, it shows a green square:

    No map for "The Hidden Path" has yet been added:

    If people want, I can post screenshots of the cave-system itself

  12. #12
    Brewmaster Travio's Avatar
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    Semi-related, just noticed the wonderful island of "I Need A Name" in Northern Kun-lai. <3
    Looking for Raid: you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Come - we must be cautious.

  13. #13
    Dread Wastes and Hidden Pass maps are now available with the new patch
    Keep doing this great job, I hope one day to be able to look at a giant world map of every continent of Azeroth !

  14. #14

    That's the Dread Wastes zone map which was added, and this below is the hidden pass one.

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