Just a quick note about the WH relics. I've switched from a power proc relic + matrix cube to two WH power relic that are augmented, and i've seen a huge up in my overall performance. I suggest you guys try that asap.
Just a quick note about the WH relics. I've switched from a power proc relic + matrix cube to two WH power relic that are augmented, and i've seen a huge up in my overall performance. I suggest you guys try that asap.
Is your MrRobot profile up to date? Or is their website inaccurate? Looking at this post and comparing it to your MrRobot profile, most stats don't match up...would you mind clarifying here?
I know you're busy, and I'm not trying to imply you are lying or anything of the sort...I am just in the process of obsessing over where I can make changes in my mods and augments in order to achieve optimal stats, and I'm literally driving myself crazy trying to figure it all out. Your guide coupled with the MrRobot database is helpful, but I'm admittedly getting lost easily now that I'm down to just individual mods to swap and whatnot...
Mr Robot does not show exact stats. That is why I use it only to show what gear I am currently using. It says I have quite a bit more Accuracy than I really do. Those stats I posted earlier were all Unbuffed and were taken directly from my Profile in-game. I can post a screenshot to show you.
If you want to see my gear setup, you can hop on my server and I am willing to show you as well.
What is your build now with the changes to Advanced Targeting?
That is my new build.
hey forsedar (aerroh) Do you know of anyone that is able to craft the advanced reflex armoring 25(61aim,44end) or 26 (68aim, 49end) ??? I am desperately looking for these armorings for my belt/bracers since all the armorings from gear are conditional for that particular slot.. ie: chest armoring can only be put in chest pieces.. gloves in gloves ..etc..
I'm dyin here waiting to use my mod belt/bracer but i cant because campaign is better... meanwhile im sitting on a mountain of +power on those two slots..
Also, btw... mr Robot updated to where every piece is listed with an augment slot
*edit #2*
You probably covered this already earlier in the thread.. but with the change to advanced targeting going from an accuracy boost to rail shot and unload ignoring 10,20,30% of the targets armor.. wouldn't it be a bigger dps gain to put 3/3 in advanced targeting and not picking up critical reaction?
Also for those of you using Mr Robot .. they have updated items but for our spec in Mr robot it is still calculating advanced targeting as a +accuracy talent even though the tooltip is listed correctly... So if your character sheet accuracy doesnt line up with your mrRobot character list its probably off by a factor of 1,2, or 3%
Last edited by Syzyx; 2012-06-29 at 07:20 AM.
Aerroh I need your light please
I would like know where i'm wrong.
this is my stats unbuffed : 2252 aim 29,80 % critic 73,60 % surge 809 power 99,88 % accurancy I put any point in critical reaction but 2 points in alacrity (for continual 4% alacrity) and 3 points in advanced targeting (30% penetration) I make about 1.500 dps on target dummy operation in a 6 min duration but When i'm full raid buffed.
My typical rotation is TM TM TM HS (always with 5 stacks) RS. I hit unload as soon as i proc barrage in any time and hit RS always with 5 stack and as soon as it available. I never overheating.
I don't understand how you can parse so much so i ask me where is my mistake.
great thanks for all you very nice info
P.S. sorry for my bad english
Last edited by mmoc1aaadb8bfd; 2012-06-29 at 10:16 AM.
About the 3/3 30% Rail Shot/Unload talent: It can go both ways. The reasoning behind it is, we are still unsure what the boss armor currently is, and if it fluctuates on a per boss basis. That being said, if a boss has 10,000 armor then the additional 30% ArP would be greatly beneficial. If the boss has ~5000 armor, then that additional 30% won't be worth it.
ALSO, I think this is a current bug (at least I hope so) because I doubt this is how its supposed to be.
With HVGC and the Tracer Missile debuff, the 3 ArP combine MULTIPLICATIVE.
"Advanced Targeting ADDS to High Velocity Gas Cylinder, and together they MULTIPLY with Heat Signatures. All up the targets armor is reduced to 28%."
This was taken directly from Acnoj, who was kind enough to spend the time testing this in 1.3. His work in this area has always met my high expectations, so do not overlook that quote.
Also, I do not know of anyone who can craft the 61 Reflex armoring. If I do, I will let ya know!
Those stats aren't all that bad. Right now I do not use points in the Advanced Targeting (except for 1 point I have left over). Just a few questions:
Are you using the Battlemaster or War Hero relic? If not, I suggest grabbing at least one of them. It gives a consistent +Power and overall is better than Campaign.
Your rotation is definitely correct. However, I know you can easily break 1500 DPS with raid buffs on a Target Dummy with those stats. That being said, make sure you are actually doing that rotation as specified.
Yes this is what I was noticing about the 30% rail shot/unload talent also.. Doing hm kephess last night I was seeing some really really high values for unload ticks.. upwards of 4200-4400 dmg per tick on crits. But that it fluctuated a lot. As I drop crit for more power I cant tell if I'm gaining or losing dps. But I most def trust your judgement.. I'm wondering if it is a bug also.. seems kind of overkill on the armor penetration for arsenal mercs.. and judging by BW's oversight (or maybe not oversight) on the 1.3 augment everything under the sun idea.. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mistake and it gets hotfixed sometime soon.
Hey guys,
I'm new to this thread and MMO's in general. I've been playing SWTOR for a few months now and have a Rakata geared Merc. I have tried to get help from people on my server, but everyone gives different advise. Also, I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere... I've been told that since Aim is our main stat, you should always take a + in Aim over anything else. Unfortunately the (61) mods have a lower Aim than the (58) mods. For example, the Advanced Agile Mod 26 has an Aim of 53, but the lower level Advanced Nimble Mod has an Aim of 61. Not only that, but the Endurance for the (58) mod is higher than the (61) mod. The only advantage the (61) has is it's power is 30 points greater. So I mean, is it worth it to loose 8 Aim and 5 Endurance to gain 30 Power (or crit for that matter)? If so, why?
It is DEFINITELY worth it. Right now, we just ignore endurance. Its a nice stat to have for survival, but with minimal endurance on everything- I am sitting above 21k health.
Just for the sake of discussion:
1 Aim = .20 bonus damage
1 Power = .23 bonus damage.
Power has a .03 more bonus damage per point than Aim does, however, Aim also gives crit.
Now I am sure you can answer your own question. You want to stack Aim whenever you can, but you also have to look at the benefits of other stats in the same mod/enhancement. Giving up 8 Aim for 30 Power is a GIANT increase. If you're trying to hit some crit soft caps, grabbing +Crit instead of +8 Aim is 100% viable as well.
Ah, okay. That makes sense and help enormously. Thank you![]()